The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 1085 Accompanying the Old 2 to Feel the Quiet Night of the Town

Chapter 1085 Accompany the second child to feel the quiet night of the town

After this one was collected, Li Chen started a wechat group with them.

As for the group name, it's not too foreign, it's just called 'Return from the Deserted Island'.

Of course, for Captain Li Chen, there is still a meaning...

Because what he thinks is, now that he has returned from a deserted island, let’s do what each of them should do, and stop focusing on him.

Anyway, from now on, everyone... just cherish the state of mind of returning home in triumph.

To be honest, they were all like this, and it was an invisible pressure on him.

Because they are afraid that they will not be able to live and work well and with peace of mind in the future.

Now I have a WeChat group, and I hope that everyone will contact each other, talk, and spank each other in the group in the future, and that's it.

Don't hang out like this anymore.

Just imagine, after they all have families and husbands, if they still get together like this, it's no wonder their respective husbands have no objections!


This night, it's not too bad, these women are still restrained, and they didn't drink too much.

After twelve o'clock at night, I felt that this small town was too quiet, as if the whole earth had fallen asleep, so these women didn't dare to bluff loudly.

After all, I was also worried about disturbing the neighbors.

Therefore, when it was about one o'clock at night, each of them was ready to go back to their respective rooms to sleep.

It's just that Captain Li Chen...has to tidy up the room temporarily.

Especially the bathroom, which was made by several women, is too smelly.

So, he also washed it with the shower head in the bathroom...

I don't know which woman had menstruation, and there were two bloody things in the garbage basket.

It's almost ready to be tidied up, and it's about to go to sleep, who would have thought, who knows who... suddenly knocked on his door a few times...

This made Li Chen stunned, who was he thinking?

After thinking about it, after that, he had no choice but to come to the door, stretch out his hand and opened the door with a "click"...

In the quiet night, I saw the second child standing at the door of his room in a lovely and lovely manner.

Seeing that he opened the door, the second child did not forget to show a smile like a spring breeze...

Seeing her like that, Li Chen couldn't help being taken aback: "What's wrong? Is there anything else?"

Su Qian'er smiled inexplicably and cutely: "It's nothing. It's just...can't sleep. Can you accompany me to appreciate the quiet night in your town?"

Hearing what she said suddenly, what else could Li Chen say?

So, he had no choice but to say: "Then you wait. I'll get the cigarettes."

However, Su Qian'er finally couldn't help but gave him a look like a charming daughter-in-law: "Smooth less!"

Li Chen smiled like a dead pig not afraid of boiling water: "Yeah. Got it."


Afterwards, the two went downstairs together and left the hotel.

The night in the small town is really quiet.

It's so quiet that it feels like the whole earth is asleep.

However, on both sides of an old asphalt road passing through the street, there are still three or two dim street lamps...

This feeling... It's a bit like the feeling of the 80s, or 90s.

After strolling along the street for a while, Su Qian'er couldn't help but say: "It's... really deserted here!"

Li Chen smiled inexplicably, then lit a cigarette, and said: "When I was in junior high... our town was like this. But at that time... this asphalt road was just repaired, and it was still very new. Now Other than getting older, basically nothing has changed."

Then, he smiled inexplicably: "The only change...maybe that I was an ignorant teenager back then, but now..."

However, before he finished speaking, Su Qian'er glanced at him inexplicably: "I think you are still ignorant now."

This made Li Chen couldn't help but smile: "It's really quite ignorant."

Seeing him like this, Su Qian'er looked at him inexplicably, and then said softly like a shy girl gossiping: "Uh. When you were in junior high... did you ever fall in love? Here... there is Don’t you have any memories of your junior high school days?”

Hearing that she suddenly asked about this, Li Chen couldn't help but smile again: "I said yes, do you believe it?"

"I believe." Su Qian'er nodded her head, and then hurriedly said, "Let's listen to it."

Li Chen suddenly smiled shyly: "Actually...not anymore. It's just a crush. I English teacher in junior high school, who just graduated from college, was pretty. That was the first time I knew that women can be divided into beauty and Ugly. Huh!"

Su Qian'er couldn't help being stunned for a while: "I'm dizzy! You actually...have a crush on your teacher?"

Li Chen smiled shyly again: "'s not what you think. I just think she's pretty. I like to listen to her class. could I know how to speak English?"

So, Su Qian'er pretended to be jealous and muttered: "Hmph! No wonder your eyes were straight when you looked at Lina. It turns like foreign girls like Lina?"

Hearing her say this suddenly, Li Chen hurriedly said: "Where are you... Where are you?"

Seeing that he was in a hurry, Su Qian'er couldn't help laughing inexplicably: "What are you in a hurry for?"

Li Chen frowned: "That's because you said...nowhere is next to each other!"

Su Qian'er smiled inexplicably, and then looked at him sincerely...

Afterwards, she suddenly said, "Are you still thinking about Hye Kyo?"

Hearing such a sentence suddenly, Li Chen couldn't help being a little dazed——

It seems that he just realized... So this second child... is really good at chatting.

Next, his expression was really depressed...

I couldn't help but lit a cigarette again...

Forget Hye must be too hard!
But, Delia...

Thinking of this, he didn't know what to say?
So, he had no choice but to look at the second child, and then said: "Let's talk about you. Didn't you come back last year? You should...have a date?"

Hearing what he said, Su Qian'er looked at him inexplicably, and then she was in a daze thoughtfully...

Then, she looked at him again, and said suddenly: "Then do you think I... seem to have a partner?"

Li Chen also had no choice but to smile helplessly: "Should there be?"

Unexpectedly, Su Qian'er suddenly said: "Forget it. Let's talk about your business. I see that you... always seem to be...not very happy?"

Li Chen was stunned again, and then said: "I...I actually have nothing to say. Hye Kyo and I... have been reported in the news. You all know it too."

In fact, listening to this, to be honest, Su Qianer felt a little inexplicably uncomfortable...

Therefore, she suddenly asked: "Then you and Hye Kyo... later... are you really married?"


(End of this chapter)

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