Chapter 1086 Angry Su Qianer
It can be seen that Su Qian'er asked him if he and Hui Qiao were real husband and wife in the future, Li Chen smiled distressedly, and then said: "It's just a matter of getting the certificate. Except for this... everything you need is there."

It's just that suddenly seeing him answering so calmly, Su Qian'er's's not a good feeling!

I saw her beautiful eyes obviously frowning slightly...

snort!He is a guy who can't stand loneliness!

But think about it, look at him again... It seems like she can't blame her.

It's just... She was still a little bit unwilling.

So she asked: "After the shipwreck last you think...that all six of us are dead?"

"En!" Li Chen nodded sincerely.

After seeing him nodding so sincerely, Su Qian'er suddenly felt a little better in her heart...

After all, at that time, he didn't know if they were still alive, so he and Hye Kyo... could be forgiven.

After thinking about it, she looked at him again, but she couldn't help asking: "By the way, what about Nina? Nina and the others... Later..."

Li Chen also had no choice but to say lightly: "It's all gone."

"Then..." Su Qian'er suddenly didn't know what to ask.

So, Li Chen said: "As for the shipwreck last year, after that... the three brothers and sisters of Nina rescued me. But... in order to save me, Nina's sister Nicole and brother Nihao... did not Yes! Originally I thought... I wanted to bring Nina back to our country of Hua and marry her,'s a pity..."

Suddenly, Su Qian'er was stunned again: "What? You still want to marry Nina?"

However, Li Chen said straightforwardly: "That's right. Before Hye Kyo, Nina was my wife."

"...???" Su Qian'er suddenly felt that her whole world was in chaos.



So when he was with us, he was just pretending to be serious?

He and Nina also...that?

To be honest, for an unmarried woman, this is really a shock to the soul!

However, Li Chen couldn't help but said: "It's a pity... I couldn't give Nina a title in the end. If she... really came back to China with me, I will absolutely marry her."

Su Qian'er felt that she couldn't bear to listen anymore, so she couldn't help but groaned: "Huh——"

Li Chen was taken aback for a while, and quickly turned to look at her, and asked, "What's wrong?"

However, at this moment, Su Qian'er seemed to be a little choked up again, as if she couldn't say anything...

So, she said with some gloom: "Okay. Let's go back to the hotel."

It's just that Li Chen glanced at her, and asked, "You be unhappy all of a sudden?"

"No!" Su Qian'er denied it outright, but her expression...but she was like a jealous girl, muttering angrily...

Seeing her like this, Li Chen didn't know what else to say?

Afterwards, he could only smile in distress, and then half-talked to himself: "Am I destined to die? Is it a wife? After Nina... Hye Kyo is gone!"

Especially when he thought about Delia again, he didn't dare to continue talking.

Because Delia probably won't be able to get out after she goes in now.

Thinking of this...he was thinking again, it's a good thing Qin Xiaowan didn't agree to marry him.

On the way back to the hotel, Su Qianer's pace was obviously in a hurry, as if she wished she could go back to the hotel right away.

She couldn't seem to listen to what he said to himself any more.

Anyway... She was suddenly inexplicably angry.

I almost cursed him in my heart that there would never be any seasoning packets when buying instant noodles.

However, after a burst of inexplicable anger passed by, the second child was suddenly inexplicably startled——

Because she was suddenly recalling the various situations in the ocean at that time...

Let's take a look at Captain Li Chen again... It seems that she can only express her understanding?
It seems... can't blame him?

Because she knew that he definitely didn't want Nina to die either!
I don't even want Hye Kyo to die!

So thinking, thinking, the second child suddenly if he shouldn't be angry with him?
Therefore, when she was about to return to the door of the hotel, her steps suddenly slowed down again...

Suddenly, she simply stopped, and then couldn't help turning around, looking at Li Chen who was following behind...

In fact, Li Chen didn't chase her too anxiously.

He followed behind, as if taking a stroll in the courtyard, still holding a cigarette...

It's just that the expression is a little inexplicably depressed...

Looking at him like that, Su Qian'er seemed to notice it too, he still seemed to have something on his mind?
After looking at him thoughtfully, she suddenly asked, "Then what are your plans for the future?"

Hearing her sudden question again, Li Chen looked up...

Seeing that she had turned around and looked at him suddenly, he couldn't help being inexplicably taken aback again: "???"

After thinking about it, he said sincerely: "I told Sister Wan'er that I will go to country T next."

Suddenly hearing his answer like this, Su Qian'er was a little puzzled: "???"

After she frowned slightly, she asked again: "And then?"

"Then I will go to country H. If the economy allows, I will go to Dongyang country."

This made Su Qian'er inexplicably angry again, and said, "Do you only remember the ones that died?"

Li Chen couldn't help being startled, as if he didn't understand what she meant?
After thinking about it, he said, "I don't know what I should remember now? I just want to... make an end with the past."

Hearing what he said, Su Qian'er was secretly startled again, and then she asked again: "And then?"

Li Chen smiled bitterly: "Then you should live well and live well. If you should struggle, you should still struggle. I don' I still owe you money? Then naturally I have to work hard to make money and pay you back the money first. "

It's just that Su Qian'er was naturally dissatisfied with his answer...

Hmph... The guy who didn't answer the question!

Who asked you to pay back the money?

Unexpectedly, next, Li Chen said something that made her very angry...

Li Chen said suddenly: "By the way, tell them that when you get married in the future, remember to inform me and the wedding party. Anyway... forget it, let's not talk about it. I am not What an absolute captain. From now on, you just need to remember that there was such a captain in your heart."

Su Qian'er was so angry that she said: "Huh! If you want to say that you tell them yourself! I won't pass on the message for you!"

Li Chen was taken aback again: "What's wrong? What's the situation?"

Unexpectedly, Su Qian'er said, "Good night!"

After she finished speaking, she turned around and went back to the hotel angrily...

This time, she was really angry...

I think this captain is an elm lump...

(End of this chapter)

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