The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 1088 Embarking on the Journey Again

Chapter 1088 Embarking on the Journey Again
A few days later, Li Chen was also preparing to officially leave the village.

After more than a month of adjustment, it symbolizes that he... will embark on the journey of life again.

It was like a new starting point in his life...

However, some things are still hidden deep in my heart.

It's just... the living people still have to go on...

Moreover, it is true that in his heart, he only thinks that he is still a loser in life.

Heroes of Huaguo, international captains, and so on, although these have been widely publicized, but in fact, I am... 24 five, and I am still a poor dick...

The still tight living conditions made him feel an indescribable sense of aggrieved and heartwarming...

Especially when they came back this time, their parents were still facing the loess and back to the sky.

Looking at these living conditions that have not changed yet, I feel a little depressed...

Maybe this is a living hero and reality?


When leaving the village, the international captain still felt a little inexplicably heavy...

Many things seem indescribable.

Turning around to look at the old mother who has been sent to the village entrance, this international captain...can't help but want to cry...

Because... my mother is indeed getting old.

The face...was full of wrinkles.

But I am still at a crossroads in my life.

Looking at his depressed state, my mother seems to understand his thoughts...

Therefore, my mother said: "Okay. Let's go. Go. Don't worry about your family. A man's ambition is everywhere. Don't always think about money or not. People's safety is better than anything else. People outside, long-term Just get to know it. Your dad and I...don’t need you to worry about it. Your dad and I are still in good health. Besides, we have everything to eat and use at home, so what are you worried about? What are you thinking about?”

Listening to what my mother said, the international captain finally couldn't help crying...

But, with a thorn in his throat, he finally just yelled: "Mom!"

In fact, thousands of words are in his heart, and he has no way to say them.

His father originally said that he would not see him off, but in the end he wandered to the entrance of the village with a hoe on his shoulder...

"You... haven't left yet?"

Suddenly hearing his father say such a sentence, his mother turned her head to look, and said: "Damn old ghost, didn't you say you won't give up your son?"

However, his father was like a boiled duck, with a stubborn mouth: "I didn't come to see him off! Why did I send him off? How old is he? He is a big man! I just... came to put water in the fields and put Drain the water in the field, isn't this... ready to plant rapeseed?"

Hearing what his father said, Li Chen also couldn't laugh or cry, did he really cry or laugh?
Afterwards, his father looked at him again, and said, "Okay. You can go. This house... has me and your mother, why are you worried? Go, go, hurry up!"


However, in the end, when his son really left, Father Li couldn't help turning around, behind Mother Li's back, and secretly wiped away his tears...

To be honest, during the more than a month when my son was at home, I really didn't feel anything about money or money, but I was really at ease in my heart.

Just imagine, parents in the world, who doesn’t want their children to be by their side forever?

What a happy family!

It's just that this Chicken Claw Village, this corner... There is really no way out for young people staying here.

Therefore, as parents, they still hope that their son can make a fortune outside.


It is really not easy to go out from this chicken feet village.

It took a long time to get to the county seat by car.

Now going out by car is obviously not as convenient as a private car.

Of course, the international captain also knew in his heart that his halo was only enough for one time when he returned to China.

In the future, you still have to go by yourself.

It wasn't until about four or five o'clock in the afternoon that I arrived in the city, Setyang City.

In fact, there is a highway from their town to Seyang City, but there is no shuttle bus from Wushan Town to Seyang City.

When I usually come out or come back, I have to transfer to the county seat.

Tossing back and forth like this will take almost a morning plus half an afternoon.

This is not much to write about.

After more than a month, when he returned to the city, the international captain suddenly realized that his news popularity had passed, and now walking in the urban area, no one recognized him as an international captain.

However, there is nothing to lose.

Because this is also an effect he wants.

Because I was originally ordinary, not a celebrity.

Originally, he wanted to squeeze the bus to the high-speed rail station, but when he suddenly thought about it, he was thinking, should he go to Ganlu County?

Because last year, after the air crash, when we were on the first island, didn’t we find out that there was a plane crash on that island?

Didn't he pick up the backpack of a girl named Li Junting on that plane crash?

And her ID card and passport.

Although it was all lost in the ocean later, he still kept that address in his heart...

No. 107, Lingu Street, Ganlu County, Seyang City, Qingchuan Province.

Suddenly thinking about this, Captain Li Chen was also a little tangled, thinking, should he go to Ganlu County?

After thinking about it, he couldn't help but sit down by the flower bed on the street, and then lit a cigarette...

After thinking about it, he finally decided to go to Ganlu County!
Anyway, I am not too anxious to go to Peck Island.

After all, it will take a while for the passport to be mailed back to Yanjing's second child.

After thinking about it, he couldn't help but turned back to the city's long-distance bus station.

Then, he also bought a bus ticket to Ganlu County.


Ganlu County is actually not close to Setyang City.

It takes about three hours by bus.

Moreover, there is no shuttle bus from their Qingchuan County to Ganlu County, and they have to transfer to Seyang City.

It was not until almost nine o'clock at night that we arrived in Ganlu County.

About Ganlu County... It is similar to their Qingchuan County, and it is also a small mountain town.

After leaving the bus station, Li Chen just hailed a taxi, after all he was not familiar with the place.

After getting in the car, he also said to the driver: "No. 107, Lingu Street, thank you!"

The driver listened, kicked the gas pedal, and drove the car into the sky...

It seems that all these taxi drivers have this problem. As soon as the passengers come up, they can't wait to hit the gas pedal to reach their destination.

After about 2 minutes, the driver suddenly stopped on the side of the street, turned his head and said to Li Chen, "Here we are."

Li Chen: "...???"

After being stunned for a while, he finally asked, "Are you there?"

"Yes. Right here." The driver replied.

No way, Li Chen had no choice but to reply: "Oh, thank you then!"

Immediately, he asked, "How much is it?"

The driver replied impatiently: "You can get it for 10 yuan."


(End of this chapter)

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