Chapter 1089 She's My Sister
Afterwards, after getting off the taxi, facing this strange place, Captain Li Chen was also very dazed...

Suddenly, he seemed to be stunned, and couldn't tell the difference between south, east and north for a while.

All I know is that here is a traffic light intersection...

Like the crossroads in his life that he's at now.

However, a small county town is not too complicated.

It's just that I don't understand for a while... which street is Lingu Street?
Originally, I wanted to ask someone to ask, but in this small county town, after nine o'clock at night, the streets began to become a little deserted.

At least for now, he still doesn't know who to ask?

However, the only consolation is that the street lights in this area are relatively bright.

After he looked left and right, he finally found a fruit shop on the opposite street with bright lights...

The fruit shop is still open, and there seem to be three or two customers in the shop picking fruits...

Although there were no vehicles passing through the street, Captain Li Chen still obeyed the traffic rules. He waited until the green light turned on before crossing the zebra crossing...

However, in a small car that ran a red light, a buddy couldn't help but poked his head out and scolded him: "Fuck, are you looking for death?"

Li Chen: "???"

With black lines all over his head, besides being depressed, he was still depressed.

In other words... troublesome people come out of poor mountains and bad waters.

The quality of drivers in such small counties is low, which seems to be understandable.

It's just that the buddy who drove the car had just finished cursing, when suddenly a piercing emergency horn sounded...


Then there was a bang of 'Peng'...

Immediately there was a burst of "creaking" emergency brakes...

Li Chen, who was still very confused, turned his head to look, and finally realized that a big dump truck was more ferocious than the buddy who ran a red light and scolded him just now...

Looks like it's all Tamar's retrograde?
As soon as that buddy finished scolding him, he drove under the dump truck...

At such a shocking scene, Li Chen was stunned again: "???"

However, the driver of the dump truck came down and scolded: "Fuck! Damn! Why the hell are you driving?"

At this moment, Li Chen felt that the whole world was completely messed up...

But think about it, it seems that I don't care about myself.

So, after taking a few more glances, he continued to walk towards the fruit shop opposite...

As for how to deal with this traffic accident in the end, he couldn't care less.

All I knew was that not long after, several cars from the traffic police rushed over.

As for the buddy who ran a red light and scolded him, it seems that he can't do it on the spot?
Witnessing such a momentary scene of life and death, for Captain Li Chen, he still had some feelings in his heart.

It's just...he is not a god or a saint, so he can only be a spectator in this kind of thing.

As for the people in the nearby fruit shop, although they had seen a serious car accident, they just glanced at it indifferently and did what they should do.

As if this kind of thing has been seen a lot.

For Li Chen at this moment, there are somewhat inexplicable feelings in his heart...

The world is cold and warm, the world is impermanent...

Suddenly, with a single thought, Captain Li Chen still had some ideas in his mind, not to mention saving the common people, but he felt that he should do something...

After thinking about it, he suddenly thought of his business.

After he looked at the fruit shop again, his eyes suddenly brightened——

Because the house number next to the fruit shop is: No. 107, Lingu Street!

Suddenly, Captain Li Chen was really stunned——

He doesn't know what kind of mood he is in at the moment?

I'm just wondering... here... is No. 107, Lingu Street?
After being dazed for a long time, he glanced roughly and suspiciously into the fruit shop...

The proprietress of the fruit a pretty young woman.

In such a small county town, she is considered a great beauty.

Estimated... just like 27 or [-] years old, less than [-].

After all, it is just the beginning of charm.

But seeing her doing accounts and collecting money, she was pretty capable.

A typical small county woman.

After Li Chen was stunned again and again, he didn't know whether he should go in or not?
It wasn't until the three or two customers in the store left with the fruit they bought, that Li Chen was ready to go in and find out.

In fact, the proprietress in the store also saw a man smoking a cigarette inexplicably at the door...

She also glanced curiously a few times, feeling a little familiar, as if she had seen it before?
But suddenly I was stunned again and couldn't remember.

Seeing the man hesitating at the door of the shop, the proprietress inexplicably gave him an angry look...

If you want to hook up with someone, you have to buy a bouquet of flowers, right?

After a while, I saw Li Chen at the door, throwing away the cigarette butt in his hand, and finally couldn't help but walked towards the fruit shop...

Seeing him coming in, the proprietress gave him an inexplicable look...

And Li Chen saw that the proprietress seemed unhappy, so he could only try his best to smile awkwardly and said: "Hello, may I ask... is this... No. 107, Lingu Street?"

Suddenly hearing his question, the proprietress was inexplicably startled: "???"

After taking another look at him, the proprietress said, "What's the matter with you?"

Li Chen had no choice but to laugh awkwardly again, seemingly not knowing how to ask?
After thinking and thinking, he said in a few words: "It's nothing. I just want to ask, did Li Junting live here before?"

The proprietress' complexion suddenly sank, and then she muttered with inexplicable resentment...

Like at this moment, her inner emotions are both inexplicably excited and complicated...

She even glanced at Li Chen with some inexplicable resentment, and then said: "You go abroad to find her!"

Hearing such a sentence suddenly, Li Chen was startled, and then he looked at the proprietress, and he had no choice but to ask tentatively: " you know her?"

The proprietress then confided: "She is my sister, do you think I know her?"

"...???" Li Chen was completely stunned.

Because he really didn't know what to say next?

Because the proprietress was just saying that she wanted him to go abroad to find her sister.

That is to say... She thinks her sister is still abroad.

But what he brought...was a death news, a death news that made people completely desperate!
So he naturally had to consider...should he let her know the truth, or let her continue to hold on to a glimmer of hope?
Of course, there are other considerations as well.

For example, his family members may have been used to this fact for a long time, and if he said it again, it would be like adding salt to his wounds.

It's also possible... Maybe his original kindness was just an interruption?
(End of this chapter)

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