Chapter 1090 Li Junting's Sister
After some deliberation, finally, Li Chen looked at the proprietress of the fruit shop with an awkward smile...

"Sorry to bother you. I just passed by and suddenly remembered something, so I came here to ask. Others... I'm fine. Thank you! Goodbye!"

Just hearing what he said suddenly, the proprietress of the fruit shop looked at him inexplicably...

However, after giving her an awkward smile again, Li Chen turned around and prepared to leave...

Then, the proprietress of the fruit shop just kept staring thoughtfully...

It could be seen that he was about to walk out of the fruit shop, but suddenly, she couldn't help but say: "Wait a minute!"

Suddenly hearing such a sound coming from behind, Li Chen couldn't help being startled secretly, then paused...

After thinking about it, he turned around, looked at her, and asked, "What's wrong?"

The proprietress of the fruit shop suddenly said, "Wait for me at the door."

Li Chen: "???"

To be honest, for a while, he really didn't know what rhythm she was doing?
Thinking about it, he had no choice but to go out first, then stood at the door, lit a cigarette...

In the deserted small county town, it seems that there is a faint wound in the air.

It was like a thin layer of mist shrouded in it.

On the street outside, regarding the previous car accident, it seems that the traffic police department has already dealt with it...

Both the dump truck and the small car are no longer at the scene.

It's just the location of the car accident scene, there are still some bloodstains on the ground...

It seems to indicate the fragility of life.

Maybe... If the buddy who drove the small car didn't run the red light, he might be fine?

During the time of a cigarette, the former Captain Li Chen was thinking about various hypothetical questions...

It's just that he still hasn't figured out what he should do next.

After a while, I saw that the proprietress of the fruit shop had turned off the lights of the fruit shop, and then she came out, turned around and closed the glass door of the shop, locked it, and finally pulled down the safety shutter...

Maybe it was a moment of boredom, so this Captain Li Chen couldn't help but take a rough glance...

It is undeniable that the proprietress is very beautiful.

Especially the figure, which is fat and thin, gives men unlimited room for reverie.

Especially when she was bending over to lock the rolling gate, the way she pouted suddenly made Captain Li Chen feel a little inexplicably dazed, and even had some inexplicable wild thoughts...

However, human nature.

However, he quickly put away those bad thoughts.

In fact, Captain Li Chen was still out of control.

Afterwards, the proprietress turned around, looked at him, and then suddenly said, "Actually, I know you."

This made Li Chen startled: "You know me?"

"Captain Hua, right?"

Hearing this suddenly, Li Chen was taken aback for a moment, and then he could only show an awkward smile...

Before he could say anything, the landlady suddenly said, "My name is Li Junli. Li Junting's younger sister."

After finishing speaking, she still didn't wait for him to say anything, she said again: "Let's go. I'll take you for a walk."

Hearing this suddenly, Li Chen looked at her with some embarrassment...

Afterwards, he smiled embarrassedly: "No need? Aren't you going to open a shop?"

Li Junli said: "It's closed now. It's this time at night, and there are no customers."

As she said that, she took a rough look at Li Chen again, and saw that he was carrying a small luggage bag, so she said again: "How about... I'll take you to a nearby hotel to get a room first, and you put the luggage down?"

It's just that Li Chen always feels a little embarrassed...

After another embarrassed smile, he said, "Let's just chat here for a few minutes, shall we?"

However, Li Junli said: "Actually, you didn't pass by here. I know you came here on a special trip."

Hearing what she said again, Li Chen couldn't help being stunned...

Afterwards, he asked tentatively, "Then do you know why I'm here?"

"Yes. I know." Li Junli nodded.

So, Li Chen said: "Then I don't need to say anything... you actually know it too?"

"I know." Li Junli nodded again.

Then, Li Chen also said: "Since we already know, let's forget it. Anyway... I can't say that I came here on a special trip. I just remembered, so I thought of Ganlu County for a walk."

Immediately, he said again: "By the way, I'm from Qingchuan County. Not far away."

But Li Junli looked at him and said, "Let's go for a walk. Ganlu probably don't know it well."

Seeing her insistence, Li Chen smiled inexplicably: "It's so late...don't you need to go back and take care of the child?"

Li Junli said: "I don't have children yet."

She seemed to understand what he was worried about, so she said again: "My husband is dead."

Li Chen couldn't help being startled again: "???"

This made him not know what to say for a while?

However, Li Junli couldn't help but said, "You've seen my sister, haven't you seen my husband?"

Li Chen: "...???"

To be honest, at this moment, Captain Li Chen really felt that the world was a little messy.

It seems that the amount of information... is a bit large?
Her sister... and her husband...

This is... what is this all about?

Seeing that he was speechless for a while, Li Junli said: "What's the matter? Are you confused?"

Li Chen could only smile sincerely: "It's really a little bit."

But Li Junli said lightly: "Actually, it's nothing. It's a very simple story. It's my husband behind my back, and my sister fell in love. Then... the story of them eloping together."

Li Chen was taken aback again, feeling that the amount of information was indeed a bit large.

I thought to myself...what the hell is this?

Co-authored... am I here for a story?

It seems that the world is so big, there are so many wonders, right?

Afterwards, Li Junli looked at him and said, "I know, you are a good person."

Hearing this suddenly, Li Chen could only laugh awkwardly: "I'm also... not a good person, am I?"

Therefore, Li Junli said: "Then... can you accompany me for a walk now?"

Hearing what she said again, Li Chen looked at her again, and felt that she was not very happy, so he just smiled: "It's okay to go for a walk."

"Then do you want to put your luggage first?" Li Junli asked.

Li Chen said: "No need. My bag is not heavy. Just carry it on your back."

Then, under Li Junli's signal, Li Chen also followed her, walking aimlessly along the deserted street at night...

Li Junli suddenly turned her head to look at him, but couldn't help but ask, "Our small county... is pretty deserted, isn't it?"

Li Chen could only nod sincerely: "Yeah. A little bit. It seems like there's no one there."


(End of this chapter)

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