The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 1097 Do you still want to scold me?

Chapter 1097 Do you still want to scold me?
Next, the atmosphere of the two people sitting in the car was very frozen.

After thinking about it, Li Chen didn't say anything, just stretched out his hand, and pushed open the car door with a 'click' sound...

After getting out of the car, he turned around and slammed into the car door with a 'bang' sound, then turned his back and couldn't help but lit a cigarette...

After taking a deep breath of the cigarette, he exhaled a foul breath along with the smoke. He carried a small luggage bag and walked away...

The streets of Yanjing at midnight were also very deserted, with few pedestrians.

At this moment, Su Qian'er was sitting in the car so stupidly, turning her head and staring blankly at his back as he drifted away...

Just looking at that figure from behind, she still vaguely sensed his helplessness and his unspeakable secrets.

In fact, Li Chen didn't really go to Yanjing Hotel to stay, because the room rate of this kind of big hotel is too expensive, and he can't afford it in his current hanging state.

He just wanted to find a cheaper hotel nearby.

Anyway, just make do with one night and get some sleep.

However, he knew that Su Qian'er hadn't left yet, so he was still sitting in the car watching him...

However, he no longer cared what she thought of him.

Don't you care if your image collapses?
Because I was originally a poor dick, what image did I have?

Whether it is the captain of Huaguo or the hero of Huaguo, those are just reports by the media.

About what kind of state I am in, I know in my heart.

When Su Qianer understood that he seemed to be looking for a small hotel nearby, she suddenly felt a little inexplicably sad...

Because she knew that this guy had no money on him now.

Last time, it was just that she lent him a few thousand yuan in cash.

I don't know if this guy has finished spending?

Thinking, thinking, finally she couldn't help driving the car, and then hurriedly drove to catch up...

Because she suddenly realized that no matter how others are, he is their captain, and this cannot be changed.

What's more... She really owes him her life, which is also a fact.

Because she knew very well that without him, none of these women could come back alive.

At this moment, Li Chen was walking, walking, when he suddenly heard the sound of a car behind him, he couldn't help turning his head to look curiously...

Seeing that it was Su Qian'er driving up again, he couldn't help being inexplicably startled again: "???"

After thinking about it, suddenly, he simply stopped walking with a face of indifference, and turned to face her...

"What? Do you still want to scold me? Then scold me! Whatever you want!"

Hearing what he said suddenly, Su Qian'er was a little stunned when she suddenly felt relieved and indifferent——

But after thinking about it, she was still a little inexplicably angry: "Why didn't you sleep me too?"

Suddenly seeing her asking so angrily, at this moment Captain Li Chen really smiled like a rascal...

"You didn't even give me a chance."

Suddenly seeing him like this, Su Qian'er was so angry again: "Hmph! Go dreaming!"

"Okay. Then I'll dream tonight."

"You..." Now, Su Qian'er was really speechless.

So she said, "I'm afraid this is your true face?"

Li Chen smiled indifferently: "It doesn't matter what you think. Anyway, I just want to live a comfortable and happy life."

Su Qianer: "..."

Now she is really speechless, really don't know what to say?

On the contrary, her Captain Li Chen smiled like a hippie: "Is there anything else, President Su?"

Su Qianer was still speechless.

I was really angry with him.

After thinking about it, there was no way out, so she had no choice but to ask: "Didn't you say... you're going to live in Yanjing Hotel?"

"Too expensive." Li Chen replied with a smile.

However, from Su Qian'er's point of view, this is the real him.

Because this guy has never had any rhetoric.

Thinking, thinking, she felt that he still hadn't broken out of his state and realm.

If you really want to get out of the state and realm of scum, you should also trick her into sleeping.

After thinking about it, she suddenly asked out of curiosity, "Have you slept with Ke Ke?"

Hearing that she actually asked such a question, Li Chen could only shake his head helplessly: "No."

Then, he changed the subject: "Okay, Mr. Su. It's late. Go back and rest early. Good night!"

After he finished speaking, he didn't miss anything anymore, he just turned around very chicly, and walked towards a hotel in front of him...

Suddenly, Su Qian'er was a little stunned again: "???"

It seems like you still can't figure this guy out?


Afterwards, this beautiful CEO of Su was sitting in the car, and after a long moment of thoughtful thought, she saw that the captain had entered the hotel and never came out again. In desperation, she had no choice but to drive away...

It's just that for her, at the moment, she still feels uncomfortable.

An indescribable feeling.

At least in terms of her conditions, it was quite aggrieved to meet such a man.

But think about it, from beginning to end, he didn't seem to do anything to hurt her?
On the contrary, she... owes him something, and she will never be able to repay it in her life.

At this moment, her Captain Li Chen suddenly sent her a private message...

Captain: Don't feel like you owe me anything anymore.Life is your own.The past has passed, or that sentence, live well.Also, the experience of surviving on a deserted island only proves that we were once a team and helped each other together, that's all.Who owes whom does not exist.There is no need to reply to this message.

Just looking at this private letter, Su Qianer's heart is heavy...

In fact, vaguely, she still felt that the captain was still the same captain, and he still hadn't changed.

It was only later... After the shipwreck last year, the women were rescued, but he still stayed in the ocean...

So... His experience is naturally different.

But, no matter what, she still felt...he was not out of state and realm at all.

But... About him and the female police officer in country T, she still didn't understand a little bit?

The two of them...why...

Just at this moment, unexpectedly, Tan Jixia called her again...

She didn't expect that sister Jixia was still awake.

Taking the opportunity, she couldn't help but simply asked, "Uh, by the way, Miss Jixia, the female police officer from country T... In her situation, after entering, will she be sentenced to death?"

Tan Jixia on the other end of the phone couldn't help but startled: "Why are you asking this all of a sudden?"

Su Qian'er was stunned for a moment, and then she had no choice but to prevaricate: "Just ask."

So, Tan Jixia said: "As far as I know, there is no death penalty in country T. However, police officer Delia in country T...should have spent her entire life in prison?"


(End of this chapter)

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