Chapter 1098 No Mission

The next day, on the way to the No. 5 courtyard, thinking about the conversations and scenes with the second child Su Qian'er last night... Captain Li Chen suddenly felt some inexplicable heartache...

Because in fact, he knew that he should have hurt her?
However, with his character, he will not explain anything.

Anyway... now everything is like this.

Maybe... this is also the best farewell to the past?

Because life is to move forward after all, he doesn't want to have too much entanglement with the six women anymore.


This morning, the international train on which the Russian girl Katerina took finally arrived in Yanjing.

This girl, the moment she got off the train, she was so excited...

"Oh... Huaguo... I'm here..."

"Brother Li Chen...I have already arrived in Hua Country...ha..."

This caused some other passengers around to stare in a daze, wondering if this girl is not sick?


As for this morning, Jessie, a girl from country Y, went to the embassy of country Y in China.

I am asking the embassy for help so that I can contact Brother Li Chen...


After a while, the mysterious No. 5 courtyard.

After Li Chen arrived here, the energetic old man looked at this kid with a happy smile...

Just looking at the old man, Li Chen frowned slightly...

At the same time, there is still some inexplicable uneasiness and apprehension in my heart...

Because he was really afraid of another special mission.

If you want to do it like this, your overall plan will be disrupted.

Seeing the kid like that, the old man couldn't help but smile again: "Why? Are you so afraid of seeing me?"

Li Chen frowned: "Then nothing... nothing!"

The old man smiled again, and inexplicably handed over a bank card...

"Here. Mr. Ryder wants me to pass it on to you."

"...???" Suddenly, Li Chen was completely stunned.

Because I didn't understand the rhythm at all?
I'm just suddenly recalling some situations when I met that guy Ryder last night...

Seeing that the kid didn't pick up the phone for a long time, the old man smiled inexplicably again, and then said: "I've already said hello to the Bank of China. Regarding your kid's credit are no longer on the blacklist."

Hearing this suddenly, Li Chen couldn't help being startled again——

Immediately, as if reacting suddenly, it was Bel's standard military salute: "Thank you, chief!"

The old man said: "It's all right. It's okay. You can take this card. There is no task. It's just the reward that Mr. Ryder gave you alone."

Then, the old man said again: "Also, Mr. Ryder wants me to convey my apology to you. Because this reward should have been paid a long time ago. I just didn't was delayed until after your kid was discharged from the army."

After understanding what it meant, Li Chen was taken aback for a moment, and then hurriedly said: "This...I...can I take it?"

The old man smiled: "Why? No?"

Seeing it, Li Chen immediately said, "I want it! Of course I want it!"

Suddenly seeing the boy like this, the old man couldn't help laughing...

After receiving the bank card, the old man said: "Okay. The password is six 8. There is no task, you can go."

But immediately, the old man couldn't help but praise: "This time... as the international captain, I did a good job!"


Wait for a while, after sneaking out from the No. 5 courtyard, this captain Li Chen suddenly became happy...

Because right now I need money.

After all, with his little savings, it was still difficult to complete the trip between country T and country H.

Airfare is a lot of money after all.

You also need to stay in a hotel, eat and so on.

After leaving the No. 5 courtyard completely, he finally couldn't help but let out a long breath of relief...

Because there is no task, everything will be fine.

Immediately, he couldn't help but found a bank's self-service machine nearby, checked it, and found that there was not much in this card, only a hundred thousand.

However, with the addition of my little savings, it is still enough to complete the trip to country T and country H, and even complete the trip to the East.


In the afternoon, Captain Li Chen also went to Peck Island.

I am going to reissue the bank cards.

And your driver's license.

At the same time, I also want to go to Lushui Shenlan to take a look...

After all, I once provided a suite there.

However, he has already called Lushui Shenlan Property and asked about the situation...

As for the apartment that I had provided, it was indeed sealed up by the bank due to the issue of breaking the supply, and it was auctioned off according to the procedure.

In this regard, although I feel a little depressed, I can only express my understanding. After all, the bank will not make a loss-making business, and it is normal.

Just thinking about all the hard work I have done, it has been in vain, and I still feel a little bit uncomfortable.

However, at this moment, Captain Li Chen is also thinking, maybe he will not develop in Pecking Island again in the future?
Just take it as an end to everything in the past, right?

Because suddenly thinking about it, there is actually nothing to miss in Pecking Island.

I used to want to grow roots there, but now that the house is gone, that means everything is gone.


In the next few days, after Peck Zhou returned all the reissued items, the international captain resolutely left Peck Zhou...

Already on the way back to Yanjing.

Just suddenly, my heart felt a little empty...

It was as if all of a sudden I had nothing.

After thinking about it, he finally couldn't bear to call his second child, Su Qian'er...

Because of the matter about his passport, the mailing address at that time was filled in by the second child.

So I want to ask if the second child has received a passport for him?

If he receives it, he will immediately book a ticket and go to country T.


In the past two days, he also deliberately checked and browsed the international news and some news about T country.

Since Delia personally assumed all the responsibilities for the man-made crash of HT3304, the national level of T country also resolved the public relations crisis of this international political affairs logically.

From the 6 maritime incident in country T, which caused a lot of trouble at the beginning, to the behavior of Delia, a policeman in country T, in the end, it just ended like this.

However, the Delia case will eventually be handed over to the International Court of Justice.

For the time being, it is still only detained in country T.

In other words, regarding the case of Delia, there is still no trial yet.

What will be the final result, I don't know yet?

But, according to Li Chen's estimate, he should be sentenced to 200 years?

Because they don't have the death penalty, only the number of years.

Of course, a sentence of 200 years or more is no different than the death penalty.

In short, this life is spent in prison, and there is no way to get out alive.

Even if the performance is good and the sentence is reduced, he will not be able to get out.

Because the sentence reduction... usually means a reduction of one year or half a year, which is not useful at all.

(End of this chapter)

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