Chapter 1102

At this moment, in a coffee shop near Yanjing CBD, in one of the single rooms...

In the quiet environment, under the soft background music, there are two graceful women sitting...

One of them was Tan Jixia, a girl from the north.

As for the other one, it was Su Qian'er, the second child.

Looking at Su Qian'er at this moment, the older Tan Jixia didn't seem to know what to say for a while?
It's just that she understands that in the heart of the second child, every day is spent in torment.

She seems to be at an emotional crossroads...

Give up, but also a little unwilling.

Do not give up, but also a little uncomfortable.

As for being unwilling, it is naturally that she has always maintained her original intention, and has always maintained that good feeling for the captain...

To say it was uncomfortable, some things that were suddenly exposed really made her feel very uncomfortable...

She even kept thinking, she really didn't expect the captain to be that kind of person!snort!

I'm so pissed off!snort!
After staying for a while, when Tan Jixia looked at her again, she finally couldn't help but said: "If you feel uncomfortable...then don't be serious with yourself."

However, when Su Qian'er listened, she just pouted sullenly and coquettishly, and then said nothing.

This made Tan Jixia stare, not knowing what to say?

Because what had to be said, she had said.

What should be analyzed, she has also analyzed.

All in all, Tan Jixia still feels... the captain may not be as bad as imagined.

At least based on what she and Sister Wan'er knew about the captain, they felt that there were still many misunderstandings.

However, after a while, when the second child suddenly looked at Sister Jixia, he said something inexplicably: "He told me himself that he had indeed been married to Nina, and then... Hye Kyo was also a real couple, hmph!"

Seeing that the second child suddenly looked like a preoccupied little girl, even if she insisted on those details, Tan Jixia could only smile inexplicably...

Because in her opinion, the second child at the moment doesn't look like a majestic and beautiful president at all.

Then, in desperation, Tan Jixia said: "Anyway, the captain himself said that he is now a widowed man, so you still say this, is it interesting?"

Then, Tan Jixia said again: "Just like me, I'm a divorced woman, will I still emphasize how pure I am?"

Immediately, Tan Jixia said again: "Okay, second child, if you feel really uncomfortable, you can just have a good time, and stop dragging me to talk to you about the captain all day long."

Thinking about it, Tan Jixia said again: "Besides, anyway, the captain didn't ask for anything. He also made it very clear. From now on, we are all doing well, so that's fine. Besides, as far as the captain is concerned, How obvious, that is...he doesn't want to disturb our respective lives. It indicates that everything is in the past and has become a thing of the past. We live as we should. What about you... If you want a love, you will have a love in love."

After hearing Sister Ji Xia's words suddenly, the second child became silent again...

After that, she was still like that, pouted sullenly and coquettishly, as if she was having trouble with herself...

Wait and see, sister Ji Xia, the second child couldn't help but said: "But he told me himself...he also slept with that female police officer from Country T."

"???" Tan Jixia couldn't help but startled in astonishment...

Because of this, she really didn't think of it.

Fortunately, after a while of astonishment, the older Tan Jixia couldn't help staring at the second child again...

"He really told you this himself!?"

Su Qian'er pouted sullenly: "Huh! How can I lie to you?"

Next, Tan Jixia was stunned again: "???"

It looks like this is a real big melon.

Suddenly, she finally understood why the captain had to go to country T. It turned out that... hmph... this guy... has had enough ups and downs!

But, thinking about it, thinking about it, and then looking at the second child, she couldn't help but startled in a panic——

No wonder...the second child...asked me last time...would that policewoman from Country T be sentenced to death?

It turns out that there still such a thing?

Tan Jixia, who suddenly felt a little bit ruined, seemed to have no idea what to say for a while?

I just feel... this captain has really subverted the original image.

Hmph, wasn't he still a little boy when he was first on the island?

How come...he...became like this?

However, just when she felt subversive, unexpectedly, the second child asked inexplicably, "Uh, you said... how many years will the female police officer in country T be sentenced to?"

Suddenly hearing this sentence, Tan Jixia was stunned again: "???"

However, after taking a look at this second child, she still seems to understand a little bit...

It turns out that the second child...what is really worried...the captain may still wait for the female police officer to be released from prison?
Thinking of this, Tan Jixia suddenly couldn't help but said: "Don't worry. It's enough for that female police officer in country T to want to get out of prison in this life."

"Really?" The second child suddenly looked like a confused little girl.

"Don't worry. I can guarantee this."


Right now, in a certain park in Yanjing.

In a quiet shade...

Seeing Qiong'er's unhappy look, Qin Xiaowan finally couldn't help but said: "Uh, Qiong'er, what do you want to tell me?"

Suddenly hearing Miss Wan'er's question, Qiong'er pouted again...

Looking at Sister Wan'er, she doesn't seem to know where to start?

After thinking and thinking, she finally couldn't help but said: "Sister Wan'er, tell the captain really that kind of person?"

Suddenly hearing that it was just this matter, Qin Xiaowan said, "You should know exactly who the captain is."

And Qiong'er said: "But...those trending searches, and...the way he and that girl from Country Y...are so affectionate..."

Hearing that Qiong'er was still worrying about this matter, Qin Xiaowan said, "That's fine. If you can't get over this matter, forget it."

Then, Qin Xiaowan said again: "Anyway, the captain is very free and easy now. He didn't ask us for anything. He has already told us clearly that we only need to be good each other in the future. Besides, you have also seen that the captain is now I really don't want to disturb our respective lives anymore. So what are you still struggling with?"

Hearing what Sister Wan'er said, Qiong'er's face was a little bit shy...

Because she knows that the captain is indeed in this situation now, so... now it's just her who is struggling.

After a while, Qin Xiaowan said bluntly: "In this society, can you guarantee that the man you find in the future will never be scumbag?"


(End of this chapter)

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