Chapter 1103 My girlfriend is Delia!

More than ten hours later, country T.

Due to the time difference, at this moment, it is ten o'clock in the evening in country T...

When the plane landed safely, however, for Captain Hua, his heart suddenly felt heavy...

Now returning to country T, there are some things that are really hard to describe.

A month ago, the scenes that happened here seem to be vividly remembered...

Just looking back at the past, the current state of mind... seems to be different?


At this moment, Katerina, who was sitting next to Captain Hua, suddenly saw that she had come to Country T again, and her mood...was also inexplicably complicated.

Although I have been tossing here for so long, I don't seem to be familiar with Nahaixitu, the capital of country T.

Everything here is still so strange...

However, there is only one person who, when he thinks about it, is still so familiar.

Regarding that person, it is Officer Delia from the headquarters of the Police Department of T Country...

In fact, so far, Katerina still hasn't figured out what the relationship between that police officer Delia and Captain Li Chen is?
But, vaguely, she still understood in her heart that what Police Officer Delia did should still have something to do with Captain Li Chen?
Otherwise... why did brother Li Chen come to country T again?


After a while, when getting off the plane, the stewardess Ren Weiwei, who was standing at the door of the cabin and respectfully seeing off the passengers, watched Captain Li Chen about to get off the plane, and she couldn't help but smile at him inexplicably...

Taking the opportunity, she couldn't help whispering in his ear: "When will we meet next time?"

Hearing her sudden words, Li Chen felt a little dazed...

But before he could react, Ren Weiwei smiled at Katerina inexplicably: "Remember, I am Ren Weiwei, Sister Weiwei, not Sister Keke!"

This made Li Chen stunned again...

I thought to myself that this silly and sweet stewardess is really cute!

After a while, after getting off the plane, Katerina couldn't help but catch up and asked, "Uh, brother Li Chen, sister Wei Wei...was also your team member?"

It's okay if you don't ask, but when you ask, Li Chen himself feels a little puzzled...

Because he was thinking, has he never had such good luck?

This Ren Weiwei...she...

Thinking, thinking, he suddenly frowned again, as if thinking that he might be thinking too much?
Afterwards, he couldn't help turning his head to look at Katerina inexplicably...

"By the way, why did you come to Country T?"

In fact, so far, he really didn't understand why this girl came to country T?
Katerina finally couldn't help but looked at him inexplicably, and then said, "Isn't it because you are coming to country T?"

Li Chen was startled again, then looked at the girl inexplicably, and asked, "By the way, how did you know that I was coming to country T?"

Katerina smiled inexplicably again: "Guess?"

Li Chen was stunned again, then shook his head: "I can't guess."

So Katerina said, "Then don't ask."

Immediately, she added: "Anyway... I will be wherever you are in the future."

In fact, this girl did put some effort into it.

How should I put it... This girl later hired a private detective in Yanjing, and only then did she grasp all his whereabouts behind the scenes.

Of course, she certainly didn't want to say anything about it.

It's just that this girl clings to him suddenly, which makes him a little headache...

Originally, I finally said goodbye to those six women, and then I said goodbye to the girl from country Y, but now... here comes a Russian girl again, what a headache!

After thinking about it, after leaving the T country's international airport for a while, Captain Hua suddenly turned around, expressing that he was looking at Katerina sincerely...


Suddenly hearing such a sound, Katerina quickly smiled cutely: "Yes. Tell me!"

Seeing her like this, after thinking about it, Li Chen said, "Frankly speaking, I understand your thoughts, but... I still hope... that you will have your life, do you understand what I mean?"

However, unexpectedly, Katerina said: "Sorry, I don't understand. Because I... Actually, my Chinese is not very good. So I don't understand what you just said."

Seeing this girl like this all of a sudden, Li Chen is also very dizzy...

In desperation, he had no choice but to say: "I'm not joking with you."

Seeing his sudden and serious expression, there was nothing wrong with it, so Katerina curled her lips gloomily: "Hmph! What's wrong with me? Why do you always reject me like this?"

Li Chen said: "There is nothing wrong with you. Really. Because you are good everywhere."

"Then what do you mean?"

There was no other way, so Li Chen had no choice but to say directly: "Because I already have a girlfriend."

Suddenly hearing this, Katerina said: "Liar! You have already rejected Sister Qian'er! You have also rejected Sister Keke! You have also rejected Jessie! You have also rejected... Sister Caiqiong! You have also rejected Sister Lina! Sister Jixia and Sister Wan'er... also made it clear that they are not suitable for you! So... where did you get your girlfriend?"

Hearing this suddenly, Li Chen couldn't help but startled: "You... how do you know this?"

Katerina pretended to be mysterious: "Huh! Then don't worry about it! Anyway... I know it all!"

Seeing that this girl is like this, there is nothing to do, so Li Chen could only say: "Then if I tell girlfriend is Officer Delia from Country T, would you believe it?"

This made Katerina suddenly startled——

At the same time, she was secretly thinking, so my guess is true?
After looking at Katerina again, Li Chen said again: "Think about it for yourself, how did we leave country T a month ago? Why did the HT3304 crash again later? Also, country T Why did Fang suddenly announce the withdrawal of the case to the International Court? Do you think all it really just a coincidence?"

This made Katerina completely stunned——

It seemed that for a while, she didn't know what to say?
It's just that I feel a little inexplicably heavy...

Especially thinking about that Officer Delia...

Thinking, thinking, after a while, Katerina asked: "So you... you want to return to country T?"

Li Chen then replied: "Then what do you think?"

Katerina: "..."

It seems that besides being speechless at this moment, I don't know what to say?

Because this topic is really too heavy.

Especially the fate of the police officer Delia, who is now in prison...

Also, next, the International Court of Justice will try this female police officer...

After thinking, thinking, Katerina couldn't help asking: "Then...can you save Sister Delia?"

(End of this chapter)

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