Chapter 1104 Are You Still My Sister

Suddenly I heard Katerina asking, can that save Sister Delia? Li Chen didn't know how to answer her for a moment.
It's just that he was thinking, if he could, he would too.

The point is that this is almost impossible.

Now in country T, it would be nice to find a way to meet Delia.

After thinking about it, in the end, looking at Katerina, he could only honestly say, "It would be nice if we could see each other once."

"Then..." Katerina was suddenly a little dazed, and she waited to look at him again, so she had no choice but to ask, "Then you came to Country T this time just to see Sister Delia?"

"Then what do you think?" Li Chen replied.

Katerina didn't know how to answer again?
After thinking about it, she suddenly asked: "Then... what will you do if Sister Delia can't come out?"

This question also stunned Li Chen: "???"

For a while, he didn't know how to answer?

In fact, he hasn't thought about what will happen next.

At present, he is just thinking, how can he meet Delia?
After a while, check the time, and then look at Katerina, Li Chen said: "Okay. That's fine. Let's not talk about it. Let's take a taxi first, find a hotel and stay first. Bar."


Next, under Li Chen's help, the two waved for a taxi first.

Here... For those who are not familiar with the place, Li Chen had no choice but to tell the driver that he was going to the Chinese embassy in country T.

Because he had already noticed last time, there are many hotels or hotels near the embassy.

And there, it is considered a Chinese area.

Because there are many Chinese people who open shops, do business, etc. in that area.


Although Katerina is a little careless, eccentric, and cute, she still has a sense of proportion when it comes to right and wrong.

Just like now, her heart was heavy, and she didn't play around with Li Chen anymore.

This girl was even thinking about how to save Sister Delia?


But, in fact, for Li Chen, he never even thought about saving Delia.

Because it's not realistic.

There is no possibility.

After all, this is not a film and television drama, so what miracles can there be.

The actual situation now is that no matter whether it is him or Katerina, they are nothing more than a little fart that no one cares about, so how can they have that ability and energy?

Furthermore, it is also an internal matter of T country.

The embassy and other parties are not easy to use, and they cannot interfere.

Furthermore, the HT3304 incident is no small matter.

For such a big matter, if you want to just let it go, it is impossible.There is no possibility.

After all, the international community is still watching and monitoring the HT3304 incident.


After a while, after getting off the car near the Chinese embassy in country T, Li Chen was also a little dazed for a while, and he didn't have a sense of direction yet.

After thinking about it, he had no choice but to light a cigarette first.

Katerina stretched out her hand in a daze and pointed to the opposite side: "Uh, brother Li Chen, there... there is a hotel over there."

Li Chen watched without being in a hurry, he just took two puffs of cigarettes first...

Then, he said: "Then let's go, let's go over and ask."


It just so happened that the front desk of that hotel had two faces from the Hua Kingdom.

Li Chen looked at it, and couldn't help asking about the price roughly.

It sounds like the house price is moderate and not too expensive, so he also asked for two rooms.

After the room was settled, he and Katerina went upstairs to put the surname Li away, and then they went downstairs again to find a late-night snack nearby and eat something.

Now, as a traveler, and then to T country, the mood is really different.

During the supper together, Li Chen couldn't help looking at Katerina again, and then couldn't help saying: "Linna..."

Suddenly hearing this sound, Katerina hurriedly glanced at him, and then she said, "Well, brother Li Chen, tell me."

So, Li Chen said: "You can go back tomorrow."

Just hearing this, Katerina frowned in panic: "Why?"

Li Chen said: "It's useless for you to waste time with me here. Do you understand?"

Katerina frowned again: "I just want... I just want to stay here with you for a while, isn't that okay?"

Seeing her like this, Li Chen asked: "Then are you still my sister?"

Suddenly hearing this, Katerina frowned and curled her lips in gloom: "Hmph, I can't be your girlfriend, I can only be your sister."

So, Li Chen said: "In this case, then listen to brother. You go back first tomorrow. After I finish my work, I will go to Russia to find you."

Suddenly hearing what he said suddenly, Katerina was startled a little happily: "Really? Are you really going to Russia to play with me?"

"Nonsense. You're not my sister, are you?"

So, Katerina thought for a while, and then said: "Then... I will stay with you for another day tomorrow, and I will go back the day after tomorrow. Is that okay?"

"Then..." Li Chen thought for a while, "That's fine too."


It can be seen that he really treats Katerina as his younger sister, so the communication with her is relatively smooth.

Of course, Katerina's character is also good.

In fact, what Li Chen likes the most is that when he was on the deserted island, this girl was really fearless in the face of any danger.

This girl is even tougher than that northern chick.


In the morning of the next day, Li Chen contacted Ambassador Xiang from the Chinese embassy in country T.

However, Ambassador Xiang is also busy with work, so he may not be free right away.

Therefore, I asked the ambassador to meet him at night.

However, Ambassador Xiang also knew that when Li Chen came back to Country T, he just wanted to meet the female police officer from Country T.

To be honest, Ambassador Xiang is not yet fully sure about this matter?

He can only try hard and communicate.


There was nothing to do during the day, so Li Chen checked with Katerina and went to find a scenic spot.

As for Nahaixitu, the capital of country T, it is also a coastal city.

It is also famous for its sea view.

Therefore, having nothing to do, the two of them went to the beach for a walk, and had a look...

But now, the two of them are looking at the sea, filled with many memories...

The scenes from the past kept flashing back in my mind.

Thinking about it suddenly, both of them felt... they were lucky, they survived in the end.

After a while, when they reached a rock, Katerina seemed to suddenly remember something, so she turned her head and looked at Li Chen...

"Uh, Brother Li Chen, can I ask you a question?"

Li Chen was stunned for a moment, then turned his head to look at her, and said, "Then you can ask."

"Are you...are you still thinking...still thinking about Sister Hye Kyo?"

Hearing this sentence suddenly, Li Chen was depressed and speechless for a while, and then couldn't help but lit a cigarette...

After taking two deep breaths, he said, "What do you think?"


(End of this chapter)

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