Chapter 1105 Remembering
Although Katerina could see that brother Li Chen was still thinking about sister Hye Kyo, but she still didn't understand the matter between him and sister Delia?

In other words, she didn't understand... how did brother Li Chen and the policewoman from country T start?

Thinking about it, the girl said straightforwardly: "Uh, Brother Li Chen, there is one thing I still don't understand, and that is... Later... How did you and Sister Delia start?"

Suddenly seeing this girl asking about this again, Li Chen also felt a little headache...

Because this matter... is really a long story.

He doesn't know where to start?

Besides, some things still need to be kept secret, so you can't talk about them casually.

After thinking about it, and looking at Katerina, Li Chen had no choice but to reply: "If I told you... Delia and I have known each other for a long time, would you believe me?"

Katerinayu was stunned again, but startled in surprise: "You mean... you knew Sister Delia a long time ago?"

"En." Li Chen could only express his nod.

Because of the specific details, he is really hard to say.

Furthermore, I am embarrassed to say.

Thinking about it, he couldn't just say how he and Delia slept together, could he?
However, after Katerina thought about it again, she seemed to understand somewhat...

At least she already understood why sister Delia did that.

It turns out that everything here is because sister Delia loves brother Li Chen deeply in her heart, so she made such a big sacrifice...

Thinking, thinking, this girl looked at Li Chen again, and said: "Brother Li Chen, if I tell you... I can die because of you, will you be moved?"

Hearing this girl suddenly uttered such a sentence, Li Chen was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Silly girl, what nonsense are you talking about now?"

In fact, he still understands in his heart that this girl from the fighting nation really has this kind of friendship and loyalty.

It's just that it's over now, and it's meaningless to talk about such nonsense.

After waiting for a while, Katerina sighed again inexplicably...

Then, she said: "Why was it sister Hui Qiao who died at that time, and not me? If it was me...Brother Li Chen, you should remember me for the rest of your life, right?"

Seeing that the girl said the same thing again, there was nothing wrong with it, Li Chen said: "That's right. Don't talk about these nonsense. What should be in the past is in the past."

However, Katerina said: "But it hasn't passed in my heart. I seem to feel... Sister Hye Kyo and Sister Ito are still by my side."

Hearing what this girl said again, Li Chen's expression was a little depressed again...

After that, he didn't say anything, but couldn't help but lit a cigarette again...

Although I can only remember it now, but thinking about those things, it seems that they are still by my side, and they still haven't passed away...

After looking at Katerina and thinking about it, Li Chen said, "Okay. Let's change the subject."

However, Katerina was standing by the sea, crying inexplicably...

I was crying so hard, heart-piercing...

She really couldn't forget all that!

Especially when thinking about the time when I was with Sister Hye Kyo and Sister Ito, I will never have that happiness again in the future!
Seeing this girl suddenly crying like this, for a while, Li Chen didn't know what to do?

It's just that after taking another puff of cigarette, he couldn't help the tears flickering...

In fact, how could he just forget all that?


After a long time, after Katerina gradually stopped crying, and looked at Li Chen with tears in her eyes, she couldn't help but choked up and said: "Brother Li Chen...I suddenly want to go back to the past, to the past the islands of..."

Hearing what she said, Li Chen was secretly startled——

After lighting another cigarette, he said in a deep voice, "It's better...forget it!"

Hearing this sentence, Katerina couldn't help but suddenly threw herself into his arms...

Seeing this, after Li Chen was stunned for a moment, he had no choice but to hug her tightly, and then said: "From now well! You have to believe...Sister Hui Qiao and Sister Ito also hope that we will be well! Otherwise... ...The two of them won't... just won't..."

It felt like Li Chen's brother was choked up and couldn't continue, so Katerina hurriedly said: "Okay, Li Chen, I'll listen to you!"

Then, she said again: "Brother Li Chen, you have to promise me that no matter what, from now on... you must live happily!"

"I will!"

So, Katerina said again: "Then you have to promise me that you will find me a sister-in-law! I know that sister Delia can't come out! I also know... In your eyes, I am just your sister !"


That night, when Li Chen went to meet the ambassador, Katerina didn't follow him either.

Because she knew that it was useless for her to go to this kind of thing, it could only add to the chaos.

At the same time, she also decided to listen to brother Li Chen and fly back to Russia from country T tomorrow.

Next...she also was time to have an account with the past, and indeed she should live a good life!
Otherwise, the sacrifices of Sister Hye Kyo and Sister Ito would be meaningless!


During the meeting with Ambassador Xiang in the evening, Ambassador Xiang roughly emphasized some of the current situation.

In fact, there is no need to emphasize this to the ambassador, Li Chen also understands.

Therefore, Li Chen said: "Then... please trouble the ambassador!"

Just hearing this, Ambassador Xiang smiled: "Let's not talk about these polite things. Anyway, I will try my best. I also know that since you have arrived in country T, you will not see the female police officer in country T." , you won't feel at ease."

As he spoke, Ambassador Xiang frowned again in difficulty: "Let's do this, I'll find a way! Look at this can we arrange it reasonably and low-key? Obviously, it's it enough?"

In fact, as an internal matter of country T, it is indeed impossible to meet a prisoner in country T in a legitimate way.

After all, this is not a matter between the two countries.

Of course, Li Chen also understands that these matters are indeed very sensitive.

After that, he could only say: "Then please ask Ambassador Xiang! Thank you!"

Smiled to the ambassador with distress: "Don't be so polite all the time. You... I feel a little embarrassed!"

Then, he said to the ambassador: "Well, you can stay in country T for two days and wait for my news. As soon as there is news, I will notify you immediately. At that time... I will tell you how to do it. "


(End of this chapter)

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