Chapter 1106 Goodbye Dr. Tasiya

After a while, on the way back to the hotel, Li Chen couldn't help smoking two cigarettes again.

At this moment, he was thinking, if he couldn't see Delia... what should he do?
After all, it is not easy to come to T country, and the cost is not small.

If you can't see Delia this trip, it's really a bit of a fool.

At the same time, he felt a little inexplicably empty...

I always feel... in my current life, something seems to be missing?
It seems that apart from memories and reminiscences, next, there is no sense of direction?


After a while, when he returned to the hotel, after Katerina saw him, she didn't ask him how things were going, she just told him that she had already booked a flight ticket from country T to Russia tomorrow morning .

Hearing her talking suddenly, and looking at her again, the international captain seemed to have no idea what to say for a while?
Just in my heart... In fact, I still have a lot to say.

But after thinking about it, in the end, he just said: "Then I will send you off tomorrow morning!"


The next morning, finally, the international captain bid farewell to the Russian girl Katerina at the international airport of country T...

As if to make up for waving goodbye last time.

Because they were in country T last time, before they had time to say anything, they were picked up by the staff of their respective embassies in country T.

Although Katerina knew in her Li Chen's heart, she was just his younger sister, but at the time of parting, she couldn't help it, she turned around suddenly, rushed forward passionately, and hugged her. Seeing this elder brother Li Chen, he kissed him desperately.

This made Li Chen suddenly a little confused.

After a passionate kiss and gnaw, finally, Katerina couldn't help but look at him affectionately...

Then, the girl whispered in his ear inexplicably: "When did you suddenly think about it, so you came to Russia to find me."

Although he understood what this girl meant, Li Chen didn't say anything in the end.

It wasn't until she was about to turn around that he said, "You're just my sister."


Afterwards, at the international airport in country T, Katerina was bid farewell like this.

When he turned around and was about to leave the airport and go back to the hotel, Captain Li Chen suddenly felt an inexplicable emptiness in his heart again...

Although in the end he said goodbye to the former team members one by one according to the way he wanted, but then... the journey to a foreign country alone was somewhat lonely and lonely.

At last thought, he couldn't help but think of the psychiatrist from country T...

Dr. Tasiya, and Delia... seem to be good sisters?

Thinking of this, he was thinking, how about... go to the previous psychological clinic?


Recently, regarding the psychological clinic of Dr. Tasiya, it seems that the business is not very good, and it is a bit deserted.

The receptionist of the psychological clinic was a little bored and swiping his phone...

Suddenly, a customer came in, and the girl at the front desk was so excited that she got up to express her politeness and smiled brightly...


It's just that her string of local languages ​​in T country made Li Chen a little confused...

Although this girl smiled sweetly, Li Chen was in a daze...

Fortunately, at this time, Dr. Tasiya came out from the inside. When she suddenly saw Captain Hua who appeared in her clinic, she was stunned in disbelief: "???"

The next second, after she realized it, she couldn't help being surprised: "Mr. Li...!?"

The girl at the front desk suddenly saw that Dr. Tasiya knew this customer, so she couldn't help but ask a few questions...

After Dr. Tasiya asked her to leave it alone, she had no choice but to give up.

And now, looking at Dr. Tasiya, although Li Chen was a little inexplicably excited, he also felt a little strange, and at the same time he was a little inexplicably restrained...

Seeing him like this, Dr. Tasiya smiled enthusiastically and said, "Oh... come with me! Let's go in and have a cup of coffee!"

After Li Chen continued to be stunned for a while, he asked, "Aren't you bothering me?"

"Oh... where? How can you say bother? We are friends, aren't we?"

Seeing what Dr. Tasiya said, Li Chen hurriedly smiled: "Thank you!"


Afterwards, under the guidance of Dr. Tasiya, Li Chen followed into a reception room inside.

Then it's Dr. Tasiya's busy meal, making coffee or something...

Finally, when Dr. Tasiya finally sat down, Li Chen looked at her and said thank you again.

"Oh, you're too polite! So... I'm a little embarrassed!"

After asking each other a few warm words like this first, and then taking a look at Dr. Tasiya, Li Chen couldn't help but said: "I'm sorry, Doctor Tasiya, I think... I want to see Deli Ya, do you think you can help me?"

Suddenly hearing what he said, Tasia was taken aback for a moment, and then she could only smile apologetically and embarrassedly...

"Oh... this... sorry! With all due respect, I have not been able to see her so far, because you should know that her problem is too serious, not a common problem, so... I want to see her, really It's a bit difficult! I know what I mean?"

After hearing what she said suddenly, Li Chen could only express his frown a little gloomily...

Then, in desperation, he had to try his best to show a gentleman's smile: "Then... thank you!"

"Oh, no! I didn't help you!"

After Li Chen smiled again, he said, "Then... Excuse me!"

It seemed that he was about to get up and leave, but Dr. Tasiya hurriedly said, "Oh, wait!"

Li Chen couldn't help being startled: " say it!"

Tasiya said: "Since you are here, I should sit down for a while, and we can have a good chat."

Hearing what she said again, Li Chen felt a little embarrassed...

Because I don't even know her well.

That is to say, there was such a one-sided relationship.

Then, Tasiya couldn't help but said: "I think... you can still come to country T, at least it proves that Delia has not loved the wrong person! Because I know that Delia has always loved you, she loves you very much. You! For you, she really did a lot of things, even including the last stupid thing! I remember, she once told me that as long as you are good, she is willing to do anything, really!"

Hearing this sudden speech from Dr. Tasiya, to be honest, Li Chen's heart was also heavy.

At the same time, there is an invisible pressure.

How to put it specifically...Actually...he and Delia didn't have any vigorous emotions.

It can be said that this love for country T came too abruptly, too abruptly, and he was completely unprepared for it.

He can come to country T again, but he knows that Delia's sacrifice is too great this time, so he has to come here, that's all...

(End of this chapter)

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