Chapter 1107 Are You Old K?

Next, this doctor Tasiya talked to Li Chen about Delia...

It's just that for Li Chen, the more he listens, the heavier his heart becomes...

Moreover, he didn't know what to say about this?
Because right now, he can't help Delia.

Regarding the man-made crash of HT3304, this is already hard evidence.

And the international investigation team also has a lot of evidence.

So it's hard to turn the tables on this matter!There is no possibility!
Moreover, the fact that Delia shot and killed those police officers in the primeval jungle of Dacong Island was not the point.

If this matter is the point, he can appear in court to explain something.

He could even ask Roland and others to appear in court to explain the situation.

However, the focus now is on the HT3304 man-made crash.

In this matter, neither he nor Ryder and the others have been in court, and they can't help her get rid of anything.

After all, at that time, the six members of their sea self-rescue and survival team were still major suspects, and their activities were completely under the control of the T country police.

So regarding the artificial crash of HT3304, none of them knew the details.

All they knew was the moment when the plane finally crashed, that feeling.

These... go to the court to say, it can't explain anything.


Then, after continuing to chat for a while, Dr. Tasiya suddenly answered the phone.

This showed that Dr. Tasiya seemed to be busy with something, so Li Chen was about to formally get up and leave.

Because if we continue talking, I will feel uncomfortable.

Besides, this Dr. Tasiya couldn't help him meet Delia.


After a while, after coming out of the psychological clinic, the former captain Li Chen couldn't help but lit a cigarette again in gloom.

At this moment, Ambassador Xiang from the Chinese embassy in country T finally called him.

They said they wanted him to go to Bamboo Street at four o'clock in the afternoon and meet him at the gate of Xinglai Coffee.

Hearing this news suddenly, Li Chen couldn't help feeling a little excited...

Because he could feel that Xiang Ambassador had a breakthrough?
It shouldn't be difficult to arrange to meet Delia?


At four o'clock in the afternoon, when Li Chen found Xing Lai Coffee on Bamboo Street, he saw that Ambassador Xiang was already waiting for him at the door.

Seeing that he had arrived, Ambassador Xiang hurriedly stepped forward and smiled at him: "Go in by yourself. I won't go in. Single room No. 5."

Hearing this suddenly, Li Chen was somewhat dazed, feeling mysterious.

After thinking about it, he had no choice but to say, "Thank you, Ambassador Xiang!"


Afterwards, after Li Chen entered the Xinglai Coffee, under the guidance of the waiter, after entering the private room No. 5, he couldn't help being secretly stunned——

In the private room, there was already a man in his fifties from country T sitting.

When he smiled at him, Li Chen had no choice but to smile politely...

But, for a while, he didn't know which language to use?

He doesn't know the language of T country at all.

Then only in English.

At this moment, the man in his fifties from country T said, "Sit down!"

Suddenly hearing that he could speak Chinese, Li Chen was startled again: "???"

It's not because he can speak Chinese that he's surprised, but because of this voice...

Because the voice is so familiar!

Because a few years ago, in that international special operation, there was a mysterious contact person behind the scenes. At that time, it seemed to be this voice?

Just never saw him.

He was not seen until the end of the mission.

But in that mission, the mysterious contact did play a crucial role.

Fortunately, after being stunned for a while, Li Chen couldn't help saying excitedly: "You are... old K!?"

The man in his fifties from country T smiled: "Very familiar?"

"Of course!" Li Chen was still inexplicably excited.

"Okay. Then let me introduce myself formally. My name is Robert. I am currently the chief of the special case team of the T-State Police Headquarters."

That's right, this old guy is Delia's immediate superior, old Sheriff Robert.

In fact, Li Chen also felt that this old gentleman had some background, so it turned out to be the case.

After he sat down, Robert looked at him inexplicably, with a half-smile...

"You did a great job in that operation a few years ago!"

Suddenly hearing this, Li Chen hurriedly said humbly: "No. I should thank you for the information at that time!"

Immediately, he hurriedly said: "Delia also performed very well at that time."

Suddenly hearing what he said, Robert gave a sad smile: "Unfortunately... none of us can help her this time!"

Li Chen was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Can't you help her?"

Robert shook his head...

Afterwards, he said, "However, it's okay to arrange for you to meet her."

Li Chen was inexplicably silent for a while while listening, and then said: "Thank you then!"

Robert said: "I'm an old friend, so I won't talk about this."

Immediately afterwards, Robert looked at Li Chen inexplicably, and then said: "Your performance in this desert island survival is also very good! Frankly speaking, I admire you very much! You are worthy of being the pride of the Hua Kingdom! "

Hearing these, Li Chen felt heavy in his heart...

After a while, Robert said again: "I know you are fully capable of rescuing Delia, but unfortunately... the environment we are in now is not on a deserted island, nor is it in a disorderly and chaotic world, so ..."

Before Robert finished speaking, Li Chen said, "I know I can only see Delia now."

Robert gave another sad smile: "Sometimes, this orderly world is just so helpless! Such an idiot!"

When Li Chen listened, he couldn't help but smiled bitterly, then took out a cigarette, and couldn't help but pass a cigarette over...

Robert looked at it, smiled bitterly, and then took the cigarette.

After they both lit their cigarettes, and then looked at the young man from Huaguo, Robert said: "After the official trial, if you want to see Delia again, you have to go to the international prison."

Li Chen listened, and didn't know what to say?
It's just that he knows that all this is obviously a foregone conclusion.

No one can help Delia now.

Except for her defense attorney.

But this defense, in the end, is only pale and weak.

After a cigarette, he looked at the young man from China, and Robert asked, "Where do you live now?"

"A hotel near our embassy."

So, Robert said: "Then you wait for me there tomorrow morning. I will drive over to pick you up then. Then I will arrange for you to meet Delia. But... we can only chat for a few words."

"I understand this." Li Chen hurriedly replied.

"That's all right. I'll see you tomorrow."


(End of this chapter)

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