Chapter 1108 Finally Seeing Delia

In the morning of the next day, the former old K, that is, Robert, arrived at the hotel near the Chinese embassy in country T, very low-key, dressed in casual clothes, and drove a social vehicle.

After Li Chen got into the car and sat down in the passenger seat, the former old K couldn't help but handed him a cigarette...

Li Chen looked at it, but couldn't help being stunned for a moment: "Can I...can smoke in the car?"

The old guy Robert smiled inexplicably: "Of course I can. Just open the window."

While talking, he himself lit a cigarette...

Seeing it, Li Chen couldn't help but lit the cigarette...

He didn't seem to be able to say anything about this sudden feeling?
I just feel... as if there is a definite number in the dark?

Because with old K, although he has never met, he is considered an old friend.

If it wasn't for these things this time... Maybe he would never know that the mysterious contact person was this old Sheriff Robert.

Although I don't have a deep understanding, after all...they had a common vision, that is, hope for world peace.

As a matter of fact, regarding the 6 maritime incident that was raging in country T, Robett also felt that it was a bit hard to say...

Because of many things, different positions, and different perspectives on issues.

Besides, he is an out-and-out native of country T after all.

After a while, when he turned his head to look at the young man from Huaguo on the passenger seat, Robert couldn't help but ask, "Now... how do you feel?"

Hearing this sentence suddenly, Li Chen couldn't help turning his head to look at him...

Next, he seemed unable to say anything for a while?
After thinking about it, he had no choice but to say: "I didn't know that Nahaixi map was so beautiful until I came back to Nahaixi map."

Robert smiled inexplicably, and then said: "Yes. The Nahaixi map itself is very beautiful. You are welcome to come often in the future."

Afterwards, Robert couldn't help but said again: "I remember that you can drink quite well. Why don't you wait a while, after seeing Delia, let's have a drink or two?"


After a while, under Robert's arrangement, Li Chen finally met Delia at a major suspect's pledge office in country T...

It's just that Delia's complexion is not bad.

I didn't see any decadence in her.

The former policewoman seems to still be full of hope for the future.

The more he saw her like this, the more inexplicably uncomfortable Li Chen felt...

Seeing that he seemed to be quite heavy, Delia smiled indifferently: "Why are you like this?"

Seeing her like this, Li Chen stared at her in a daze again, and after that, he couldn't say anything for a long time...

On the contrary, Delia said very relaxedly: "It's okay. You don't have to do this. I'm fine now."

After thinking about it, Li Chen had no choice but to show her a firm smile: "I'll wait for you to come out!"

However, unexpectedly, Delia said: "Nervous, you? Why are you waiting for me?"

This made Li Chen stunned for a moment——

After thinking about it, he said, "Didn't you once can be my wife too?"

Delia said: "Have I ever said that? Sorry... I don't remember!"

In fact, Delia herself knew that she would not be able to get out in this life.

So she didn't want him to really wait for her forever.

Because even if he waited for a lifetime, she would not be able to get out.

To put it bluntly, she could only die of old age in prison for the rest of her life.

But Li Chen stared at her blankly, and couldn't help but said: "You don't admit it?"

Suddenly, Delia's expression finally turned gloomy...

After looking at him again, she said truly: "Listen to me, actually, I know you will definitely come to see me. Because I know you. But, I'm sorry... I can't be you in my life bride! Do you understand what I mean?"

In fact, how could Li Chen not understand?

It's just...he still had a little luck.

Because this is not... Hasn't the International Court of Justice not pronounced a sentence yet?
In case of the final judgment, it may be a good result?
Afterwards, Delia looked at him, and couldn't help but said: "Li listen to me again, if you really love me, then you should listen to me! Because as long as you are good, I can do anything , really! So... you must listen to me and forget about me! Then... go find the happiness that should belong to you! Do you understand what I mean?"


Afterwards, when Robert saw Li Chen coming out, he hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "How is it?"

It's just this question that made Li Chen stunned, as if he didn't know how to answer it?

After thinking about it, he looked at him again, and Li Chen said, "How many years do you think... Delia will be sentenced in a situation like this?"

When Robert listened, he frowned intently, and then he could only shake his head...

Meaning, he doesn't know either?


After a while, after Robert drove Li Chen back to the vicinity of the Chinese embassy in country T, he suddenly said, "Let's go find a place and have two drinks?"

Hearing this suddenly, Li Chen was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "Then I invite you!"

Robert smiled bitterly: "It doesn't matter. As long as there is wine."


Afterwards, the two found a bar nearby.

This kind of bar in foreign countries is really just for drinking.

Because it's not like the bar in Huaguo at all, it's full of smog, and there are disco dancers and the like.

After finding a seat to sit down, Robert asked, "How about whiskey?"

"Yes." Li Chen nodded.

In fact, Li Chen could also see that this former old K seemed to be a little unhappy.

After all, here... there are many things that cannot be explained in words.

There is no way to even judge right from wrong.

In the end, maybe what it just the word 'love'?
Afterwards, after clinking glasses with each other, I saw Robert raised his glass unhappy in his heart, and then drank it down...

Seeing this, Li Chen drank the wine in his glass in one gulp.

Then, I saw Robert lit another cigarette a little upset: "Delia... has always been one of the best police officers! There is no one! So... do you understand my feelings? "

Hearing this, Li Chen was stunned for a moment, and then couldn't help but lit a cigarette: "Then tell me... can I help Delia?"

Robert gave a gloomy smile, then shook his head: "No more. You can't help. I'm the same, I can't help. I can only... just let fate!"

Then, Robert added: "Just like the air crash you once encountered, falling into a deserted island, everything can only be resigned to fate! Frankly speaking... I suddenly... I also kind of hate our T country's coast guard. Help you bastard! You bastard! If they hadn't made troubles, there would be no such troubles!"


(End of this chapter)

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