Chapter 1109

After that, Li Chen didn't expect that the former old K couldn't help complaining and venting...

It can be seen that some things have been accumulated in his heart for a long time.

Regarding this, Li Chen didn't know what to say?
Just to show understanding.

But the reason is actually because of their former self-rescue and survival team at sea...

However, the old Sergeant Robert also expressed his understanding of this.

After all, they were survivors of air crashes and shipwrecks, and there was nothing wrong with them.

So this kind of f*cking thing, in the end, the old Sheriff Robert also mentioned the crux of the problem.

In the final analysis, it is still caused by the manipulation of some regimes.

Because... Later, the old Sheriff Robert also traced back to the source...

The problem still lies with country G.

A brain-dead politician from country G, plus a self-righteous John family.


The next day, when Li Chen woke up in the hotel, he suddenly felt a little idle.

Because he has already met Delia, so if he stays in country T, he doesn't know what to do?

So, he was thinking, maybe the next stop should be Country H?

He intends to fly directly from country T to country H.

In terms of funding, it is enough for the time being.


In fact, he was thinking that after completing this trip, he should get into his own state of life when he returns to China.

After all...everything should have an end.

Furthermore, for him, the road ahead is still long.

Especially thinking that my parents are really old now, so it's time to work hard!


The next morning, on the way to the international airport of country T, Li Chen still couldn't help calling Robert...

Robert also told him that he can contact him directly next time if there is anything to do.

Therefore, Li Chen roughly asked, regarding the case of Delia, when will the International Tribunal hold the trial?
Robert told him that he has not been notified yet.

When there is progress, he will be notified in time.


Next, on the flight from country T to country H, Li Chen closed his eyes and rested all the way...

To be honest, it is difficult for him to forget a lot of things for a while.

It's just that now...he also knows that maybe if he does this, he will at least feel better?
At least there is an explanation with the past.

In his mind, although Hye Kyo did not receive a certificate, she was indeed his wife.


About ten hours later, H country Seoul.

Due to the time difference, we arrived in Seoul around eleven o'clock in the evening.

After getting off the plane, Li Chen had no choice but to take a taxi to find a hotel and stay there.

The next day, he went to the Chinese embassy in country H.

Of course, the purpose is to contact and communicate with country H through the embassy.

After all, he doesn't know where Hye Kyo's cemetery is?
It was not until two days later that Country H arranged for someone to bring Quan Hye Kyo's father to see Li Chen.

About the whole father... is also a very simple old man.

It's just that Quan's father doesn't understand Chinese, nor can he understand Chinese.

And Li Chen... also doesn't understand Korean, nor can he understand Korean.

Due to the language barrier between each other, it was really difficult to communicate.

Fortunately, Country H arranged for an interpreter.

In the end, through the translation, after the whole father understood what the purpose of this young man from Hua country came to H country, he couldn't help being inexplicably moved...

At least I feel that my daughter has not misunderstood the man.

Because no matter what, this young man from the country of Hua can still make a special trip to country H, which is already very caring.

Then, the personnel from country H made arrangements.

Arranged a minibus and drove to Busan together.

After all, Jeon Hye Kyo was from Busan, so she was buried, but her family buried her back in Busan.

After many twists and turns, finally arrived at Quan Hye Kyo's cemetery, when Li Chen went up to offer flowers, the media reporters didn't know how they knew about it, they rushed to report it...

Many fans of Jeon Hye Kyo also came to watch.

It was a sad thing at first, but it seemed a bit too lively to be dealt with like this by them.

Especially those fans of Jeon Hye Kyo, they are very crazy, many of them can speak Chinese, and they are still shouting...

"Li Chen Ouba—"

"The son-in-law of country H—"

"National brother-in-law—"


Such a lively scene suddenly made Li Chen very embarrassed.

If he had known that Hye Kyo's cemetery was here, he would have come here in a low-key manner.

Because of this... He still has something to say to Hye Kyo and doesn't know how to say it?
In desperation, he had no choice but to stand quietly in front of Hye Kyo's tombstone, staring at the tombstone, and meditating in his heart...

Hye Kyo, now we are finally home!

It's a pity...the wedding and the wedding ring I owe you...can't be made up!
I don't know how to make up for you?
Hye Kyo, you said...if...if you weren't lying here quietly, shouldn't we be happy?very happy?

After a while, when the whole father looked at the Huaguo young man standing in front of Hui Qiao's grave and wept inexplicably, he couldn't help but leaned closer and patted him on the shoulder...

As for what Quan Father said, Li Chen didn't understand a word.

Later, through an interpreter, Li Chen realized that the whole father was comforting him...

The whole father means... my daughter is now resting in peace, so you can rest assured.You are still young, and my daughter must also hope that you will find new happiness.

But, in the end, Li Chen still couldn't help kneeling in front of Quan's father, and called Dad.

After going through the translation, after the whole father understood the meaning of this young man from the Hua Kingdom, he couldn't help but wipe away his tears...

Then, the translator told Li Chen that Quanfu said that he would often come to country H in the future.

After understanding the meaning, Li Chen hurriedly nodded...


Originally, Li Chen wanted to stay in front of Hye Kyo's grave for a while, but he was embarrassed to see so many people accompanying him.

In the end, he could only leave in a hurry.

It's just that he's been crying...

Thinking about it, I can understand it, after all, she is already his beloved wife in his heart!
Now it is separated by yin and yang...

Especially thinking back... the scene where Hye Kyo blocked the bullet for him, he felt an inexplicable pain in his heart!


A little later, there were news reports that the captain of Hua Guo went to the grave of H country's dead wife.

After all, Jeon Hye Kyo was a celebrity before her death, so this kind of news naturally has its own traffic and has a sensational effect...

This made Tan Jixia, Su Qian'er and other women feel a little confused for a while after seeing these relevant news reports...

It seems that suddenly... the captain seems to be still the same captain?
It looks like he has changed, but in fact he remains the same!
Maybe there are some things...the captain also has something to hide...

(End of this chapter)

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