The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 1110 Captain Hua Guo Gets Angry At The Reporter

Chapter 1110 Captain Hua Guo Gets Angry At The Reporter
Two days later, some reports that were hyped up by the media in the Eastern country were also reprinted in Huaguo...

such as...

"The captain of Huaguo embodies the friendship of East China, and goes to worship at the grave of Ito Chuanka, a best-selling female writer in the East"

"Captain Hua Guo remembers the best-selling authoress Ito Chuanxiang in the East"


For Huaguo captain Li Chen, the low-key approach that he originally wanted, but in the end he was hyped up by the media again.

However, all in all, he didn't want to care about these anymore.

In short, one's heart is sincere, and it is good to be loyal to one's own heart.

As for those forms... He seems to have no control over them.


Taking advantage of Huaguo's captain being fired again, Huaguo's Chuanjiang Satellite TV officially began to gain popularity...

Chuanjiang Satellite TV has revealed on social media that Li Chen, the captain of Huaguo, may formally participate in the program group of "Survival in the Wild" as a survival guide.

When this news came out, for those outdoor enthusiasts who like to survive in the wilderness in Huaguo, it was very exciting...

Chuanjiang netizen: Oh yeah!I, Da Chuanjiang, are mighty!Niubi!Captain Huaguo is even better!
Yanjing Netizen: Wow!This is really... really really looking forward to it!
Netizen from Liaoshen: Then it looks good! "Wilderness Survival" mighty!I look forward to the joining of Captain Hua!

Netizen from Guangzhu: It was actually Chuanjiang Satellite TV that revealed the news. It seems that there is something to be said for this matter?


In addition, in China, a major director has revealed that he will invite Li Chen, the captain of Huaguo, to cooperate to shoot a movie about survival on a deserted island that truly belongs to Huaguo.

And revealed that it will be a big production!

Restore as much as possible the desert island survival experience of Li Chen, the captain of Huaguo.

He also revealed that he is currently in contact with several other survivors of HX714, and will try his best to invite these survivors who have survived on deserted islands to play in friendship.


As a matter of fact, the initiator of the movie about survival on a deserted island has indeed been in contact with six women including Tan Jixia and Su Qianer in the past two days.

Originally, the second child, Su Qian'er, had quit the 'Return from the Deserted Island' group, but now she was pulled back into the group by Tan Jixia...

The six women were in the same group again.

Just pull the leader back to this group, the leader has not confirmed accepting the group invitation yet.

But right now, the six in the group are quite lively...

Cute Girl: We are going to become stars too, sisters, are you excited?Are you excited?
Joan: Not excited.Not excited either.Because there is no captain.

Lena: Oh... I also think, without the captain, what are we missing?
Qin Xiaowan: Without the captain, this movie would not be wonderful.

Tan Jixia: Did you all agree to the invitation of the film sponsor?
Su Qian'er: I haven't yet.

Cute girl: Uh, second child, what's the captain's situation now?

Su Qianer: How do I know?

Cute girl: Hmph, you have the most private contact with the captain, you don't know, who knows?

Tan Jixia: Keke, aren't you the captain's wife?

Cute girl: Hmph, Sister Jixia, what do you mean?

Su Qian'er: Let's talk, I have something to do.


In fact, at this very moment, the second child, Su Qian'er, couldn't help calling the captain.

It's just...the reply is that the user you dialed has shut down!

This made her heart skip a beat——

In her anxiety, there was nothing she could do, so she had no choice but to call the older Tan Jixia in a panic...

"Hey, sister Jixia, why is the captain's cell phone turned off?"


However, as far as this moment is concerned, their captain, Li Chen, is on the plane flying back to China from the Eastern Kingdom...

However, there is still about an hour before landing at Yanjing International Airport.

This time, after going around in a big circle and going to several countries, for the former Captain Li, he finally felt a little relieved...

At least it is no longer so heavy.

At this moment, he turned his head and looked out of the plane window, thinking that the plane was already in the domestic airspace, he couldn't help but let out a long breath...

Then, he thought, it's time to return to normal life.

It's just that next... what to do, I haven't thought about it at all?


An hour later, after getting off the plane at Yanjing International Airport, and walking out of the airport, the former Captain Li was suddenly a little dazed and at a loss...

Because he doesn't know where he should be now?

Back to Qingchuan?
Still considering Yanjing?
Or return to Pecking Island?

Just as he was thinking about this matter, suddenly, there was a bang, and many media reporters rushed towards him...

"Hello, Captain Li Chen, can we interview you with a few questions now?"

"Hello, Captain Li Chen, last that girl from Country Y really your rumored girlfriend?"

"Hello, Captain Li Chen, I heard that you will participate in Chuanjiang TV's "Survival in the Wild" as a survival guide, is it true?"

"Hello, Captain Li Chen. Director Ning said that he will work with you to shoot a movie about survival on a deserted island. Is this true?"


All of a sudden, the reporters who seemed to be bombarding indiscriminately asked questions, causing Captain Li Chen to feel a headache...

I just feel my head buzzing...

I wondered what the hell was going on! ?
If he could be furious, he really wanted to be furious and said... You f-cking don't bother me, okay?
Why can't you just let me be quiet and free?
I fucking just want to get back to normal life, you know?

I'm not a fucking celebrity, shit!
To be honest, sometimes, this kind of media reporter is really a headache...

For example, this Captain Li Chen really wanted to be quiet, and really wanted to be an unknown and nobody cares about poor dick, but he really didn't know how to deal with this sudden situation?

Xin Jing Bao reporter: Captain Hua Guo, what's wrong with you?Why don't you speak?Is the girl from Country Y last time really your rumored girlfriend?
Originally, Li Chen really wanted to keep silent, but suddenly, for some reason, he suddenly became angry...

Li Chen: I said... are you bored?Who was the girl from Country Y last time? Does it have anything to do with you?Besides, let alone the rumored girlfriend, even if it is really my girlfriend, so what?Is there something wrong?What the hell, I'm a widowed single man now, and I have contacts and relationships with a person of the opposite sex, isn't that normal?Can't you report something else?All this crap all day long?Besides, do you have any common sense? The girl from country Y last time was just our teammate who survived on a deserted island. She was excited and ecstatic when she saw me. Isn't this a normal reaction?What's wrong with this?Besides, do you know what the greeting ceremony in Country Y is?Isn't that just kissing?How did you come to say something like a forced kiss? I really don't understand what you reporters are thinking about all day long?Why can't we report some positive energy?Is it interesting that this celebrity is cheating on you all day, and that celebrity is getting divorced?Besides, I'm just an ordinary person!You only care about these, is it really interesting?

(End of this chapter)

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