The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 1111 Are You Really Director Ning?

Chapter 1111 Are You Really Director Ning?
Suddenly, after the reporter from Xinjing Daily was yelled at by Captain Hua Guo, all the other media reporters in the audience were dumbfounded——

Everyone was stunned for a moment...

But think about it, think about it seriously, it seems that this Huaguo captain is a little bit unreasonable?
After a while, one after another, the reporter from Xinjing News was so embarrassed that his face turned red and then pale, and they seemed to be a little joking again...

Next, seeing that the Hua Guo captain was in a bad mood, everyone didn't know what to interview?

Finally, a little later, a shocking report came out...

"Captain Hua Guo Angry at Xinjing News Reporter at the Airport"


Li Chen, who was originally the captain of Huaguo, only wanted to be a low-key homeboy, but this time he didn't want to be popular.

As soon as this report came out, after seeing what the captain of Tsinghua was angry about, the positive image of Captain Hua, who seemed to be full of positive energy, was revived again...

Even those Internet troops who were hurt by Captain Hua's pornographic news last time came out to support Captain Hua this time...

Netizen from Liaoshen: This time, old lady, I firmly support Captain Hua!Hmph, last time I was caught off guard by their media's random reports!

Netizen from Yanjing: Captain Hua Guo is very good at this time, he is very arrogant, and he is very polite!I also think there is nothing wrong with the girl from country Y being your girlfriend!

Netizen from Guangzhu: Oh... the media now... can't say.Just know to catch some lace news.

Netizen from Qingchuan: fellow captain, you are still our pride!


After Tan Jixia, Su Qian'er and other six women also read the report one after another, all of them were silent...

Based on their understanding of the captain, this time, the captain really wanted to vent something.

At the same time, they seemed to realize that they had indeed misunderstood the captain a bit.

However, they are not sure for the time being whether the captain is really angry?
It's just that the captain still hasn't returned to the 'Return from the Deserted Island' group.


In fact, it wasn't until Li Chen left the airport and settled down in a small hotel on the edge of Yanjing's Fourth Ring Road that he took out his phone and took a rough look at some unprocessed messages...

Tan Jixia, who was waiting to see, wanted to pull him back into the "Return from the Deserted Island" group, and he was indeed hesitant.

After thinking about it, lighting a cigarette, and pondering for a while, he still hasn't decided to accept the group invitation.

But at this moment, the second child, Su Qian'er, suddenly dialed his cell phone...

Seeing that it was the call from the second child again, Li Chen couldn't help being startled again...

At this moment, he is frowning, whether to answer or not?

After thinking about it, he finally connected the phone: "Hello..."

At this moment, I finally heard that familiar voice again, and suddenly, Su Qian'er on the other end of the phone couldn't help but feel a little inexplicably excited...

It's just that after thinking about it, she was a little inexplicably shy, and also a little inexplicably depressed...

Immediately, she pouted and said, "Huh! Why do you want to pay me back 1 yuan?"

Hearing this suddenly, Li Chen couldn't help but smile: "I owe you. What's the matter? The number is low?"

The second child hurriedly said: "Is your head missing? Too much!"

Li Chen couldn't help but smile again: "It's too much or too little, I just made a rough idea. Anyway... nothing less is fine."

However, Su Qian'er actually popped out a sentence: "Hmph, routine!"

This made Li Chen startled a bit puzzled: "Why did I fall into a routine?"

"Hmph! Do you understand?" Su Qian'er replied.

In fact, she thinks this is a routine and it makes sense...

That's because she was thinking that this guy purposely paid her back more money so that she could feel guilty. If so, she would still contact him...

But then, Li Chen said: "I don't understand what you are talking about."

Immediately, he changed the topic: "By the way, you are looking for me... for this?"

Suddenly hearing this, Su Qian'er hurriedly asked: "Are you in Yanjing now?"

No way, this time, Captain Li had no choice but to tell the truth: "Yes."

Su Qian'er on the other end of the phone was stunned again, then suddenly asked: "Then... where is it?"

Li Chen thought about it, then said: "On the side of the Fourth Ring Road."

"Specific address?"

"What are you doing?" Li Chen asked.

"want to see you."


In the end, Captain Li was still a bit irresistible.

I agreed to the second child and made an appointment to meet at a hot pot restaurant.

To be honest, if his initial feelings for his dick had completely disappeared... that would be impossible.

It's just that, later on, he experienced too much in the ocean, so some things are hard to describe.

Of course, as far as possible, he still doesn't want to talk about any emotional matters with his second child.

After's wrong to be in the wrong household, he feels that this not very good.

Furthermore, the Delia case has not yet been decided by the International Court of Justice.


Afterwards, when he was heading to the hot pot restaurant that he had met with, he unexpectedly received a call from Director Ning on the way.

This made Captain Hua feel inexplicably flattered...

As a fan of Director Ning, to be honest, he has always liked the films made by Director Ning.

"Are you really the director Ning who filmed No Man's Land?"

Director Ning on the other end of the phone quickly smiled: "What? Don't believe me?"

"kind of."

Director Ning on the other end of the phone smiled again: "That's it, let's make an appointment to meet and chat. Then you will know whether it is true or not."


After waiting for a while, I hung up the phone. To be honest, the Hua Guo captain was still a little inexplicably excited...

Although he never thought that his experience of surviving on a deserted island could be put on the screen, but being able to take the opportunity to meet Director Ning... is actually a good thing.

Also, if Director Ning really wanted to film his experience of surviving on a desert island, he felt that he would agree.

After all, this is another concept from making a show.

The show is purely for entertainment.

However, movies, this kind of thing can still convey something.

This is more in line with my own heart...

In fact, when a person is really willing to do something, he is actually happy inside.


Soon, Director Ning was already requesting to add him as a friend on WeChat.

After seeing this message suddenly, Captain Hua felt a little inexplicably happy again...

So... with some excitement in his heart, he passed the verification of Director Ning's friends.

After a while, Director Ning sent him another WeChat message...

Director Ning: I have admired you for a long time, Captain Hua!I hope we will have a happy cooperation in the future!
Li Chen: You are welcome!It's just... I still don't understand, how did you know my number?
Director Ning: Tan Jixia was once your team member, right?And she... is actually my cousin's daughter!

(End of this chapter)

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