Chapter 1113 Not so serious, is it?

Hearing that the captain said that he would return the mobile phone card to her, it meant that he would go to change another card himself, so I couldn't help but...Su Qian'er really looked at him a little angrily...

"Hmph, do you insist on forcing us to the point of breaking off our friendship?"

Hearing this suddenly, they have risen to the level of breaking up friendship, which made Captain Li Chen startled secretly——

Next, for a while, he didn't know what to say, he could only look at her with a hint of awkward smile...

After thinking about it, he secretly couldn't laugh or cry...

In desperation, he could only smile awkwardly and said, "It's not that serious, is it?"

Then, he said with an awkward smile: "Besides... I... the mobile phone I use... The card number is registered with your ID card. What's the matter? After this... If you get married, If your husband finds out about this, why don't you think there is something wrong between us?"

Immediately, he said again: "Besides, I have reissued my ID card now, so I can open the card myself, can't I?"

However, suddenly, Su Qianer curled her lips inexplicably and depressedly: "Hmph! I don't want to talk to you right now! It's boring! It's boring!"

Seeing her like this all of a sudden, frankly speaking, Li Chen is a bit out of control...

In fact, he still understood what the second child meant.

It's like the loyalty between buddies, if you pay too much attention to some details, it seems that you don't have enough loyalty between buddies.

After thinking about it again, and then looking at the second child, there was nothing to do, so he had no choice but to stop here.

At the same time, he was also thinking, anyway, this is a dual-card dual-standby mobile phone, the worst thing is to register another card and put it in the mobile phone.

After thinking about it again, in order to ease the atmosphere, suddenly, Captain Li Chen finally couldn't help jokingly said: "You still talk about my routine, I think this is your routine, right?"

This made Su Qian'er suddenly want to laugh inexplicably: "Hmph, it's up to you anyway."

Seeing that she finally wanted to laugh, Li Chen couldn't help but smile inexplicably...

Then, next, he didn't know what to say?

It can be seen that he is still trying to restrain himself.

Later, in order to change the subject, he had no choice but to pick up his chopsticks and said, "Come on, let's eat. The mutton will get old if you boil it again, and it won't taste good."

Seeing that he started to eat nervously, Su Qian'er didn't say anything, but just looked at him inexplicably...

Then, she also picked up the chopsticks...

After eating a few chopsticks symbolically, Su Qianer suddenly looked at him inexplicably...

After thinking about it for a while, she couldn't help asking tentatively: "By the way, captain, last time... that girl from country Y... returned to her country?"

Hearing her suddenly ask this, Li Chen was stunned for a moment, and then said sincerely: "I don't know?"

Then, he added: "Maybe you're going back to China?"

So, Su Qian'er couldn't help but asked again: "Then you and her..."

Before she could finish asking, unexpectedly, Li Chen hurriedly said: "Let's talk about movies."

Obviously, he obviously wanted to change the subject.

Because he really didn't want to talk about emotional matters.

After all, I still don't know where I am going now?
Furthermore... the matter of work, I don't know how to implement it for the time being?
This shows that the captain wants to talk about the movie, so Su Qianer said: "Don't you think... our story is good enough to be put on the screen?"

Li Chen smiled, and then said, "Maybe it's possible?"

This shows that the captain always seems to be out of shape, so Su Qianer was startled thoughtfully again...

Then, she said, "Uh, captain, what are you thinking right now...?"

This time, Captain Li Chen said honestly: "I don't know what I'm thinking? Anyway, I just think about it, and then... Should I go back to Qingchuan now? Where is the continent?"

After finally feeling the captain's confusion, Su Qian'er said, "Didn't we just talk about the movie?"

Then, she said: "I think you have a lot of things to do in the future. And... Isn't Chuanjiang Satellite TV inviting you?"

Li Chen expressed an inexplicable smile: "Do you think it's okay? After all, we are not a star."

The second child said: "What's wrong? You didn't cheat. Your own experience belongs to your own wealth. Otherwise... If you survive a catastrophe, you will have future blessings. What's the point?"

Then, the second child said again: "Besides, we have survived on a real deserted island. You are not a charlatan. You were also the international captain and the hero of Huaguo. Everything you bought with your life, go now What's wrong with making a show?"

Li Chen was stunned for a moment, and then said: "You can exchange for some financial income?"

The second child said: "Why not? Besides, I think... you can still hire a broker to help you broker all this. Also, you can register a public account first, and then start to operate. All of these It is possible."

After listening to this again, Li Chen looked at the second child with an inexplicable smile...

"It are worthy of being a businessman!"


In the end, until the end of the meal, Captain Li Chen still didn't talk about emotional matters with the second child.

However, he is really thinking about some of her suggestions now.

For example, to participate in the filming of desert island-themed movies, accept the invitation of Chuanjiang Satellite TV, and so on.

It's just... Captain Li Chen is also thinking about what to do after he finishes these things?

After all, he also felt that... his experience of surviving on a deserted island might only be enough to entertain him once or twice?

After that, after coming out of the hot pot restaurant, before I knew it, it was already ten o'clock at night.

Su Qian'er couldn't help but said, "Shall I take you back to where you live?"

Li Chen smiled gratefully: "No need. I'll just go back by myself."

Seeing him like this, he always looks like an elm lump, this second child is really anxious...

She was quite shy at first, but after thinking about it, she couldn't help but ask a little shyly, "Uh, do you have anything else you want to say to me?"

Hearing this suddenly, Li Chen was taken aback for a moment, then after thinking about it, he said, "Thank you for your dinner! And...thank you for your suggestion!"

Su Qianer: "..."

It seems that besides being speechless, she really doesn't know what to say?

After thinking about it again, she had no choice but to apologize, "I may have misunderstood you earlier, I'm sorry!"

Li Chen smiled: "It's okay. There is nothing to be sorry about."


(End of this chapter)

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