Chapter 1114 Then take the initiative
After staying for a while, after returning to the small hotel on the edge of the Fourth Ring Road, Captain Li Chen was also thinking, as if he was a little too restrained?

At the same time, he himself realized that although he was a little relieved now, he still seemed to be in a good state...

It seems that you are still not confident in some aspects?
I don't have the confidence I had on the island at all.

However, in the final analysis, maybe his career is still unsuccessful, right?

In this economic era, men's sometimes self-confidence really comes from wealth.

What international captains, heroes of Huaguo, etc., these... After all, they are no match for a father horse.

Just like those kung fu superstars, they all lost to Papa Ma in the end.

Thinking about this... Captain Li Chen couldn't help but lit a cigarette again...

Originally, I wanted to go for a walk outside to see the night view of Yanjing, but when I thought that I was walking on the street now, I was easily surrounded by some media reporters, and it was a headache...

Therefore, in the end, I had to wash and sleep.


As for this moment, the second child, Su Qian'er, and the elder Tan Jixia have made an appointment to have a late night snack together at a nightclub...

"How is it, what's the captain's situation now?"

Hearing Ji Xia's question suddenly, the second child is also a little inexplicably depressed...

For a while, she didn't know where to start?
After thinking about it, the second child said: "Compared to the last time, he seems to be a little more relieved. At least this time...he smiled more obviously. But, as for what he is thinking in his heart, he still doesn't know? "

Hearing what the second child said, after Tan Jixia frowned thoughtfully, she said, "Maybe it's because he's not full of confidence in his future life? After all, it doesn't look like he's on an island now."

Then, Tan Jixia said again: "On the island, as long as you can live. But in a place like have to think about how to live?"

But suddenly hearing what Tan Jixia said, Su Qian'er was inexplicably excited and said: "Uh, yes, sister Jixia, this... After returning from a deserted island, I feel the hesitation and lack of confidence in integrating into the real society. ...can also be added to the film elements. What do you think?"

Suddenly hearing this, Tan Jixia looked at the second child inexplicably...

Afterwards, she said: "Second brother, second child,'s not me talking about you, it's just you...what the hell? Why are you suddenly thinking about movies again? Are we really dating now? Are you talking about the captain's condition?"

So the second child said, "Hmph! It's useless to talk about it! He's just a lump of elm!"

Suddenly seeing the second child say so angrily, Tan Jixia couldn't help but smile: "Then you can take the initiative!"

However, the second child suddenly said shyly: "It can't be done.'s not the time when things will come to fruition. If he is in his current state, if I rush for success, I'm afraid it will be even worse?"

Then, the second child said again: "You know, the captain actually has a lot of self-esteem. And he's not in a good state right now. I guess he doesn't have the heart to talk about it? So..."

Hearing what the second child said, Tan Jixia also felt... maybe she was too anxious, maybe it was really not a good thing?
Things like feelings... After all, they still depend on getting along and understanding each other for a long time.

After thinking about it again, Tan Jixia said: "Oh, this matter between you two... I'd better not get involved."


And at this moment, the cute girl couldn't help calling the captain again...

"Uh, dead surnamed Li, you can tell me now, among you most want to marry Miss Qian'er?"

Hearing that Jing Niu was so straightforward, Li Chen also had a headache.

Immediately, the cute girl said again: "Damn, you should say something!"

There was no way out, so Li Chen had no choice but to say: "Didn't I tell you everything I should say? So you really don't have to think about me. Besides, in my current state, I can't afford to marry a wife. I still say that In other words... you can do whatever you want, as long as you are all well."

However, the cute girl suddenly said: "Damn, what are you pretending to do with me? Don't you just want to marry the second child? So... hmph... So you deliberately pretended to be deep with us, playing with the sense of distance, Then let us be disappointed and estranged from you little by little, and then...then you will marry the second child naturally, right?"

Before Li Chen could say anything, the cute girl hurriedly said again: "Hmph! I don't! I'll just waste time with you! Or you can tell me clearly, do you just want to marry the second child? "

This really gave Captain Li Chen a headache...

After thinking about it, he said: "Then, I'll tell you clearly now, among you...I won't marry anyone, is it okay?"

"Damn, is that what you said?"


Originally, Captain Li wanted to have a good sleep, wake up tomorrow morning, and go to Yanjiao again to visit Xiao Cao's wife and children, but who knew that this cute girl suddenly and inexplicably made such a call.

This really made him a little upset...

Thinking about it, too, in his current state, how could he have any thought of talking about marriage or anything like that?

Besides, just these few women, he knew in his heart that it was not appropriate to marry anyone.

So the best way is to marry no one.

In fact, for him now, he is more concerned with career matters.

Now, it is also necessary to have a full psychological preparation to formally integrate into society...

As long as you can live on the island, you can live, but now you have to think about how to live in the future?

So for a man, without a can it be done?


Early the next morning, Captain Li Chen still couldn't help calling the elder Tan Jixia.

Only this time, as soon as the call was connected, Captain Li Chen suddenly became social...

"Uh, sister, can I discuss something with you?"

Tan Jixia on the other end of the phone listened, suddenly a little confused, thinking what's going on?

This guy...why is he so social all of a sudden?

Thinking about it, nothing happened, so Tan Jixia had no choice but to reply: "Tell me. What's the matter?"

So, this Captain Li Chen smiled in a very social way: "Then what... can I borrow your car? Because I want to do something. You know, this Yanjing... It's so big, there is It’s really impossible without a car at that time.”

But to be honest, as far as Yanjing is concerned, sometimes it is quite inconvenient to do some things without a car.

He really wanted to squeeze the subway, but... now the sloppy thing is that he can be recognized everywhere, which is so embarrassing.

So after much deliberation, he had no choice but to borrow a car from the big Tan Jixia...

(End of this chapter)

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