The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 1115 What's wrong, sister?

Chapter 1115 What's wrong, sister?

After a while, when the eldest Tan Jixia drove over in her Camry, she couldn't help but look at the captain inexplicably...

Just looking at her like that, Li Chen couldn't help showing an awkward smile: "What's wrong, sister? Why are you looking at me like that?"

The more he is like this, the more Tan Jixia has an indescribable feeling...

That's why she looked at him angrily like a daughter-in-law...

However, she felt a little inexplicably happy in her heart, because this at least proved that the captain was relieved of everything in the past, and some sense of status in life had returned.

After looking at him inexplicably, she finally couldn't help asking: "What are you borrowing the car for? Are you planning to go to Yanjiao?"

Suddenly hearing what she said, Li Chen couldn't help but say: "Are you going too?"

So, Tan Jixia said directly: "Then get in the car."

Because she happened to be resting today, so taking this opportunity, she also wanted to be with the captain and talk about something.

Suddenly seeing that she had turned around and opened the door of the passenger seat, Li Chen was stunned for a moment: "Shall I drive?"

The reason for asking this is because this is her car after all, since she is also going, it is better for her to drive.

It's just that Tan Jixia looked at him inexplicably, and then said: "Why... you don't know the way?"

Li Chen smiled inexplicably: "I still know the general direction. It's just... isn't this... your car? Since you're going too, I think it's better for you to drive."

Tan Jixia immediately rolled her eyes at him angrily: "Then don't call me sister!"

Hearing what this girl said suddenly, Li Chen felt a little embarrassed...

After the awkward laugh, he had no choice but to turn around, then immediately got into the car and sat in the cab.

Frankly speaking, when he was with this girl, Li Chen still felt more at ease, relaxed and less restrained.

There is no need to deliberately tense up.

In fact, they had been closest to each other while on the island.

After taking a general look at her car, Li Chen couldn't help but say while fastening his seat belt: "Is it manual transmission?"

Tan Jixia came up with a sentence: "I am not used to driving the automatic transmission, and it is easy to get sleepy when driving."

Hearing these words, Li Chen couldn't help but look at her again, thinking... This is really that tough northern girl.

Then, after he started the car and drove on the road, Tan Jixia couldn't help turning her head to look at him...

"Uh, why don't you ask the second child to borrow a car?"

Hearing this woman suddenly asked such a question, Li Chen was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "This is not... Are you my sister? We are not... I should be familiar with my sister, right?"

Hearing what this guy said, Tan Jixia looked at him inexplicably...

Frankly speaking, in her heart, she really didn't want to be his sister.

Because she wants to be his woman more.

Just thinking about it secretly, she had to restrain the emotion in her heart.

After thinking about it, she still felt that a woman like herself was not suitable for him.

So, she was thinking, it's better to stop talking about those bullshits.

That is his sister!

After a while, after looking at him again, Tan Jixia finally couldn't help but said, "It's been so long, why haven't you confessed to the second child?"

Hearing her question suddenly again, Li Chen couldn't help being startled again——

Damn, this bitch... really can't open the pot and carry it.

Okay, why do you always say the second child?

Can't we talk about something else?

Thinking about it, in order to change the subject, he suddenly said: "By the way, the on the highway?"

Seeing him like this suddenly, Tan Jixia had no choice but to look at him inexplicably...

Next, Captain Li said again: "By the way, after you came back last year... have you been to Yanjiao?"

Suddenly hearing this, Tan Jixia replied casually: "I have been there once."

"Then...have you met Xiao Cao's daughter-in-law?"

Suddenly mentioning this matter, Tan Jixia's heart suddenly felt inexplicably heavy...

After thinking about it, she said: "Nonsense. Of course I saw it. But... Xiao Cao's wife was very emotional at that time."

Afterwards, she couldn't help adding: "But I think... Now that it's been so long, Xiao Cao's daughter-in-law must have accepted the reality?"

Hearing this, Captain Li Chen felt a little heavy in his heart...

After thinking about it, he suddenly said: "Oh, right, are we being too abrupt? We didn't buy anything. Is there a supermarket in front of this place? You have to buy something for Xiao Cao's son, right?"

So, Tan Jixia said, "It's fine. Let's buy it when we get to Yanjiao. There's still time."

As she spoke, she suddenly changed the topic: "Okay, let's talk about the second child."

Hearing that this girl suddenly turned the topic back, Li Chen couldn't help but frowned again, damn, this girl...why bring this up again?
Thinking about it, it's okay, so he had no choice but to say honestly: "Sister, do you think this is appropriate?"

"What's inappropriate?"

Li Chen frowned again with a headache: "My...beautiful CEO. My...what's my state, don't you know, sister?"

Hearing this suddenly, Tan Jixia was really startled secretly...

But afterward, she couldn't help but said: "The second child doesn't mind, what do you mind?"

"How do you know she doesn't mind?"

"Nonsense! I don't know what my second child is thinking?"

Li Chen smiled inexplicably distressed: "Stop teasing, sister. We are not on a desert island now. In this f*cking realistic society, we still have to believe in reality."

Then, this captain Li said again: "Even if she doesn't mind, her family will mind too. So this matter... Let's not go find it uncomfortable."

As he said that, he simply joked: "How about... why don't we have it?"

Unexpectedly, Tan Jixia immediately said: "Don't talk to me!"

Li Chen smiled: "Damn, what's the point of this? What's wrong with us?"

"I'm your sister!" Tan Jixia hurriedly said.

So, Li Chen also said: "Then let's stop talking about this aspect. It's meaningless to talk too much. Don't you think so, sister?"

Hearing what he said again, Tan Jixia also asked, "Then... about the movie... what do you think?"

This time, Captain Li finally said heartily: "It's a good thing. It's okay. Besides, Director Ning came to shoot, and I also believe that Director Ning has the ability to shoot that feeling."

"That agreed?"

Li Chen smiled again: "Of course I agreed. Don't you want to rush back to have dinner with Director Ning at night? Otherwise, why should I ask you to borrow a car? If I don't hurry, I will go there by myself."


(End of this chapter)

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