The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 1117 Meeting Director Ning for the First Time

Chapter 1117 Meeting Director Ning for the First Time
In fact, regarding tonight's dinner at Yanjing Shangri-La Hotel, the real person in charge is not Director Ning, and Director Ning is only in charge of making arrangements.

Because the real person in charge is actually Mr. Han of Hengmei Films.

Regarding Hengmei Films, this is the top film production company in China.

There are quite a few classic movies that have been created, and the reputation is also excellent.

As for Mr. Han of Hengmei Pictures, he is a well-respected investor and producer in the industry.

Of course, Li Chen and others are not too clear about these.

After all, the matter of making movies... is both familiar and unfamiliar to them.

Of course, the so-called familiarity means familiarity with some big-name directors, big-name stars and so on.

As for being unfamiliar... Of course, he has never really been involved in this industry, and he doesn't know some things in the circle.

But tonight, their former desert island survival team was invited to talk about the movie...


At about seven o'clock in the evening, in the Chinese restaurant on the fifth floor of Yanjing Shangri-La Hotel, one of the luxurious private rooms...

In front of a large round table, five women, Su Qianer, Miao Keke, Qin Xiaowan, Liu Caiqiong, and Lina, were already seated.

As for Mr. Han of Hengmei Films, Jin Yiwei, the gold medal screenwriter, and director Ning, the famous domestic director, have also taken their seats at the big round table.

Now we are waiting for Captain Li Chen and Vice Captain Tan Jixia, who used to be the captain of Desert Island Survival.

Because they haven't arrived yet.

For the five women, the captain and deputy captain didn't show up, which seemed somewhat restrained.

As for Mr. Han, Director Ning and others, they couldn't help but chat in whispers...

Especially looking at the five women present, President Han, Director Ning and others all felt is reliable for the original cast of the Desert Island Survival Team to play in their true colors.

Because these five women are absolutely photogenic, no problem.

Especially one by one... not at all inferior to those big-name actresses in the entertainment industry, whether it is image, temperament, appearance, etc., all aspects are excellent!

Gold medal screenwriter Jin Yiwei couldn't help but joked in a low voice: "Beauties are indeed among the people!"

Director Ning said: "That must be! I have read and studied all kinds of reports about their survival team before, so this time I dare to say that I will make a bold attempt and invite their original team Act in your true colors!"

Mr. Han nodded with satisfaction: "I see it as a matter of course! Then this time...Let Director Ning get his wish and make a bold attempt!"

Another vice president couldn't help asking: "Then from Director Ning's point of view... which one is more reliable as the heroine?"

Suddenly hearing this sentence, I saw the eyes of each of them... They couldn't help but aimed at the second child Su Qian'er at the same time...

Then, Director Ning said in a low voice: "I's Mr. Su from Jingchuang Group, right?"

Suddenly hearing this sentence, editor Jin Yiwei said: "It seems that... the heroes see the same thing!"

And Mr. Han said: "The hero hasn't arrived yet."

At this moment, another vice president couldn't help but said, "They...are not professional actors. In terms of salary...should we save a little?"

Suddenly hearing such a question, Director Ning could only express an embarrassed smile and said: "It depends on Mr. Han's intention? But I still think... trying to save money... can't make a good movie! Also... want to make a movie Well, this story should reflect our sincerity, right? Not to mention, but... just the title of international captain, I think it is comparable to the appeal of domestic first-line stars, so..."

Before Director Ning finished speaking, Mr. Han hurriedly whispered: "Don't worry, I understand what Director Ning means. I won't save this money. Now the first-line actor's salary is about 5000 million, so about inviting international captains For this matter... I am willing to pay him 5000 million yuan, is this considered bullying?"

Hearing this suddenly, Director Ning couldn't help being happy: "I just like to cooperate with Mr. Han, happy!"


They just talked about the salary, just in time, I saw the international captain Li Chen and the deputy captain Tan Jixia pushed the door open and entered...

To be honest, suddenly entering this kind of environment, the former Captain Li Chen is really a little inexplicably restrained...

After all, Zeng Otaku is used to it, and he is also used to hanging silk.

It's just that when he came in suddenly, the atmosphere suddenly became high...

"Ah—Captain—you're finally here—" the cute girl was the first to surprise.

Seeing the five women suddenly boil like boiling water, Boss Han was the first to stand up and meet him, holding the international captain's hand tightly...

"Admiration for a long time! Seeing once is worse than hearing it for a long time! The pride of our country! Now we can finally proudly say...we can also shoot a desert island survival movie that truly belongs to our country!"

Worried that Li Chen might feel unfamiliar, Director Ning stepped forward again and introduced: "This is Mr. Han from Hengmei Pictures! This time... Mr. Han is very interested in this story!"

Mr. Han was quite familiar with him, and he was quite enthusiastic. He quickly squeezed Li Chen's hand and said, "Come on, let's sit! Let's sit down and talk slowly!"

In fact, as a native of Huaguo, Mr. Han is quite temperamental and has a sense of family and country.

So this time, I am not only interested in this story, but I really feel that this ordinary hero this time is definitely the pride of Huaguo!
And all the time, there really hasn't been a decent desert island survival movie in China.

It just so happened that the story of survival on a deserted island this time shocked the world, so no matter how you look at it, Mr. Han felt that it was necessary to invest in this story.

It's just... For Li Chen, suddenly plunged into such a circle, he was really a little confused.

Really dizzy...

As if it was different from what he imagined.

But, fortunately, fortunately, the six women were also gathered, so looking at them, he quickly calmed down...

Of course, the next thing was the official start of the dinner, and Mr. Han, Director Ning and other people were not in a hurry to talk about anything.

First of all, we still have to warm up the atmosphere...

However, generally speaking, Director Ning couldn't help but couldn't wait to talk to Captain Li Chen about some of the most memorable points about surviving on a deserted island...

Because I also have to have a general understanding of whether it needs to be dealt with more dramatically.

The story of the movie... After all, it still needs to maintain its integrity.

Overall fluency, etc.

This is the reason why Jin Yiwei's screenwriter was brought to this dinner.

After all, regarding this story, the script still needs to be created now...

(End of this chapter)

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