The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 1118 officially talks about cooperation matters

Chapter 1118 officially talks about cooperation matters
To be honest, Li Chen was still a little confused when he first came into contact with Mr. Han, Director Ning and others...

After all, as for the next step... How does this story work, how does this movie work, he still doesn't know anything?
What's more, he didn't know who the leading actor they invited was?

It's just that he was thinking, if such a good story only considers the audience's visual experience and invites a little fresh meat like a fake mother to play the leading role... Maybe this story will be ruined?
Although I don't know much about the specific filming of the movie, from an audience's point of view, if a first-rate star and a fake girl are invited to play the leading role, then the final filmed story cannot be specified. Look.

Until the end of the dinner, President Han, Director Ning and others still haven't talked about specific matters yet.

This caused Li Chen and the six women to be confused for a while...

Afterwards, under the arrangement of the film sponsor, which is Hengmei Films, the venue was moved to a conference room in the hotel, and only then did the formal discussion of cooperation matters begin...

It can be seen that Hengmei Pictures is quite sincere about this meeting and various negotiations.

But, suddenly, after Director Ning talked about his own thoughts, he wanted to invite the original cast of their desert island survival team to play in their true colors. Suddenly, Li Chen and the six women were all stunned...

"This... can't be done!" Captain Li Chen hurriedly said, expressing his objection.

Immediately afterwards, this Captain Li said again: "Well...Director Ning, Mr. Han, we can provide this story for free. But, you want us to act it ourselves, can it be? We... They all have their own jobs, besides, we are not professional actors, how can we act?"

Immediately, the deputy captain Tan Jixia also hurriedly said: "Director Ning, Mr. Han, we... really don't know how to act! But, we are fine with providing this story for free! Anyway, as long as our captain nods, we are fine!"

Then, the cute girl couldn't help but said: "Although we have star dreams, but if we really want us to act... How can we act?"


Listening to them all talking like this, they all said that they don't know how to act, so Mr. Han smiled, then gestured to Director Ning, and said, "Well, this matter... Director Ning will come and talk to you guys." Explain. Director Ning is good at making movies. But investing in stories... I am good at it."

So, Director Ning looked at them, and finally looked at Li Chen. Director Ning smiled slightly and said: "Listen to me, there are many ways to make movies. Now... what I want to do is ...A truly original story. In fact, you don't need to understand these things, I just need to understand them. And there's also... About this story, if you really invite a group of professional actors to act it, it will fail the performance instead. Yes When making a movie, you also need to pay attention to its personality. A professional actor is not necessarily a good actor. Only a sincere story and a sincere performance can truly impress the audience and become a classic. Professional actors, academic The traces are too strong, so it is difficult to shoot the story I want to do this time. What I want is your original cast, who will act in their true colors. Because what we want to tell is a group of ordinary people who are not well-known. All kinds of natural reactions on the deserted island. In short... I can't tell you too much for a while, but I just want your original team to fight immediately."

Immediately, Director Ning said again: "Don't worry, Mr. Han is very generous in terms of remuneration. But, of course, not everyone's remuneration is the same. I think you can understand this. There must be a difference in the remuneration of the leading role and the supporting role." chemicalized."

Suddenly, President Han became a little anxious, and hurriedly said: "Well, let me talk about the remuneration roughly. Your captain Li Chen, as you all know, is already the pride of our country, and has been called the international media by the international media." Captain, so frankly speaking... from a commercial point of view, his box office appeal is almost equal to that of first-line stars. As long as we make a little announcement, it will be absolutely fine, and the audience definitely has a strong sense of expectation, guys The captain... We are willing to pay 5000 million according to the price of a first-line star. As for the heroine... We have already discussed it, and that is Mr. Su of Jingchuang Group. Her salary is about 2000 million, and then there is The two real stewardesses, Tan Jixia and Miao Keke, are...each paid 200 million yuan, and the rest... Qin Xiaowan, Liu Caiqiong, and Lina, each paid 80 yuan."

Then, Mr. Han explained: "Because you don't understand, and you are not professional actors, so I still need to explain to you about the salary issue... I definitely did not lower the price. Anyway, Director Ning also knows, since I am so If you want to do this story, then naturally it is impossible to lower the price because you are not professional actors. So... Director Ning definitely knows the fairness of this price. Besides, you can also look up the price of domestic first-line stars on the Internet. So... ..."

Boss Han hasn't finished talking yet, the international captain's nerdy nature... almost exposed{b}...

Fortunately, he still controlled it, and whispered in Tan Jixia's ear: "How much, how much!? 5, 5... 5000 million!? I... heard it right!?"

Tan Jixia almost laughed out loud...

But in the end she held back, and couldn't help but whispered in the captain's ear: "Let's treat you later!"

Captain Li Chen immediately whispered in her ear: "It must!"

Su Qian'er seemed to have heard something, so she couldn't help but leaned closer, and whispered in the captain's ear: "How is it? Let me just say... there must be blessings if you survive a catastrophe, right?"

It's just that the cute girl is a little unhappy...

Hmph, why... why is Sister Qian'er the heroine?

What's wrong with Miao Keke being the heroine?
can't you?snort!
And Qin Xiaowan whispered in Liu Caiqiong's ear with a little joy in her heart: "How is it? I'm not mistaken, am I? Did I tell you a long time ago that our heroine is the second child, isn't it right now?"

However, Liu Caiqiong said in Qin Xiaowan's ear: "This is just a movie! It's just the heroine in the movie! In fact... in life... who is the real heroine? Maybe it's possible Is it a cute girl? Or maybe it’s Lina?"

Suddenly, Qin Xiaowan was shocked and said in Liu Caiqiong's ear: "You may also be the heroine?"

"Isn't it possible?" Liu Caiqiong hurriedly asked in Qin Xiaowan's ear.


(End of this chapter)

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