Chapter 1122 Prepare to draw lots!

This shows that the captain insisted on adding a blank list to the lottery, and Tan Jixia's condition suddenly improved...

Immediately, the girl from the north gave the captain an inexplicable look, and said, "Okay! Then follow what you said! Add a blank list, add a blank list! Hmph, grandma, I really don't believe it, so many list, are you sure you can grab that blank list?"

Seeing that the elder one spoke like this suddenly, he agreed, so...the second child Su Qian'er couldn't help but said: "Okay. Then I also agree to add a blank list."

In fact, at this moment, the second child also has a small idea of ​​gambling on fate...

At least from the heroine she thinks, to the heroine determined by Director Ning and others, she secretly feels... Maybe this is God's will?

If this time the lottery... is still drawn by her, then she will take the initiative boldly!
As the atmosphere became more and more heated, the cute girl looked at the captain inexplicably, and then said: "Hmph! The surname is Li! Then you can't play around!"

This time, Captain Li said with an inexplicable smile: "Look at you... just... draw lots, how can I play around?"

In fact, just this matter... really can't cheat.

Six women, six eyes staring at each other, how could they cheat?

So this time, Captain Li is going all out.

Furthermore, when he was on the island, he often talked about God's will.

So he also wanted to give it a try, to see what God's will was like?
Furthermore, as far as life is concerned, he has always felt that it is a gamble.

After all, no one knows what will happen in the future?
It's like being on an island, life or death, whether you can get out of the deserted island, or whether you can get out of the ocean, everything is unknown.

It's just that looking back now, everything is considered lucky!
After all, he finally came out alive!
Now, he wants to add a blank list to the lottery. In fact, regarding this blank list, he wants to leave a list for Xiao Cao and his wife...

That is to say, I also want to give Xu Huiyun a chance.

If God's will is so, then next, he will take the initiative to pursue Xu Huiyun and take good care of their mother and son in the future.

For such a marriage, in fact, he has no psychological barriers.

Just like... If Qin Xiaowan is willing, he will really marry her.

Later, I saw Su Qian'er, Miao Keke, Liu Caiqiong, and Lina, these four women were already preparing a note to write their names on, so... this Captain Li just looked at Tan Jixia and Qin Xiaowan...

"Um, how about you two?"

Tan Jixia immediately gave him a look like a daughter-in-law...

"Hmph! Damn guy! Didn't you already say that? You and Sister Wan'er won't participate, understand?"

Seeing this, Captain Li said: "That's not going to happen! Then I won't arrest you! This is not for fun!"

Suddenly hearing this, the foreign girl Lina hurriedly said: "Oh...I also think...Sister Jixia and Sister Wan'er should participate!'s really unfair!"

Immediately, the second child, Su Qian'er, also got excited: "Yes, yes! Sister Jixia and Sister Wan'er must also participate! Otherwise... I don't think it's appropriate!"

Suddenly, Qin Xiaowan said somewhat vaguely: "I...isn't good?"

Tan Jixia looked at the captain inexplicably again, and said, "Damn guy! How dare you marry a woman like me?"

Captain Li said: "Look at what you said, am I that hypocritical? I... I'm a fucking widow now, do you think I'm still so hypocritical?"

Hearing what he said suddenly, Tan Jixia felt that... the current state of the captain is indeed slowly coming out.

So, stomping her feet and gritting her teeth, she said, "Okay! Then I will participate!"

However, Qin Xiaowan said evasively: "Then I... I won't participate?"

Unexpectedly, Captain Li looked at her inexplicably, and said, "Wan'er, you are so boring!"

Suddenly hearing such a sentence from him, and even calling Wan'er directly, Qin Xiaowan couldn't help being a little taken aback——

At the same time, she also blushed with some inexplicable guilt...

After all, she really slept with him.

In desperation, she had no choice but to look at him inexplicably, and said, "Hmph! Call me... Sister Wan'er!"

However, Captain Li suddenly smiled like a hippie: "But I think... Wan'er is quite pleasing to the mouth."

The cute girl couldn't stand it any longer: "Huh! The dead surnamed Li! Virtue!"

"That's all I do, what's wrong?"

Suddenly seeing such a sentence from the captain, the second child, Su Qian'er, couldn't help but chuckle secretly...

Because this seemed to be the captain they knew at the beginning.

Because when he was first on the island, he was also like this, a bit boring, a bit hippie, and occasionally a little humorous...

So now it seems that the captain's status has been recovered bit by bit.

She has always liked him who is so real.

Afterwards, Su Qian'er said to Qin Xiaowan: "Sister Wan'er, just join in. Anyway, aren't you divorced a long time ago? Are you single now?"

Qin Xiaowan looked at the captain inexplicably shyly again, and then said vaguely: "Then... okay."

Next, the cute girl yelled, asking the waiter to bring a sex cup.

Six women wrote their names on six pieces of paper of the same size, and then kneaded them into balls.

Finally, a blank note of the same size was crumpled into a ball.

After finishing the work, throw it all into the color cup...

The cute girl started to shake and started to shake...

"Hmph, dead surnamed Li, let me see how you are cheating?"

Immediately, Qiong'er said: "No, I want to shake it too!"


Afterwards, seeing the six women all requesting to shake their sex cups, Li Chen really couldn't laugh or cry...

But at the same time... looking at these six women, he felt... still a little inexplicable sense of happiness.

No matter what you say...these six women are waiting for us to choose a wife by drawing lots.

In this world, I'm afraid there is no man happier than us, right?

Finally, after the older Tan Jixia shook the cup, she tapped it on the table and said, "Okay, come on! Damn you, let's start drawing lots!"

Seeing this, Li Chen couldn't help but look at the six women, and then said: "This kind of thing of obeying God's will, you can't fight each other later!"

The cute girl was the first to express her opinion: "Don't worry! Anyone who has an opinion, whoever is right!"

So... Captain Li said with a smile that was not a smile: "Then I... really draw lots, huh?"

Qiong'er said impatiently: "Oh, captain, you just... Hurry up!"

Captain Li said again: "Why... wait until the arrest is over, what's the matter with the bridal chamber tonight?"

Tan Jixia said: "Nonsense! We are so familiar, are you afraid that we will have a bridal chamber tonight?"


(End of this chapter)

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