Chapter 1123 Tan?
Afterwards, under the eyes of six women and six pairs of eyes, there was nothing to do, and Captain Li Chen had no choice but to stretch out his hand with a half-smile, and uncover the locked cup...

Seven small balls of paper were scattered on the table...

It's just that looking at it... this captain Li Chen smiled half-smile again, it seemed that he really had a headache.

In desperation, he couldn't help but look at these six women again...

"Eh? I'm just wondering? Why do I have to choose one of you to be my daughter-in-law? Aren't you... coercing me?"

As soon as he said this, the six women were so angry...they wanted to pin him down and beat him up.

Thinking about it, right now, all six women's heartbeats are a little faster...

We are all looking forward to the end result!

As a result, the older Tan Jixia couldn't help but glared at him angrily: "Hmph! Damn guy! Can you hurry up?"

Immediately, the cute girl also hurriedly said: "That's right! The dead surname is Li! Why are you talking so much nonsense? Hurry up and draw lots!"

Even Qin Xiaowan couldn't wait: "Oh...captain! You...can you hurry up? Grab one!"

The second child, Su Qian'er, couldn't help giving him an inexplicable look: "Hmph, don't you want to be a mother-in-law?"

The foreign girl Lina said: " should have a better time!"

Qiong'er couldn't help but said, "Captain, can you stop torturing us?"

Then, the eldest Tan Jixia said again: "Sisters, if he keeps making troubles, we will fight together and beat him!"

This can't help but make Captain Li startled again, holding the grass, this northern girl...

Waiting to look at the six of them again, there was nothing to do, so he couldn't help but stretch out his hand, really ready to officially draw lots...

It's just that at this moment, Captain Li Chen still has some inexplicable contradictions in his heart, but he doesn't know what to say?
This thing... this thing... seems to be a joke, but if it really doesn't happen in the end... I don't know what the consequences will be?
In fact, for him, it was still a bit of a mistake.

Originally, he didn't even want to take the lottery.

So he began to ask Tan Jixia and Qin Xiaowan to join it. If they refused to join, then he would have an excuse and could refuse to draw lots.

But who knew... these two girls couldn't hold back in the end, and even joined in.

So now, Captain Li is also riding a tiger...

Not even if you catch it, or if you don’t catch it?

But when he was about to draw lots, he still couldn't help but sneak a glance at the second child with an imperceptible look...

As for what this look means, only he knows.

Afterwards, when the six women and six pairs of eyes... watched him finally grab a ball of paper, they could not help but see their heartbeats speeding up again...

"Uh, quick, open it and have a look!"

Just hearing these words suddenly, Captain Li pretended not to be in a hurry...

"Look at you...what are you in a hurry for?"

Seeing this, Tan Jixia became angry: "Humph! You... you damn bastard! You really deserve a beating, don't you?"

Suddenly, the second child, Su Qian'er, couldn't help saying, "I think he deserves a beating!"

In fact, at this very moment, the second child's also beating.

However, Captain Li lighted a cigarette without haste...

Seeing its appearance, the cute girl became anxious again: "The one whose surname is Li! You can't hurry up! Damn, why are you so ink-stained?"

Qiong'er said: "Oh, I'm so anxious to death!"

However, to be honest, at this moment, Captain Li didn't dare to open the paper ball he had grasped at all.

Therefore, after taking two puffs of cigarettes, he said, "Why don't we... let's keep it in suspense?"

The cute girl immediately said: "Leave you a big-headed ghost! Hurry up!"

Qiong'er said: "Oh, what are you still worried about? Even if it's the advertising time... it's already passed, okay? Hurry up!"

Tan Jixia quickly said: "Damn guy! Don't really want to beat me up!"

Seeing them all like that, there was nothing wrong with them, and after another puff of cigarette, Captain Li could only say: "Then...alright! Now... let's solve the mystery!"

Before he finished speaking, Tan Jixia was in a hurry, so she took the opportunity and couldn't help snatching the ball of paper from him...

So, the cute girl hurriedly said: "Quick, sister Jixia, open it and have a look!"

The second child, Su Qian'er, also hurriedly said: "Yes, yes, yes! Sister Jixia, hurry up, open it!"

So... the eyes of the women were all focused on the ball of paper in Tan Jixia's hand...

This Tan Jixia also couldn't wait, and hurriedly opened the paper ball...

Just rubbing it a little bit, when she suddenly saw the word 'Tan', she couldn't help but startled secretly: "???"

Surprised by this, she hurriedly covered it with her hands, and then hurriedly said: "Forget it! I also think... let's leave it in suspense!"

Unexpectedly, when the cute girl was anxious, she pushed Tan Jixia's hand away...

"Who is it? Tan?"

In an instant, the cute girl was stupid!
This sight could no longer be concealed, and Tan Jixia panicked: "Oh! That's fine! What Tan? It's not Tan!"

It's just that right now, those women, with those pairs of eyes, are already staring at her blankly...

At this moment, Li Chen was also a little inexplicably stupid: "???"

Grass, right?

However, his eyes had to stare blankly at the older Tan Jixia...

At this moment, Tan Jixia's face was flustered and blushing, as if she didn't know what to do?
After thinking about it, in desperation, she had no choice but to say: "No! This doesn't count!"

As soon as these words came out, the cute girl was the first to say: "I agree! It doesn't count!"

However, unexpectedly, Qin Xiaowan said: "Who says it doesn't matter?"

The second child, Su Qian'er, was also in a daze, but she had to say: "That's right! Who says it's not worth it?"

As for Liu Caiqiong, she is silent now.

The foreign girl Lina doesn't know what to say now?

After a while, Tan Jixia glanced at the captain inexplicably shyly, and said, "Oh... I... I'm his sister!"

It's just that suddenly seeing this girl in the north like this, Captain Li became excited: "Sister, what kind of sister? You are in the north, I am in the south, what kind of sister? Okay, I am willing to admit defeat! Tonight... I will start as you As said, let's prepare the bridal chamber!"

Hearing these words suddenly, a pair of eyes could not help but stare at him blankly...

"Hmph! The surname is Li! Have you been looking forward to it for a long time?"

Captain Li said: "That's necessary! One of the three great happy events in life... the wedding night in the bridal chamber, which gentleman doesn't look forward to such happy events?"

However, Tan Jixia rolled her eyes and said, "Hmph, dream, you!"


(End of this chapter)

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