The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 1124 What a hell of a happy year?

Chapter 1124 What a ghost after a hundred years?

Seeing that Tan Jixia was so ashamed, and she was talking about you dreaming again, so... the Captain Li Chen also said: "Then, you have seen it too, you said it was a lottery, and now I am also a lottery, It was something I was willing to gamble and admit defeat at first, but now...she doesn't agree, she is playing tricks, and I have nothing to do with it!"

However, unexpectedly, the cute girl hurriedly said: "No. This time just now is not counted. This time just now is just a rehearsal."

Seeing that the cute girl is like this, Captain Li couldn't help but said: "Is it true that the lottery has to be you until it is you?"

"You...I..." Suddenly, the cute girl choked on her words, and her cheeks flushed red.

This made Qin Xiaowan couldn't help but burst out laughing...

At the same time, Qin Xiaowan was somewhat gloating.

Because, anyway, she was not caught, and she finally breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact... this beautiful young woman secretly cheated.

Because she didn't write her own name at all before.

What she wrote was Tan Jixia's name.

Because the sisters are so familiar, she has already been able to easily imitate Tan Jixia's notes.

This thing... If you don't look carefully, who would know it was written by her?

Originally...she wanted to write the name of her second child, Su Qian'er, but after thinking about it, she changed her mind temporarily...

Because she felt...among these women, it's better to solve Tan Jixia's personal problems first.

So she wrote Tan Jixia's name on her note.

I didn't expect this trick to really work.

It was a very lively event, and it was also something I was looking forward to, but after the result came out, the atmosphere became awkward...

At this moment, the second child, Su Qian'er, didn't know what to say?
It's just that in her heart... a little uncomfortable.

Originally, she fully thought that it might be herself, but who knew...the result...was really unexpected!
As for the foreign girl Lina... don't know what to say now?

Qiong'er, on the other hand, wrinkled her beautiful eyes and pursed her lips a little gloomily...

It was almost a snort.

Qin Xiaowan, who was gloating at other people's misfortunes, was still a little worried that she might reveal some flaws, so... she just swept over and swept all the balls of paper into the trash basket beside her...

"Okay. It's done. The lottery is also drawn. Everyone, don't get entangled."

Seeing Qin Xiaowan like this all of a sudden, I saw these women wrinkling their beautiful eyes again...

At this moment, they don't know what to say?
However, for Captain Li, he was somewhat relieved.

Because he also knew in his heart that this northern girl...would definitely not marry him.

So this matter, just such a result, is also very good.

It's just that for those few women, I'm afraid that in the future... I'm too embarrassed to mention this matter again?

It seemed that the atmosphere was deadlocked like this, so Captain Li couldn't help holding up his beer mug: "Come on, come on, let's have a drink first!"

Taking advantage of the opportunity, Qin Xiaowan hurriedly picked up the wine glass and said, "Yes, yes, yes, come, let's celebrate! Congratulations to Captain and Xia'er for a hundred years of friendship!"

Tan Jixia panicked again and rolled her eyes at Qin Xiaowan...

"Hmph! How about a hundred years of love? You go and get along with the captain for a hundred years!"

Qin Xiaowan said: "The problem is... the captain cast lots for you!"

Tan Jixia's pretty face flushed again: "..."

It seems that besides being speechless, I don't know what to say?

In order not to neglect the atmosphere, the second child, Su Qian'er, suddenly raised her wine glass, "Come on! No matter what, we have to bless the captain and sister Jixia!"

However, Tan Jixia was in a hurry with her second child again...

"Second brother, you..."

In this panic, Tan Jixia suddenly said: "I have decided, I will give the opportunity to the second child!"

Unexpectedly, the cute girl was the first to object: "I don't agree! We didn't have this rule before!"

Taking the opportunity, Qiong'er also hurriedly said: "I don't agree with this either!"

The foreign girl Lina also spoke suddenly: "Oh... I still think... we can do whatever we set before!"

Suddenly, Captain Li smiled at Tan Jixia with a wine glass: "Come on, Xia'er, let's...don't talk about exchanging glasses, we have to touch each other, right?"

Tan Jixia panicked again and rolled her eyes: "Hmph! Damn you! You..."

"Why are you ashamed? Look at me, I'm not ashamed anymore, am I?"

Tan Jixia: "..."

This time, it was really lively.

Afterwards, Captain Li also said, "That's right. I'll drink it myself."


After a while, I saw Tan Jixia going to the bathroom, so Qin Xiaowan took the opportunity to go to the bathroom too...

After arriving in the bathroom, Qin Xiaowan said, "What's the matter, Xia'er? Are you really shy?"

Tan Jixia was still depressed: "Hmph! Wait a minute! I'll take a pee first!"

So, Qin Xiaowan said, "Okay then. Then I'll pee first too."

After a while, after both of them finished their work, they went to the sink and looked at Tan Jixia in the mirror. Qin Xiaowan said again: "Xia'er, tell me now, what are your thoughts?"

Tan Jixia pouted sullenly again: "Anyway... I won't marry the captain! It's not like you don't know, I...Actually... I always hope that the second child and the captain will get along well!"

And Qin Xiaowan said: "But this lottery..."

Before she finished speaking, Tan Jixia hurriedly said, "What's the lottery? This is just for fun, isn't it?"

Immediately, Tan Jixia said again: "Anyway... Next... During the filming, the contact time between the second child and the captain will not be short, so... Hmph... I don't believe that the two of them can't spark love!"

However, Qin Xiaowan said: "But the second child is still very principled. Since you are the one who draws lots, she will not overstep. Anyway, I know the second child too well."


Right now, in the box.

The cute girl is still expressing her dissatisfaction: "Huh, this lottery... doesn't count at all!"

Seeing this, the second child Su Qian'er finally couldn't help but said: "Uh, Keke, don't bring such a ha! You... obviously don't bless the captain and sister Jixia, don't you?"

The foreign girl Lina couldn't help but said: "Oh... I also think... we still have to believe in God's will. It seems that the captain and sister Jixia have a destined marriage."

Qiong'er had no choice but to endure the pain and said: "I think... since the lottery is decided by us, then we still have to follow the result. And... I think... the captain and sister Jixia are also very good. Anyway ... Sister Jixia also knows how to love others, so I believe that Sister Jixia will take good care of the captain in the future. As long as the captain is good, I will accept any result."

However, the cute girl said again: "Huh! Dead Qiong'er! What do you mean? You mean... I won't hurt people?"


(End of this chapter)

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