Chapter 1125 Are you playing tricks?

Right now, in the bathroom.

Tan Jixia, who was standing in front of the sink, looked at Qin Xiaowan in the mirror again, and suddenly she couldn't help but turned to face Qin Xiaowan...

Suddenly, Qin Xiaowan saw Tan Jixia staring at her blankly, especially Tan Jixia's beautiful eyes were still slightly wrinkled, as if wondering something, so... Qin Xiaowan secretly felt a little guilty...

After all, she did play tricks on the issue of drawing lots before.

Because she did write Tan Jixia's name on her note.

Because of her guilty conscience, Qin Xiaowan smiled awkwardly and said, "Why are you looking at me like that? You don't... like me, do you?"

Seeing Qin Xiaowan like this, Tan Jixia couldn't help frowning her beautiful eyes...

After examining her thoughtfully for a while, Tan Jixia finally couldn't help but said: "Uh, sister Wan'er, to be honest, when you were drawing lots... did you play tricks?"

Qin Xiaowan gave another guilty laugh: "What? I don't understand what you mean?"

This shows that she not only pretends to be stupid, but also refuses to admit it, so... Tan Jixia is even more suspicious...

"Stop acting, Miss Wan'er!"

"I said... Shi Xia'er, what exactly do you want to say?"

"You still don't admit it, Miss Wan'er?"

Qin Xiaowan continued to pretend to be stupid: "What am I admitting?"

"Hmph! When you drew lots before, you specified that you wrote my name on your note!"

Hearing that Tan Jixia had spoken out, Qin Xiaowan felt even more guilty, and could only keep laughing awkwardly...

Looking at Qin Xiaowan with an awkward smile, she didn't say anything, so... Tan Jixia said again: "Admit it?"

Unexpectedly, Qin Xiaowan said again: "I don't have one!"

Tan Jixia was suddenly annoyed: "Hmph! It's no wonder you didn't! Because...before...when I was drawing lots, I wrote my second child's name on the slip of paper! That is to say...the drawing of lots, at all There is no possibility of my name! So... Sister Wan'er, you specified that you wrote my name on your note, hum!"

Qin Xiaowan: "...???"

Now, she seemed to have nothing to say.

Immediately, Tan Jixia said again: "Just those little girls, I know. Keke will never write my name, because she is most looking forward to marrying the captain. Not to mention Qionger, she... I have wanted to marry the captain for a long time. That foreign girl Lina... is also looking forward to becoming Hua Guo's daughter-in-law. Needless to say, the second child, she will definitely not quit in this way. So... only you Sister Wan'er will write my name!"

This shows that Tan Jixia has already talked about this, and there is nothing to do. In the end, Qin Xiaowan could only laugh awkwardly: "No...then what...why did you write the name of the second child?"

"Nonsense! Why didn't I write the second child's name? Don't you know the second child's mind?"

Hearing what Tan Jixia said, Qin Xiaowan couldn't help being thoughtful for a moment...

Afterwards, Qin Xiaowan couldn't help but said: "I think...with the character of the captain, he shouldn't be nice to the second child?"

Tan Jixia said: "Isn't it self-esteem? This... can be overcome!"

Qin Xiaowan listened, and was taken aback thoughtfully again...

Afterwards, she said, "By the way, if that's the case...the lottery just now doesn't count at all."

Tan Jixia said: "Sister Wan'er! Sister Wan'er! Are you stupid or am I stupid? Just in front of those girls, are you ashamed to say that you have made trouble? Or... I have the nerve to say that I have made trouble too." gone?"

This is true.

If those little girls knew that they were both playing tricks, wouldn't they have a falling out?

Next, Qin Xiaowan didn't know what to say?

It's just that this incident caused a lot of trouble... I don't know who is disgusting in the end?
Anyway, is impossible to overthrow the previous lottery.

As for what's going on here, only the two of them know.

Afterwards, after thinking about it again, Qin Xiaowan couldn't help but said: "Uh, Xia'er, then tell me...the captain and the second it true that there is no destiny?"

Then, she said again: "Think about it, didn't you write the name of the second child? Didn't the second child have an extra chance when drawing lots before? There are two names of Su Qian'er there, this... ...The captain didn't catch her? You said... this..."

However, before Qin Xiaowan finished speaking, Tan Jixia said: "Oh, I said... Sister Wan'er, why do you really believe this? It's just a game! It's as if... the captain really caught me, but Can I really marry him?"

Qin Xiaowan hurriedly said, "Why can't you?"

"Oh, if you can't, you can't!"

Seeing Tan Jixia like this, Qin Xiaowan couldn't help but began to look at her thoughtfully...

After a while, Qin Xiaowan asked, "You don't like the captain?"

However, Tan Jixia said: "Who doesn't like the captain?"

Then, Tan Jixia said again: "Let's not say that the captain is an excellent man in this world, but, as far as I am... I have grown up so much, I have met and known a lot of men, right? But in terms of character Speaking of which, I really haven't seen anyone better than the captain! So... you say... I can hate the captain?"

So Qin Xiaowan said, "Then why don't you want to marry him?"

Tan Jixia said: "Oh... Sister Wan'er, how did you understand what I said? I think... among the few of us... only the second child is the most worthy of being the captain!"

After hearing what Tan Jixia said, Qin Xiaowan suddenly didn't know what to say?

So, Tan Jixia also asked: "Why... Sister Wan'er, what I just said... hurt you?"

Suddenly hearing this, Qin Xiaowan could only smile in distress: "No."

Then, Qin Xiaowan said: "Besides, I am not a woman without self-knowledge, so... I know that a woman like me is indeed not suitable for the captain. It's just that I think... Keke is actually okay. Qiong Er In fact, it’s not bad. Lena...although she is a foreign girl, she is not such a casual girl. She is emotionally...very firm, so I think...the four little girls...are actually all It is very suitable for the captain."

It's just that Tan Jixia was depressed again after listening...

After wrinkling her beautiful eyes, she said: "According to what you say, all captains should be married?"

Suddenly hearing such a sentence, Qin Xiaowan couldn't help but smile: "You think it's unrealistic?"

"Nonsense! Can this be realistic?"

Qin Xiaowan couldn't help but wrinkled her beautiful eyes: "Alas... this matter... I don't know what to say? Anyway... the second child is indeed very good! So... it's hard to say?"


(End of this chapter)

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