The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 1126 What's wrong with the captain?

Chapter 1126 What's wrong with the captain?

After the second half ended, I came out of the barbecue restaurant, and before I knew was past three o'clock in the morning, close to four o'clock.

Right now, the streets of Yanjing are extremely clean.

On the deserted street, there are only sleepy street lamps left...

At the door of the barbecue restaurant, there were no surrogate drivers waiting to pick up the job.

Since they all drank a lot of wine, at this moment, after leaving the barbecue restaurant, everyone was a little dazed, as if they didn't know how to go back?
Therefore, Qin Xiaowan couldn't help but ask, "This... how to fix it next?"

The second child Su Qian'er frowned slightly, and then said: "How about... let's go find a hotel nearby?"

Suddenly hearing this, the cute girl became excited: "Yes! Go to the hotel! Anyway, Li's surname is all paid tonight! He... 5000 million salary!"

It's just that the second child, Su Qian'er, was a little unhappy when she heard the cute girl say that...

At least she was thinking, what happened to the captain's 5000 million salary?He didn't steal or rob, and earned it in a fair way, isn't it okay?

The fact that Hengmei Pictures is willing to offer this price proves that the captain is worth the money!

Hmph, I still think it's missing!
Afterwards, Tan Jixia couldn't help giving the cute girl an inexplicable look: "I said... Keke, you little girl, don't you keep talking about the 5000 million salary?"

Suddenly hearing this, unexpectedly, Qiong'er said: "That's right! The 5000 million salary now, but sister Ji Xia has to be the master of the house, okay?"

Hearing what Qiong'er said suddenly, Tan Jixia couldn't help but rolled her eyes at Qiong'er...

"Joan, what do you mean?"

Liu Caiqiong hurriedly said: "Oh, sister Jixia, what else can I mean? This is not... a lottery... the captain caught you, so... now... you and the captain must be married. !"

When Qiong'er said this, Tan Jixia was a little speechless...

It can only be the frowning of the beautiful eyes...

At this moment, suddenly, Li Chen finally couldn't help but said: "Okay. Are you really endless? Then what...then let's listen to the second brother's suggestion, let's go find a hotel nearby. What? ... I will cover the room fee for tonight, is that all right?"

Suddenly hearing what the captain said, everyone didn't know what to say?

So... Next, the seven of them walked to find a hotel nearby.

On the street at midnight, one man and six women, this style of painting is really enviable.

Especially with a blond foreign girl.

However, for Captain Li Chen, it was an invisible pressure.

To be honest, if it wasn't because of the upcoming movie, he really didn't want to get together with these six girls again.

Because he also knew in his heart that just these six... It's really not suitable to marry anyone.

In short, no matter who they marry, they will have opinions.

Although the eldest Tan Jixia was drawn by lot, these women... were unwilling to accept this result.

It's just that they are willing to gamble and admit defeat, and now they can't say anything about it.That's all.

After a while, when he arrived at the hotel, Li Chen went to the front desk and asked for seven rooms directly.

Afterwards, when everyone got their room cards and took the elevator upstairs together, the foreign girl Lina suddenly couldn't help but said, " come we want seven rooms? It's settled, whoever is caught by lottery, and then go straight to the wedding night?"

Suddenly hearing this, Tan Jixia became anxious: "Lina, are you still going to finish!?"

Seeing Sister Ji Xia suddenly was really impatient, and all of them couldn't help being slightly startled in embarrassment...

Next, one by one... It seems that no one is embarrassed to say anything.

Afterwards, when the elevator dinged and reached the floor, their captain didn't say anything, but went straight to his room.

After watching the captain open the door of the room, he walked straight into the room, and then closed the door with a bang, the women couldn't help being stunned again...

"Uh, captain... what's wrong?" Suddenly, Qiong'er couldn't help asking in a low voice.

Su Qian'er frowned inexplicably, then shook her head: "I don't know?"

However, the cute girl said: "Huh! The surname is Li! Isn't he happy?"

Lina hurriedly said, "Oh... Keke, you can't say that!"

After looking at them, Qin Xiaowan said, "Okay, let's go to sleep."


Regarding this moment, after Li Chen entered the room, he couldn't help but lighted a cigarette gloomily.

Being with these six women seems to be a kind of happiness, but in fact... there is also an invisible pressure.

However, after smoking a cigarette, he didn't think about it any more, he just prepared to wash up and go to sleep.


Qin Xiaowan couldn't help but came to Tan Jixia's room at the moment.

"Uh, Xia'er, the captain just now...was he unhappy?"

Suddenly hearing Miss Wan'er's question, Tan Jixia stared thoughtfully, then said, "Don't think too much about it. He's not always like that."

Then, Tan Jixia couldn't help but said: "Although he is now able to talk and laugh happily, in fact... he is still thinking about that H country actress in his heart."

Suddenly hearing this, Qin Xiaowan suddenly felt a little heavy in her heart...

After staring at her thoughtfully, Qin Xiaowan said: "To be honest, Hui really a pity!"

Therefore, Tan Jixia couldn't help asking: "If you really want to block the bullet for the captain, can you be as steadfast as Hye Kyo?"

Qin Xiaowan didn't rush to answer, but thought about it seriously...

After waiting for a while, she said: "Just us few women, I'm afraid everyone is willing to block the bullet for the captain at a critical moment, right?"

And Tan Jixia said: "But you have to know, the captain never wants us to block bullets for him. So... Hye Kyo... probably will always be a pain in his heart."

After hearing what Tan Jixia said, Qin Xiaowan seemed to begin to understand the captain's current state of mind...

It seems that they can talk and laugh happily, but in fact, there is still a faint pain in their hearts.


At this moment, Qiong'er couldn't help but make an intercom call to Ke Ke's room.

"Uh, Keke, tell me, will sister Jixia really marry the captain?"

Suddenly hearing Qiong'er's question, Miao Keke wrinkled her beautiful eyes thoughtfully, curled her lips: "Hmph, who knows?"

Afterwards, Miao Keke said again: "Anyway...the one who draws lots is her!"

And Qiong'er said: "But why do I always feel that...tonight's there something wrong?"

"What's the problem?" Miao Keke asked hurriedly.

However, Qiong'er said vaguely: "I can't tell the specifics?"


(End of this chapter)

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