Chapter 1127 Xu Huiyun Came Suddenly

The next day, Xiao Cao's wife, Xu Huiyun, suddenly called.

It was said that his son Lele was sick, so he took his son to the Xiehe Hospital in Yanjing for an examination.

Hearing such news suddenly, the former Captain Li Chen immediately took a taxi to Xiehe Hospital without saying a word.


Around ten o'clock in the morning, the hotel lobby.

After all six women came downstairs, when they checked out at the front desk, they noticed that the captain was not there.

So, the second child, Su Qian'er, couldn't help but ask the older Tan Jixia, "Where's the captain?"

Hearing such a question suddenly, Tan Jixia stared thoughtfully, then said, "I've already left."

Suddenly hearing that the captain had already left, Qin Xiaowan was startled in panic: "He... has already left?"

Then Tan Jixia said: "At nine o'clock, he called me and said that there was something urgent, so he left first. Then, he asked me to tell you."

Suddenly hearing this, Qiong'er was the first to worry: "Then...the captain...what's the matter?"

Immediately, Qin Xiaowan wondered, "Isn't he temporarily out of work? What's the matter?"

Tan Jixia said: "I asked, but he didn't say anything. So I don't know what's urgent?"

The cute girl thought about it, and then said, "Couldn't it be that Hengmei Films is looking for him? Or is Director Ning looking for him alone?"


Now, Union Medical College Hospital.

After arriving here in a hurry, he suddenly saw Xiao Cao and his wife waiting anxiously in the long corridor of the outpatient department, Li Chen hurriedly greeted her...

"Sister-in-law, Lele How is he?"

Xu Huiyun froze for a moment, and after she realized it, she hurriedly turned around and looked at Li Chen...

However, at this moment, she didn't know what to say?
Especially... She also felt a little embarrassed, after all, he was bothering him.

Furthermore, there are still some strange feelings.

Just seeing her like that, Li Chen was anxious: "What's the matter, sister-in-law?"

Only then did Xu Huiyun say unsteadily: "There shouldn't be any major problems? The doctor said... I should wait outside."

Hearing what she said, Li Chen felt a little relieved...

After taking a breath, he couldn't help but ask again: "Lele...what's wrong with him?"

Only then did Xu Huiyun wrinkle her beautiful eyes with a sad face: "It's just a stomachache. I was checked at Yanjiao Hospital, and it was a big problem. But the medicine still didn't work. So the doctor there said, then take him to Yanjing Come here and check it out.”

After hearing the general idea, Li Chen couldn't help but look inexplicably sad...

At this moment, suddenly, a doctor in a white coat poked his head out: "Xu Huiyun, come in."

Suddenly, the doctor was calling, so Xu Huiyun hurriedly turned around...

Seeing this, Li Chen had no choice but to turn around...

But after entering the outpatient room, the doctor took a look and asked, "This is... the child's father?"

Xu Huiyun blushed suddenly: "That... no! He's not!"

At this moment, a lively and cute little boy suddenly rushed over: "Ah! Li Shushu!"

The doctor was stunned for a moment, then looked at Li Chen carefully, and then panicked and surprised: "Isn't this...Captain Huaguo!?"

Taking the opportunity, Xu Huiyun explained: "Yes. He is Captain Li."

It's just that this made Li Chen feel a little inexplicably embarrassed: "Then what... that's fine. Leave Captain Li alone. In the end... I couldn't bring Lele and his father back together."

After hearing this suddenly, the doctor understood something.

So... the doctor looked at Xu Huiyun and asked, "Is your lover also the victim of HX714 last year?"

"En." Xu Huiyun could only nod her head.

Seeing her nod, the doctor said somewhat sympathetically: "Then what... Lele is fine. I'll just prescribe some medicine. "

Suddenly hearing what the doctor said, Xu Huiyun was relieved a lot.

So she hurriedly said, "Thank you, doctor!"

"You're welcome!"

Afterwards, the doctor looked at Li Chen with some inexplicable admiration, and said, "Captain Li, don't blame yourself too much. Some things... just do your best. At least... you are indeed the one who survived on a deserted island this time." The pride of our Hua country! Especially after reading those news reports, I admire you a lot! The backbone of our Hua country is because there are many people like Captain Li!"

Hearing the doctor's words suddenly, Li Chen felt a little embarrassed: "You're too much!"


After a while, when she came out of the hospital, she saw that Lele was fine and was still alive and kicking, Xu Huiyun felt relieved now.

So, she couldn't help but look at Li Chen with some embarrassment...

"I'm sorry to trouble you, Captain Li!"

Hearing this suddenly, Li Chen hurriedly said: "Look at what you said! Did you see yourself, sister-in-law?"

After all, Lele is a child, so she suddenly said childishly: "Li Shushu, when my father you want you to take care of me and Mommy?"

Suddenly hearing this sentence, Xu Huiyun blushed, "Lele, what nonsense are you talking about?"

This made Li Chen quite embarrassed...

In desperation, he could only laugh awkwardly...

Fortunately, after a burst of embarrassing laughter, he said: "By the way, Lele, what do you want to eat, I'll buy it for you!"

"KFC." Lele opened his mouth and came.

It's just that Xu Huiyun was that embarrassed again, and hurriedly said: "Lele! You kid! What kind of KFC are you eating?"

Seeing the situation, Li Chen could only smile and said, "It's okay, sister-in-law."

Immediately, he hurriedly said: "Oh, by the way, sister-in-law, it's time for lunch, let's go have something to eat together."

In fact, at this moment, it is actually eleven o'clock, and it is time for lunch.

But how could Xu Huiyun have the nerve?

Therefore, she said, "No, Captain Li. Then what... Lele and I have to rush back to Yanjiao."

Unexpectedly, Lele said: "I don't! I'm going to eat KFC! Li Shushu has already said, treat me to KFC!"

Taking the opportunity, Li Chen also said: "That's right! It's time for dinner, let's go eat something together!"

It's just that Xu Huiyun is still embarrassed, her face is a little bit astringent...

At the same time, she was a little inexplicably shy...

But the child is disobedient, and she doesn't know what to do?

I just regret that I shouldn't have called Captain Li so much.

But... Now, as a woman, she really has no idea about what to do.

In the past, Lele's father was around, and everything was decided by Lele's father.

Now... This orphan and widow sometimes really has no backbone.

She said that she could find another one, but after a while, she always felt that it was almost meaningless to ask her to really find another one.

Anyway, I just feel that no one is better than Lele's father.

(End of this chapter)

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