Chapter 1128 My Mommy Loves You Too

After a while, in a nearby KFC store.

A meal of french fries, a hamburger, a few fried chicken nuggets, and finally a glass of Coke and an ice cream, this makes Lele very happy and full of joy...

"Li Shushu, I like you so much! My mommy likes you too!"

It's just that as soon as these words came out, Xu Huiyun suddenly became that shy and embarrassed again...

"Lele! You dead boy! What are you talking about?"

I don't know why, but this made Li Chen suddenly feel a little happy...

Especially looking at this kid, Lele, he even thought, it's better to be a kid, who speaks freely and can say whatever he wants.

In this adult world, some things are still too complicated.

Moreover, there are some things that I really have too many scruples to wipe my mouth off.

Especially looking at Xu Huiyun's embarrassing and shy look made by the child, he wanted to be very happy.

However, to be honest, this woman... is really pretty, just like that sentence... Small but small, feminine and plump.

Moreover, it is quite maternal, with that kind of gentleness and charm, as well as the unique... maternity fragrance of a woman of her age, which is indeed quite attractive.

Especially she is so shy and reserved, which is quite attractive.

I didn't understand why the term "young woman control" was so popular before, but now, Li Chen seems to understand.

Compared with young girls, such mature women seem to make men more prone to fantasies.

Therefore, Captain Li suddenly thought secretly, if Xu Huiyun is seems that this matter is not impossible...

Although he is not that great, but if this is possible, he himself feels... that he can live with this mother and son.

Of course, in his heart, he was still thinking about Xiao Cao's death.

Because Lele is always childish and nonsense, Xu Huiyun is also very embarrassed.

So...she couldn't help but said to Lele: "Lele, you are eating here. Mommy wants to go out and have a chat with Li Shumi."

Suddenly hearing this, Lele was very happy, and hurriedly said: "Then you go, Mommy. By the way, Mommy, your hamburger...don't you want to eat it?"

Seeing this child like this suddenly, Li Chen couldn't help but think about it...

So, he couldn't help but hurriedly said: "Lele, isn't it enough to eat? Then I'll buy some more for you?"

Seeing this, Xu Huiyun hurriedly said: "Don't, Captain Li! Don't cling to him! This... spoiling him like this, how can this be possible?"

But Lele said: "Huh! Women sing and husbands follow! Li Shushu, you will suffer in the future!"

Suddenly hearing this, Xu Huiyun became anxious: "Lele, keep talking nonsense... Be careful, I'll beat you up, hum!"


After a while, after leaving the KFC store, Xu Huiyun hurriedly said apologetically, "Captain Li, I'm sorry! This kid're talking nonsense, don't take it to heart. !"

Seeing that Xu Huiyun was blushing and explaining this, Li Chen could only smile: "It's okay, sister-in-law."

Immediately, he said again: "Besides, Lele is really cute."

Looking at her again, Li Chen said again: "Oh right, sister-in-law, from now on...don't call me Captain Li. It's fine to call me Li Chen. Or Xiao Chen."

Xu Huiyun said with a blushing face, "Then... that's inappropriate, isn't it?"

"It's okay. It's suitable." Li Chen said hurriedly.

Then, he said again: "Oh, by the way, sister-in-law, if you need anything in the future, just give me a call. Maybe I can't help you much, but It shouldn't be a problem to give you advice or something. "

Hearing what he said again, after Xu Huiyun looked at him thoughtfully, suddenly, she didn't know what to say?

In fact, she also realized it in her heart, and she also thought that Captain Li was pretty good, but she couldn't express it.

A woman like her still has a sense of propriety in her heart.

After all, she is already the mother of the child, so it is naturally impossible to be as unscrupulous as a girl.

After thinking about it suddenly, she had no choice but to ask, "By the way, who... Cao Xiaowei... did he say anything when he left?"

Suddenly hearing this, Li Chen hurriedly apologized: "I'm sorry, sister-in-law. I forgot to tell you. So what... When he was leaving, he repeatedly said in my ear, he said... you still Young and pretty, if you think about it, find another one. He also said... as long as you are happy in the future, he will be at ease."

Hearing these words suddenly, Xu Huiyun's heart began to feel heavy again...

For a while, she didn't know what to say?

It's just that I suddenly want to cry a little bit, but I have to hold back.

At the same time, she was also thinking about Cao Xiaowei's various interests...

After all, they have been married for so many years, and Lele is so old, so how can it be a matter of forgetting and forgetting?
Seeing Xu Huiyun's sudden uncomfortable appearance, Li Chen's heart is also heavy...

After thinking about it, he had no choice but to say: "Sister-in-law, if you want to cry, just cry. It's okay."

Hearing what he said, Xu Huiyun couldn't bear it anymore, tears began to glisten in her eyes...

Then, she sighed, with tears in her eyes, and said, "Xiaowei..."

Seeing that she was so choked up that she didn't know what to say, Li Chen couldn't help being stunned again——

Then, he immediately changed the subject: "Oh, by the way, sister-in-law, he has a colleague...Xiao Guo, do you know him?"

Suddenly hearing this, Xu Huiyun couldn't help but hurriedly said: "This... I know. I know it."

So, Li Chen said: "He said, if possible, he wants me to bring a message to Xiao Guo's wife, saying that Xiao Guo is gone!"

Xu Huiyun couldn't help but startled: "Have you met Xiao Guo?"

Li Chen nodded: "Yeah. At that time... he was with Xiao Cao. Actually, I should call him Brother Cao, but on the island, they all called him Xiao Cao, calling him... also It becomes a habit.”


At this moment, in the KFC store, while enjoying the fried chicken nuggets, the child Lele is secretly watching the various expressions of his mother talking with Li Shushu...

The child was even thinking that it seemed that Mommy was having an affair with Li Shushu.

Now this child is also a little ghost, as if he knows everything.

Sometimes it really makes adults dumbfounded.

Just this kid, he couldn't help but secretly took a few photos and sent them to his grandma...

Then, the kid sent a message to his grandma on WeChat, and said in a voice: Uh, grandma, look, how is this Li Shushu?Do you look like a husband and wife with my mommy?Is it a good match?

Immediately, his grandmother replied in surprise: Isn't this Captain Li?
Lele: That's right.That's him.handsome right?cool right?

His grandma: Broken child!What are you making fun of?Li Shushu is such an excellent guy, how could he be with your mommy?


(End of this chapter)

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