Chapter 1131
However, looking at Li Zhi and the other voters, Captain Li also expressed his understanding, because in this society, there will always be some sons who feel good about themselves, who think they have an advantage over others, and think that others will bow down to them. He thought he was the most awesome person in the world.

But, frankly speaking, there are only two words in Captain Li's heart for this kind of person - idiot!
Seeing that the seven or eight attendants around Li Zhi were already gearing up for a fight, a conflict where the more wins the less, Su Qianer glared at Li Zhi even more angrily...

"Li Zhi, don't be so shameless!"

However, Li Zhi said with a half-smile: "What? Distressed?"

Seeing this, Captain Li finally couldn't help but turned his head and said to Su Qian'er: "It's okay, what's next... it's just a contest between men."

Hearing such a sentence suddenly, Su Qian'er couldn't help being startled secretly, and then she couldn't help turning her head and staring at him in a daze...

At this moment, the captain in her eyes is as expected no matter what he faces, he is neither humble nor overbearing, neither in a hurry nor in a hurry...

This seemed to make her see the original captain.

Because when he was on the island, the captain was like this.

As for now, Xu Huiyun's mother and son were sitting in the car, but they didn't dare to get out of the car.

Xu Huiyun couldn't help but deliberately protect her son, and hurriedly whispered: "Lele, don't look!"

Obviously, from Xu Huiyun's point of view, the next Captain Li...may have a bruised nose and a swollen face?

However, with this kind of thing, she is a woman with a child by her side, so she can't help much, she can only be anxious.

Of course, she naturally hated the group of people who had the conversation!

Afterwards, Li Zhi, who was a bit yin and yang, gave a general gesture with his eyes...

After his seven or eight followers understood, it was Niubi who approached Li Chen swayingly...

Seeing what happened, Li Chen simply went up to meet him a few steps...

"Do you want to fight? Come on! Anyway, idle is idle! I really have nothing to do recently!"

Just hearing his words suddenly, the seven or eight attendants were stunned: "???"

I thought, hold the grass, what does this buddy mean?

What about bluffing?
Suddenly seeing that seven or eight of them were actually bluffed, Li Zhi was upset: "Fuck, what the hell are you doing?"

Suddenly, the master got angry, and one of the brothers panicked and said angrily: "Go!"

Then, with the sound of 'ah', a buddy really dared to punch...

Unexpectedly, Li Chen swung his fist straight up, and with a bang, he punched that buddy directly in the face...

That buddy suddenly felt stares in his eyes, and he was confused for a while: "???"

It was as if he hadn't expected that Captain Li, the opponent, would punch so quickly.

Seeing this, suddenly, another buddy yelled: "Let's go together!"

At this time, Su Qian'er saw that the situation was not good, and suddenly, she was really annoyed and impatient...

Suddenly, this beautiful CEO changed her usual image, turned around and ran towards the passenger seat like a shrew...

When Li Zhi suddenly saw that Su Qian'er was extremely annoyed and came out of the car with a lock, he was a little dumbfounded: "???"

Because this is the side of Su Qian'er that he has never seen before!
It's just that when Su Qian'er waved the car lock and wanted to go up to help the captain angrily, unexpectedly, she was suddenly a little dumbfounded: "???"

Because the opponent's seven or eight followers are already rolling on the ground...

At this time, Lele in the car got excited, and hurriedly poked out a small head...

"Li Shushu...Niubi...Li Shushu...well done!"

"Continue, Li Shu, beat them to find shit in the hut!"


At this moment, Xu Huiyun was also stunned——

Only then did she realize that there is indeed a reason why so many women like Captain Li!
Although this is already a civilized society, fighting is not advocating, but...the problem is that there are always some arrogant and domineering bastards in this society, so the force value can still explain some problems at critical moments.

At least suddenly, Xu Huiyun also realized that as the woman behind Captain Li, she really has a full sense of security and happiness.

It turns out that Captain Li... really wants to be a gentleman if he wants to be a gentleman, and if he wants to fight Liumang, he can fight Liumang!

It's just that at this moment, Li Zhi is stupid——

Seeing that his seven or eight followers were knocked down like this, he was even more flustered and dumbfounded...

It's even a little hard to believe the scene in front of me.

When he suddenly looked at Captain Li in a flustered, timid, and embarrassing manner, Captain Li couldn't help but smile: "Do you want to do it yourself?"

However, suddenly Li Zhi, who looked like a clown, was the villain who complained first: "Hmph! I want to call the police! How dare you hit my people?"

Hold the grass, this logic...

Suddenly, Su Qianer was annoyed...

When no one realized it, Su Qian'er was waving the car lock and threw it at Li Zhi...

"Go to hell, you! Scum!"

After the sound of '嗙', Li Zhi, who was hit on the forehead by the car lock, was suddenly dumbfounded again: "???"

Now, he was completely panicked...

Because he knew that Su Qian'er was completely angry!
At this moment, I don't know what's going on, suddenly, there is a police car sound of "Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu"...

Soon, several police cars surrounded the whole place.

Suddenly seeing a group of uniformed police officers getting out of the car, Li Zhi panicked and yelled like a clown: "They beat someone! Police, they beat someone!"

However, what he didn't expect was that one of the police officers hurried forward and saluted Li Chen respectfully...

"team leader!"

Li Zhi: "...???"

Even at this moment, Xu Huiyun in the car was dumbfounded, as if she didn't understand what was going on at all?
But Lele couldn't help but hurriedly said: "Hey, Mommy, Li Shushu is really mighty! So mighty!"

In fact, at this moment, Su Qian'er was also a little dumbfounded, and didn't understand what was going on?
I just my actually such a stalwart!

Next, when the policemen began to understand the situation, Li Chen said with a half-smile: "You have also seen that they drove a few SUVs to block our way, and then a group of people came down to demonstrate. , want to beat us up, even though the ones lying on the ground are theirs, but the law doesn’t say that they can’t fight back in self-defense, right?”

At this moment, Lele panicked and pushed open the car door to get out of the car: "The policeman, I can testify! My child will never lie! The teacher said that anyone who lies is a bastard!"

Immediately, Su Qian'er couldn't help but said: "I can also testify. called Li Zhi, my former fiancé, but, I divorced the Li family last year, and now it has nothing to do with it. But he is still like this Come to harass me and affect my normal friendship and other activities!"

Suddenly, Xu Huiyun also got out of the car and said, "They are a bunch of bastards! If you can't beat Captain Li, you'll be fooling around! Let the villain file a complaint first, huh! What are you saying about Captain Li beating someone, I'm sorry!"


(End of this chapter)

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