Chapter 1132 What?Jealous?

Afterwards, after the police collected evidence at the scene and learned about its details, they issued an order: "Take Li Zhi and other perpetrators away, and tow away several SUVs involved in the case!"

After hearing the police's order suddenly, Li Zhi was completely stupid: "...???"

At this time, Li Chen walked towards Li Zhi with a half-smile, and said, "Boy, remember, this is a society ruled by law, so you can't do anything foolish. Also, there is a limit to pretending to be compared."

It's just that no one expected that Captain Li suddenly waved his hand and slapped Li Zhi with a big mouth...

'Snapped! '

With the sudden crisp sound, even Xu Huiyun beside her couldn't help but feel timid, as if she felt a slap on her face, it hurts!

After Li Zhi, who was slapped with sparks in his eyes, came to his senses, he could only yell in embarrassment like a clown: "Hey, did you see it? He, he...he beat someone! "

However, unexpectedly, one of the police buddies pretended to be stupid and stunned: "Did you hit someone? Just you see the beating?"

After he said this, all the buddies in the police shook their heads in bewilderment...

"No, we didn't see it!"

Li Zhi: "..."

Seeing it suddenly, Su Qian'er was stunned for a moment, and then when she realized it, she couldn't help but want to laugh...

At the same time, she gave the captain an inexplicable look, and she didn't forget to give her an inexplicable angry look...

Hmph, this is indeed the captain we used to be on the island, heh!
However, she also realized that this really extraordinary.

It seems that the name is unknown, but at critical moments, it always shines so brilliantly.

It seems that he is very low-key, but at the critical moment, he did not expect these police officers to regard him as a buddy.

This time, Li Zhi finally saw the unusualness of Captain Li.


Afterwards, after the matter was over, after the police had taken away Li Zhi and the others, and also towed away the vehicle involved, Su Qianer finally couldn't help but turned her head and looked at the captain inexplicably angrily...

"Hmph, dead guy, who are you?"

It's normal for her to ask.

After all, there are some aspects that she really didn't know beforehand?

For example, just now, she never expected that the police would salute him respectfully first.

Before Li Chen could answer, Lele said happily again: "Hey, Li Shushu, you are really mighty! It seems that the dream I once had is real!"

At this moment, Xu Huiyun also had to look at Captain Li strangely...

At the same time, she was thinking in her heart, such a man...doesn't seem like she deserves it?

It's normal for her to think so.

After all, she is now an orphan and widowed, and she really doesn't have the confidence she had when she was a girl.


A few hours later, when Li Zhi was temporarily released on bail, he immediately made phone calls in various places.

Obviously, he couldn't swallow this breath, and naturally wanted to take revenge.

But unexpectedly, a person on the other end of the phone told him, "Xiao Zhi, stop this matter now! If you continue to make trouble, don't really get yourself into it!"

Hearing these words suddenly, Li Zhi was very puzzled: "Just, just... that kid surnamed Li, does he really have such an unfathomable background?"

The person on the other end of the phone said: "He is low-key. Don't force him to be high-key. Besides, regarding the incident you caused today, there are already many eyes staring at places you don't know. It depends on how you act Got it, understand?"

Hearing these words suddenly, Li Zhi was finally startled timidly: "Really, it really that serious?"

"Nonsense! That's it, if you want to play with fire, please do it yourself! Don't call me in the future!"

Suddenly, after the person on the other end of the phone finished speaking, he hung up the phone, and Li Zhi was completely stunned in fear!

In fact, there is no special background about Li Chen.

It's just... It used to belong to a special branch.

And he has repeatedly won glory and meritorious service for the country. He is an absolute modern hero. Therefore, if such a person is attacked by some evil forces in society, he will know the attitude of the country after thinking about it.


For Li Chen and the others, although there was some unpleasantness, they still took Xu Huiyun's mother and son to play all afternoon.

Moreover, Qin Xiaowan also brought out her son to play with Lele.

Of course, they did this just to make up for something after Lele lost his father's love.

For example, try to give Lele a happy childhood as much as possible.

For Li Chen, it was also the first time he saw Qin Xiaowan's son Xiaojing.

Also a cute little boy.

Afterwards, while a few women were playing with Lele and Xiaojing, Li Chen couldn't help but go aside alone, and said something in the ear of the second son Su Qianer: "Your fianc... Pretty handsome."

Because when he was on the island, the second child said that his fiancé was very handsome.

Just hearing what the captain said suddenly, Su Qian'er was secretly stunned...

Then, she turned her head and looked at her captain thoughtfully...

It seemed that for a while, she didn't know how to answer his words?
After thinking about it, she whispered in his ear: "It's just the former fiancé! Not anymore! Not anymore!"

Then, she explained again: "When I came back last year, I already divorced, understand?"

Suddenly hearing her explain in such detail, this made Captain Li not know what to say for a while?

He could only secretly smile with some pressure...

After a burst of awkward laughter, he said in her ear: "That's what I said, nothing else."

However, Su Qianer looked at him thoughtfully...

Then, she whispered in his ear: "Why... are you jealous?"

Suddenly hearing this, Captain Li quickly smiled: "No. What kind of jealousy can I have?"


When Xu Huiyun suddenly saw Captain Li and the second child whispering together, she couldn't help but whisper in Qin Xiaowan's ear: "Uh, Wan'er, does Captain Li... and the second child... really have that aspect?" What do you mean?"

Suddenly hearing this, Qin Xiaowan also hurriedly took a look...

After seeing its appearance, Qin Xiaowan was secretly startled...

For a while, she didn't know what to say?
It's just that she thinks... the captain and the second child may really have that kind of meaning...

At this moment, Li Chen seemed to realize something, so he turned around with a smile and walked towards Lele and Xiaojing...

"Lele, Xiaojing, how are you? Did you have a good time today?"


(End of this chapter)

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