The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 1133 I really don't want to fight anymore

Chapter 1133 I really don't want to fight anymore
In the evening, in order to entertain Xu Huiyun's mother and son, the second child, Su Qian'er, booked an elegant room in Quanjude.

Afterwards, when the group went to Quanjude with the two children, their Captain Li Chen walked at the end, smoking a cigarette by himself, quietly, as if he suddenly had nothing to say .

In fact, looking at this group of women, Lele and Xiaojing, he always felt an invisible pressure...

They didn't know each other at first, and they came from all over the world, but seems to be a big family.

So, now, as the captain, he still has to think about how to maintain this big family in the future?
Of course, his idea is also very simple, that is... In the future, for the rest of his life, I hope everyone will be happy and happy.

Originally, he wanted to separate from this big family, but now it seems... No matter how deliberately he tries, it seems that it will be difficult to separate?
If possible, he really hoped that in the future... each of them would have their own lives.

Frankly speaking, if all these women revolved around him and still centered on him, he would really have an invisible pressure.

As for saying that they were all married, that is of course nonsense and a joke.

But now... This kind of situation, to be honest, is really inappropriate to marry anyone.


Xu Huiyun also seems to be a careful woman.

When she noticed something, she couldn't help but whisper in Qin Xiaowan's ear: "Uh, Wan'er, what's the matter with Captain Li?"

Obviously, these two are women who are mothers, and it is easy to get together.

After all, there are too many topics in common with each other.

Especially when talking about children, there are endless topics to talk about.

Of course, now that we are together with these women, Xu Huiyun still wants to find out more about survival on the deserted island...

After all, her husband didn't come back in the end.

She also wanted to know, why did her husband disappear?


Suddenly, when Tan Jixia noticed something, she deliberately slowed down and waited for the captain to join her.

It was seen that the captain had already stepped up, and afterward, Tan Jixia walked side by side with him.

As they walked, Tan Jixia suddenly couldn't help but whispered in the captain's ear: "Did you see the second fiancé today?"

Hearing this girl from the north suddenly asked such a question, Li Chen couldn't help being startled secretly, as if he didn't understand what she meant?
After thinking about it, he had no choice but to honestly answer Tan Jixia's ear: "En!"

Ever since, Tan Jixia also said: "So you suddenly feel uncomfortable?"

Hearing this suddenly, after understanding what she meant, Captain Li hurriedly said, "Damn, where are you... Where are you?"

However, Tan Jixia turned her head and looked at him inexplicably, and then said with a half-smile: "Still embarrassed to admit it?"

This shows that the girls in the north are like this, so Captain Li said: "Lady, we are a couple now."

Hearing this suddenly, Tan Jixia blushed in embarrassment: "Fuck you! Don't talk nonsense! Who is married to you?"

Captain Li said: "It's not...a lottery, so you are the one I'm catching?"

Tan Jixia panicked and said in embarrassment again: "Can you stop talking about that?"

Immediately, she hurriedly emphasized: "Besides, I am your sister!"

Li Chen said with an inexplicable smile: "If you don't like me, just say it. You said... I won't take the lottery, really! Now that this embarrassing situation has happened, there is no way to fix it!"

In desperation, Tan Jixia said: "Hmph, you bastard! If you like the second child, just say so!"

However, Captain Li said: "What's the second child? I'm looking for you bitch, okay?"

"Don't bullshit!"

"That's right! Don't talk about it! You don't want to marry me anyway, so what are you talking about? I won't talk about it in the future!"

"" Tan Jixia suddenly choked with embarrassment.

The more I see her like this, the happier Captain Li is...

Because he wanted to change the topic, it was achieved.


In fact, it's okay for him and this northern girl to fight anyway.

After all, they have been coming all the time, and they were the closest to each other.

Anyway, he is used to talking nonsense with this northern girl.


However, after the cute girl, Qiong'er, and Lina noticed this, they felt very uncomfortable.

Qiong'er couldn't help but said: "Uh, look, the captain and sister Ji Xia really seem to be a couple now!"

Suddenly hearing these words, the cute girl frowned and curled her lips: "Hmph! What are you looking at? I've already seen it!"

Lina said: "Oh... I think... we should bless them both!"

It's fine if Lina doesn't say it, but when she said it, the cute girl was so angry that she wouldn't fight...

"Hmph! It's all your fault, Lena! What kind of bad idea did you come up with? What kind of lottery? It's all right now, huh!"

However, Lina said: "Oh, wait! Listen to me, I think...if we don't draw lots, maybe it won't be our turn? Because I think...we are not among the candidates really likes ?”

The cute girl hurriedly said again: "How do you know that there will be no us? You don't know that the dead surnamed Li is a boring type? I like it in my heart, but I am embarrassed to say, hum! It is like us women. Yes!"


Only the second child, Su Qian'er, has been by Lele and Xiaojing's side.

However, from time to time, she still pays attention to the captain...

However, Lele and Xiaojing kept talking beside her...

"Auntie, my mommy said, you are a rich woman, aren't you?"

Unexpectedly, Xiao Jing said: "Oh... I really don't want to fight anymore!"

As soon as these words came out, the adults almost burst out laughing...

Qin Xiaowan hurriedly said to her son: "Xiao Jing, you... who did you learn from?"

Before Xiaojing could answer, unexpectedly, Lele also said: "I don't want to fight anymore!"

This made a few adults almost laugh...

Then, Xu Huiyun expressed her helplessness and said: "Oh, this child now! I really can't control it! Such a are as big as a kid! It really makes people feel angry and funny!"

Suddenly, Xiaojing turned around and said, "Li Shushu, don't you want to fight anymore?"

This question made their adults want to laugh again...

After Li Chen glanced at Su Qian'er with imperceptible eyes, he said to Xiaojing: "I went to see a doctor two days ago, and the doctor said that my stomach is very good, so I'm not suitable for eating soft rice, so... ... Shushu still has to fight on his own."

This is really unintentional to the speaker and intentional to the listener, only the second child Su Qian'er looked at the captain inexplicably...

(End of this chapter)

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