Chapter 1135 Aunt Su is Blushing
After a while, when Captain Li returned to their elegant room, the seven women suddenly saw that he had an inexplicable smile on his face, which stunned them all in confusion: "???"

I wonder what happened to the captain?

Going to the bathroom can still be possessed by evil spirits?

And Captain Li didn't pay much attention to the changes in their expressions, he seemed to be still immersed in his own world...

After Su Qian'er looked at him and sat down beside her, she couldn't help turning her head and staring at him beside her in a daze...

"Uh, what's the matter with you? Why are you smiling so happily?"

Suddenly hearing the second child whispering in his ear, Captain Li was startled in panic, and after that, he finally came to his senses...

When he realized that they were all looking at him abnormally, he could only make an awkward smile: "What's the matter, you guys? Why are you all looking at me like that?"

Seeing that he finally spoke, Lele hurriedly asked, "Li Shushu, what were you laughing about just now?"

Hearing Lele's question, the cute girl took the opportunity and said, "That's right! It's like being possessed just now!"

When he finally understood why they were looking at him like that just now, so...he just smiled: "It's nothing. My mother just called me and said that my sow finally gave birth."

This joke is really a bit cold, making them all stunned for a while...

After waiting for a while, Xu Huiyun finally couldn't help laughing...

"Captain Li, were you enjoying this just now?"

Captain Li nodded solemnly: "Yes! That's right!"

This finally made them couldn't help laughing...

Ever since, Captain Li raised his wine glass and said, "Come on, let's celebrate!"


After the matter was resolved, they watched each one start to eat and drink to their heart's content again, so Captain Li couldn't help but whispered in the ear of the second child: "I just now I met Li Zhi again."

Hearing such a sentence suddenly, Su Qian'er couldn't help being startled for a moment——

It seemed that for a while, she couldn't say anything.

It was only then that she realized that what this guy just said about sows giving birth was nonsense.

After she stared at him thoughtfully, she whispered in his ear: "Didn't he be arrested?"

Li Chen said: "It should be released on bail."

"Then the two of you... have just... clashed again?"


"So you were smiling so happily just now?"

"Nonsense. He took the initiative to apologize to me just now. Do you think I can be unhappy?"

Hearing this suddenly, Su Qian'er couldn't help being stunned again——

Then, she didn't seem to know what to say?

It's just that she suddenly couldn't help thinking to herself, what did the captain mean when he told her this...?
After thinking about it, she whispered in his ear: "Don't keep telling me about him. I have nothing to do with him. Although I used to be a fiancé, it's actually no different from being in a relationship. Break up. Of course, you can understand him as my ex-boyfriend, but in my world, I never admit that he is an ex-boyfriend."

This is true, after all, he never even held hands, what kind of ex-boyfriend is he?

If you are in love now, if you have never held hands or kissed, you are just a passing passerby in your life.

Hearing the second child suddenly say this, Captain Li suddenly became a little dazed...

It seemed that for a while, he didn't know what to say?

After thinking about it, he suddenly whispered in her ear: "Okay, let's eat roast duck."

However, at this moment, Xiaojing suddenly said: "Ha! Mommy, I found out a secret! That is...Li Sushu and Aunt Su are whispering!"

As soon as these words came out, Su Qian'er's pretty face suddenly turned red with embarrassment...

Captain Li was also stunned for a moment...

Immediately, Xiaojing laughed again and said to Li Chen: "Li Shushu, you definitely don't want to fight anymore, so you want to take a shortcut and want to make love to Aunt Su, haha, I found out, right?"


Suddenly, everyone at the table almost burst out laughing...

In desperation, looking at Xiaojing, Li Chen had no choice but to smile awkwardly: "What nonsense are you talking about? Eat roast duck! Drink your drink!"

Suddenly, Lele couldn't help laughing and said: "Haha! I also discovered a big secret, Aunt Su's face is blushing!"

Having said this, Su Qianer's pretty face blushed even more...

In desperation, she had no choice but to say: "Don't talk nonsense! Why is Auntie blushing? it illuminated by the light?"

Then, the foreign girl Lina couldn't help but hurriedly said: "Oh... wait! I still haven't figured out what the rhythm is? Aren't and Miss Jixia already a couple?"

Then, she explained: "Because of the's obviously Sister Jixia!"

Seeing it suddenly, Tan Jixia hurriedly said: "Eat your roast duck!"

It's just that Xu Huiyun was a little confused suddenly: "What do you... just say... draw lots?"

This shows that the cute girl is eager to explain, so Tan Jixia hurriedly said: "Sister Huiyun, don't listen to the nonsense of these little girls. That's... we were just joking around. It's like drinking from a sex cup Yes. Whoever loses will drink."

Hearing this suddenly, the cute girl took the opportunity and hurriedly said: "Sister Jixia, that's what you said, the drawing of lots before doesn't count!"

Taking the opportunity, Qiong'er also booed: "Then... let's draw lots again?"

Unexpectedly, the foreign girl Lina couldn't help but said: "Oh, this... I agree too!"

Seeing that things were getting a little messy again, Captain Li hurriedly said: "Who said the previous ones don't count? Besides, is it good to just draw lots once? You old people... then it's really a game! "

It's just that Xu Huiyun is still confused: "I still don't understand what you are talking about?"

At this time, the second child, Su Qian'er, said, "Sister Huiyun, it's like this. A few of us said before...the captain draws lots, and whoever is caught will marry the captain, so it's not...the captain caught Ji Xia Sister, so now Captain and Sister Jixia are a couple."

Unexpectedly, Qin Xiaowan suddenly came up with an idea: "How about... I think... we should arrest again? Because sister-in-law Huiyun was not present last time! Because I think... sister-in-law Huiyun should also participate!"

Suddenly hearing this, after understanding its meaning, Xu Huiyun hurriedly said: "No, no, no! This... how can I participate? You are the ones who arrested you!"

Unexpectedly, Lele said: "Mommy, I think you should participate! What if Li Shuzhu caught you?"

Xu Huiyun hurriedly said: "Poor boy! What are you talking about? What can you do here?"


(End of this chapter)

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