Chapter 1136 Katerina Calls Suddenly
Originally, several women wanted to promote the re-drawing of lots, but unexpectedly, their Captain Li Chen suddenly received a phone call.

Taking advantage of the opportunity, their Captain Li Chen made an excuse to go out to answer the phone, and just dodged it.

This call is from the Russian girl Katerina.

As soon as the call was connected, I could only hear Katerina smiling happily...

"Hee hee... Brother Li Chen... Can't think of it?"

Li Chen was stunned and stunned, and then asked: "What's so happy about it?"

"Hee hee..." Katerina smiled happily again, "Guess?"

Li Chen was taken aback again: "Have you found a new boyfriend?"

However, Katerina laughed again...

After a while, she said, "Can you pick me up at the airport tomorrow?"

"Pick you up?" Li Chen was taken aback again.


"You want to come to China?"


"and then?"

Katerina laughed for a while, and finally couldn't help saying: "I have received an invitation from Huaguo Film Company...Hengmei Films, and you are also a famous director from Huaguo...Director Ning personally gave it to you. I called and said that we were going to shoot our desert island survival story, I was invited to participate, ha!"

Then, the Russian girl said happily again: "I have negotiated the remuneration. I said that I will directly appear on the scene as a prototype character, and the remuneration is 80, hehe! That's a lot of money!"

Suddenly hearing that this was the case, Li Chen couldn't help being a little stunned...

Then I was thinking, it seems... Director Ning is really going to restore the original story?

After thinking about it, he also asked straightforwardly: "What time will you arrive at Yanjing Airport tomorrow?"

"Afternoon... about four o'clock?"


Afterwards, when the phone was hung up, Li Chen couldn't be said to be happy or unhappy, but was just thinking, it seems... the original crew...are they really going to get together again?

Thinking about it, he couldn't help but lit a cigarette...

At this moment, Director Ning personally called him again...

It's nothing, just a prediction in advance, saying that if there are no accidents, the signing ceremony and press conference will be officially launched next Tuesday.

Anyway, the general meaning is that Hengmei Films is already making preparations.

Just listening to this suddenly... Captain Li felt a little stressed again...

Because this thing... officially signed a contract, and then a press conference, maybe he is really a celebrity?
At that time, maybe it won't be so unfettered?

Originally, I was an ordinary person, but now I have become a celebrity. Thinking about it, it is really a bit stressful.

After all, in the future... I can no longer walk the streets as I like.


Now, in that elegant room.

"Hmph! The surname is Li! He answered the phone... how long did he take?"

Qiong'er couldn't help guessing: "The captain can't escape, can he?"

Lina hurriedly said, "Oh...I shouldn't be that kind of person."

Tan Jixia said: "Nonsense! You said you want to draw lots, it's no wonder he's not afraid!"

Su Qian'er wrinkled her beautiful eyes, and said: "Actually, I don't think... there's no need to draw lots again, right? Because you won't count if you catch it once, then it really becomes a game."

Hearing what the sisters said, Qin Xiaowan thought for a while, and then directly called the captain...

When she heard the call was connected, she couldn't help but feel happy...

"Hey, captain, why aren't you back?"

At this moment, Li Chen, who was already at the downstairs door of Quanjude, said, "Then what... I'll smoke a cigarette by the way to get some air. This is not... the private room is occupied by women and children, so it's inappropriate for me to smoke, isn't it?" ?”

Hearing what the captain said, the reason was so legitimate, Qin Xiaowan could only wrinkle her beautiful eyes...

They watched Qin Xiaowan hang up the phone and asked, "What did the captain say?"

Qin Xiaowan said with some gloom: "Hmph! Damn guy! He said he was smoking at the door!"


After a while, Jin Yiwei, the gold medal screenwriter of Hengmei Films, couldn't help calling Captain Li Chen.

Because it is now confirmed that the story of Survival on a Deserted Island is about to start filming, but the script has not yet come out. This task is on the screenwriter, so naturally I am a little anxious.

So screenwriter Jin wanted to communicate with Captain Li Chen, see when he is free, and try to meet and talk.

For Captain Li, suddenly, he received a few calls from Hengmei Films, and he felt a little more at ease.

Otherwise, he doesn't have a job now, and he just wanders around Yanjing all day, and he is actually a little flustered.

Ever since, he agreed to screenwriter Jin, saying that he would call tomorrow and make an appointment.

This is finally something to be busy with, Captain Li is also thinking, it is better to be busy, otherwise, it will be quite a headache to be entangled with these women all day long.

Especially on the issue of drawing lots, it feels like a joke.


Tan Jixia, Su Qian'er and other women saw that the captain had not returned to the private room for a long time, so they were discussing the end of the first half.

Regarding tonight's room, the second child, Su Qian'er, has already booked it through the mobile app.

After a while, the seven women came out of Quanjude with their two children...

Lele was the first to rush out: "Li Shumi, are you still smoking?"

Li Chen was taken aback for a moment: "Why did you come out?"

Xiaojing rushed over and said, "My mommy said, it's boring if Li Shumi isn't here."

So, Lele asked, "Uh, Xiaojing, does your mom like Li Shushu too?"

Xiao Jing said: "Hmph, it's all right anyway... My mommy will tell me about Shushu Li!"

This made Captain Li feel stunned when he heard this...

Afterwards, when Tan Jixia came out, she looked at him with the eyes of a charming daughter-in-law...

"Hmph! Dead guy! Are you full of cigarettes?"

Seeing this, Li Chen could only show a hey smile, and then didn't explain anything.

It wasn't until Xu Huiyun came out that he hurriedly stepped forward and said, "I'm sorry, sister-in-law Huiyun, I just... answered several calls, so..."

Before he finished speaking, Xu Huiyun hurriedly said: "It's all right. It's not...they are with me, right?"

To be honest, Xu Huiyun was quite happy during this trip to Yanjing.

At least it made her feel the warmth of a big family.

Although they try to avoid talking about her husband's affairs, but now... she can only accept such a result.

Afterwards, the second child Su Qian'er came forward and said, "Okay, sister-in-law Huiyun, Lele, and Xiaojing, let's go, let's go to the hotel together now!"

Suddenly hearing this, Lele was very happy: "Wow! Let's stay in a hotel tonight!"


(End of this chapter)

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