Chapter 1137 Are you still sleepy?

After a while, when we arrived at the hotel, after Xu Huiyun had taken the child to sleep, then... those women knocked on the captain's door again...

Originally Captain Li was going to wash up and go to sleep, but when he opened the door, he saw a group of women standing at the door again, he didn't know what expression to use?

If you want to talk about seems to be a little inexplicable happiness.

But if you really want to talk about happiness...there are a group of people here, what are you doing?
Seeing that after Captain Li opened the door, he frowned and looked at them, and the cute girl couldn't help but say, "Why...the dead surnamed Li doesn't know us anymore?"

Captain Li is really helpless...

"You...are you still sleepy?"

However, the cute girl said: "Why... are you bothering us?"

Li Chen frowned again: "Then's not annoying, seems very late, right?"

However, Qiong'er, who was holding two dozen beers, said: "I haven't drunk the wine yet, why is it too late?"

Lina, the foreign girl, was carrying some packed skewers and said, "Oh,, tonight's skewers... are so delicious!"

Immediately afterwards, the eldest Tan Jixia said directly: "Okay, let's all go in."

Captain Li: "...???"

Before he could react, several women had already filed in...

Suddenly, Captain Li really didn't know what rhythm they were doing?
It just feels... It's a bit like being on an island.

It seems that they don't get together, these women are no longer used to it.

This thing...wouldn't be like this for the rest of my life hanging around endlessly, right?
Seeing that a few women had come in, it was okay, Captain Li frowned, and had no choice but to close the door.

Turning around, I saw that Qin Xiaowan was also getting together, but Captain Li had no choice but to ask, "Then who... Sister Wan'er, where is Xiaojing?"

Qin Xiaowan replied, "It's okay, he's already asleep."

Hearing what she said, Captain Li didn't know what to say?

The cute girl started to talk: "Come on, everyone has a bar. Let's drink."

Seeing the situation, there is no way to go, and looking at them again, Captain Li finally couldn't help but said: "Then what... wait a minute, let me say a few words first."

Qiong'er was busy like a nympho: "The captain is about to give a speech, applaud!"

But Captain Li panicked and stopped with gestures: "Wait a minute! Why are you applauding? Here... the hotel! It's so late, it's so bad to disturb others!"

Seeing the captain like this, the second child Su Qian'er finally couldn't help but said: "The captain is right. Let's keep our voices down."

So, Tan Jixia looked at the captain and said, "That's fine, you can tell."

So... Captain Li looked at them again, and then said: "Then what... we... don't need to get together so often, right? Think about it, we are not on the island now. To put it bluntly, we should all return to our normal lives now, right? Just like us... always getting together, when will this... be the end?"

After everyone understood what the captain meant, the cute girl said: "Huh, the surname is Li, we finally got together, you just say this, what do you mean?"

Immediately, Qiong'er also imitated the cute girl, like a little bitch: "Hmph! That's right! At first we thought...we would never see the captain again, but now...we see it, can we be willing to separate? ?”

Then, Lina couldn't help but said: "Oh,, to be honest, after we came back last year, we thought you would never come back, so we have been thinking about going back to the ocean to find you, now You are back, we will naturally cherish every minute and every second we spend with you."

Listening to them talking like this one by one, Captain Li is also a bit overwhelmed...

Their mood is understandable.

It's just...he...hasn't he been back a long time ago?
Afterwards, Qin Xiaowan said: "Okay, let's have a drink. Captain, you don't need to say anything, we also know what you mean. Don't worry, we will be fine in the future and the rest of our lives."

Immediately, Tan Jixia said: "Okay. Let's talk about the business first. I still have opinions on the drawing of lots."

Then, Qin Xiaowan said again: "Yes, yes, yes. I also want to talk about this matter. I think... I have to draw lots again. This time, there will be no trouble. Neither Xia'er nor I are suitable, so quit. still……"

Before she could finish speaking, Captain Li said: "Are you still talking about this matter? Alright, let's drink!"

Tan Jixia panicked and gave him a coquettish look: "Damn guy! What do you mean?"

Li Chen said: "What do you mean? I will marry you. Anyway, you are the one who will be drawn by lot."

Suddenly seeing what the captain said, it seemed that he was a little anxious, which made the women feel a little dazed...

But immediately, Tan Jixia couldn't help but said: "I said it, I'm your sister!"

So, Captain Li said: "That's fine. I won't mention this matter. I won't mention it in the future!"

"...???" Several women were stunned.

Just look at the captain... still don't know what the captain means?
Suddenly, Tan Jixia said: "Hmph! If you don't mention it, don't mention it! Anyway... I am your sister! You can marry me if you want to! Then you... just go fuck yourself for the rest of your life, huh!"


Now, in another room...

"Uh, Mommy, are you asleep?"

Suddenly hearing such a sentence from her son, Xu Huiyun, who had been sleeping with her eyes open, couldn't help being startled...

"You child...why haven't you fallen asleep yet?"

Lele suddenly turned sideways, looked at Mommy, and couldn't help saying, "I'm thinking about something."

Xu Huiyun couldn't help being startled again, and then, in desperation, she reached out her hand to touch the melon on his little head lovingly...

"Little guy, what are you thinking? Tell Mommy!"

Lele said: "Mummy, do you like Li Shumi?"

Xu Huiyun was taken aback for another moment, and then smiled helplessly: "I like it. Of course I like it. Li Shushu is so good, how can Mommy not like it? But... Mommy's liking is not the kind of liking you think, Understand?"

"Then... what kind does Mommy like?"

Xu Huiyun said: "Mommy is the kind of friend who likes it, understand?"

However, unexpectedly, Lele suddenly said: "Mum, they all say that women like duplicity, will you be duplicity?"

Xu Huiyun: "...???"

Lele: "Mommy, what's the matter with you? Why don't you talk?"

Xu Huiyun had no choice but to smile helplessly: "Little did you learn from?"


(End of this chapter)

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