The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 1138 This luxury car is comfortable to drive

Chapter 1138 This luxury car is comfortable to drive

Happy time, sometimes, is always so gorgeous, but short.

Early the next morning, the eldest Tan Jixia and the youngest Miao Keke left the hotel first, and rushed back to the airline to go to work...

Because the two of them said last night that they had to rush back to the airline to go to work early this morning.

After all, the two of them are still flight attendants and have not officially left their jobs yet, so they have to go to work when they should go to work.

Of course, everyone understands this.

When the two of them were talking about this last night, Xu Huiyun also said that if you have something to do, you can do it.

Then, this morning, Liu Caiqiong also rushed back to work at the company.

Because her situation is similar to that of Tan Jixia and Miao Keke, she is still working for the time being, so she still has to go to work when she should go to work.

I asked for a lot of leave in the early stage, so I can't keep asking for leave.

Since Chenguang extracurricular training center had an important meeting this morning, Qin Xiaowan asked Lina to rush back first.

Because Lina is also the core staff of Chenguang Extracurricular Training Center, sometimes Qin Xiaowan will let Lina handle some important matters.

Due to the investment of Su Damei's president behind the scenes, the scale of Chenguang extracurricular training center is also getting bigger and bigger.

Now in Yanjing, there are already three or four branch training points.

These... I won't write much for now.

After the four women left, in the morning, when they had breakfast with Xu Huiyun's mother and son at the hotel, it seemed a little deserted...

Because right now, only captain Li Chen, second child Su Qian'er, and Qin Xiaowan's mother and son are still by their side...

However, Xu Huiyun's mother and son were still very happy about this.

After breakfast, Xu Huiyun and her son were going back to Yanjiao.

Since the second child, Su Qian'er, still had matters to deal with when she returned to the group, she couldn't send Xu Huiyun and her son back to Yanjiao.

As for the captain, Li Chen...he had to go to the airport to pick him up in the afternoon, and he was afraid he wouldn't be able to make it back, so he couldn't send Xu Huiyun's mother and son back to Yanjiao.

Therefore, Qin Xiaowan also said that she should drive Xu Huiyun's mother and son back to Yanjiao.

Although this woman is divorced with a child, she is living a relatively free and easy life now.

At least she can be regarded as a little rich woman, with money and time.

Usually I have nothing to do, so I drive two BMW X7s and take my son for self-driving tours.

So for her, this trip was a self-driving trip to Yanjiao.

Coincidentally, her son Xiaojing and Xu Huiyun's son Lele can still play together on the way.

However, in fact, Xu Huiyun didn't want them to send her mother and son back to Yanjiao.

But now, Qin Xiaowan insisted on giving it away, and she could only express her willingness to accept it.

Anyway, both of them are women with children, so they have some endless topics to talk about.

After Qin Xiaowan drove Xu Huiyun's mother and son away, at the entrance of the hotel, only the captain Li Chen and the second child Su Qian'er were left...

After watching the car leave, the two suddenly turned their heads to look at each other...

It's just that this feeling is strange and familiar, but also a little ambiguous and embarrassing.

Especially for the second child, Su Qian'er, when she gets along with the captain alone, she is always shy and shy...

This time, Captain Li took the initiative to smile at her: "Then's done. Then you can go back to your group."

Suddenly hearing what he said, the second child looked at him inexplicably and thoughtfully...

Then she asked, "What about you?"

Li Chen said: "You don't have to worry about me. Yanjing... I am very familiar."

It's just that the second child looked at him inexplicably, and then said: "Then you go to the airport to pick up the plane in the afternoon... how do you get there?"

Li Chen smiled: "It's the subway."

Hearing this suddenly, the second child couldn't help but inexplicably chuckled: "Then you aren't afraid of being surrounded by reporters?"

Hearing this suddenly, Li Chen really had a headache and frowned: "I can't?"

Su Qian'er smiled inexplicably again: "Why not? As you are now... I am afraid that once you arrive at the subway station, you will cause chaos, right?"

This is true.

Captain Hua Guo is already a celebrity label.

In fact, he is still a poor dick.

After Li Chen frowned again expressing his headache, he said, "That's fine. You really don't have to worry about me."

However, after Su Qianer looked at him inexplicably, she suddenly asked, "Can you drive?"

When this question was asked, Captain Li could only smile in distress...

It's okay to fly a plane, let alone drive a car?
Then, he said: "The driver's license...we have it. But we don't have a car."

Su Qian'er listened, and couldn't help laughing again, and then said: "Then help me drive and take me back to the group?"

Hearing this suddenly, Li Chen was stunned for a moment, and then asked: "And then?"

Su Qian'er looked at him inexplicably, and said, "Stupid, you? Then you will drive my car to the airport to pick him up in the afternoon!"

Just hearing what she said, Captain Li frowned inexplicably: "Your luxury car...what if I hit it?"

Su Qian'er said: "If you hit it, you will hit it. Isn't it over after repairing the car?"

After finishing speaking, she directly threw the car keys to him...


Suddenly, the car keys were thrown, but fortunately, Li Chen reacted quickly and quickly followed them.

After getting the car keys, he couldn't help but look at the second child inexplicably...

However, Su Qian'er said: "Okay. Let's go."


Afterwards, she arrived at the parking lot and got into her Bentley Continental. Captain Li, who was sitting in the driver's seat, said while wearing a seat belt, "Is it automatic?"

Su Qian'er, who was sitting in the passenger seat, turned her head and glanced at him inexplicably: "What's the matter?"

Li Chen said: "It's nothing. Automatic transmission is also good."

While talking, he started the car...

Su Qian'er turned her head to see how proficient he was in operating, and she looked at him curiously...

"Is it possible that you can't do it without you?"

Suddenly hearing this sentence, Li Chen smiled inexplicably: "There are some things I don't know. For example, I'm still very confused about how to act in the next movie."

Hearing this suddenly, Su Qian'er stared thoughtfully and stared blankly...

Then, she turned to look at him and said, "Then do you expect me to be the heroine?"

Captain Li stared blankly: "Isn't this... Director Ning already decided?"

"What if Director Ning is undecided?"

"Ah... this..." Captain Li didn't seem to know how to answer.

In desperation, he had no choice but to change the subject suddenly: "Uh, yes, this luxury car is's comfortable!"

Su Qian'er turned her head and looked at him in dissatisfaction...

"Why did you change the subject?"

Captain Li said: "Because what you said... I really don't understand the filming. I thought I would find professional actors to act in it."


(End of this chapter)

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