The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 1139 Qin Xiaowan's ex-husband

Chapter 1139 Qin Xiaowan's ex-husband
After a while, I stayed in the CBD of Yanjing and looked at the office building of Jingchuang Group. Frankly speaking, Captain Li felt a little dizzy...

Especially when he looked at the second child sitting next to him, he didn't know how to feel?

I just think this second child... is awesome!

She deserves to be the president of Su Damei!

To be honest, being with such a leader in the business world is still a bit of invisible pressure.

He was even thinking, if it wasn't for the adventure on a deserted island, he might never have the chance to meet such a beautiful CEO in his life?

After a while, after Captain Li drove his car and stopped in front of the lobby of Jingchuang Group, the two security guards couldn't help but feel surprised and took a look...

Seeing President Su sitting in the co-driver and the captain of Hua Guo driving the car, the two security guards couldn't help being a little stunned: "???"

Afterwards, after the two security guards looked at each other blankly, one of the security guards couldn't help asking in a low voice, "What... what's going on?"

The security guard said: "Stupid, you? Can't you see that? President Su is in love with that Hua Guo captain!"

The security guard listened, and couldn't help but frowned enviously: "You said... Let's also have an adventure on a desert island, will we have such good luck?"

"Stop dreaming! There is only one President Su in this world!"


At this moment, in the car, Su Qian'er turned her head to look at the captain inexplicably, and then said: "It's still early, let's go up and sit for a while."

Hearing this suddenly, Captain Li frowned under pressure: "Okay?"

Su Qian'er said, "What's wrong?"

Li Chen also had no choice but to smile under pressure: "I'm disturb your work."

Su Qian'er cast an inexplicable look at him...

Just when she was about to say something, suddenly, unexpectedly, the captain's cell phone rang...

Seeing that his cell phone rang, Su Qianer had no choice but to say: "You answer the phone first."

It's just that Captain Li took out his mobile phone and looked at it, and suddenly saw that it was an unfamiliar number, so he couldn't help frowning...

Who do you think?

Could it be another TV station?

After thinking about it, he had no choice but to answer the phone: "Hi, hello!"

"Excuse me, is this Captain Li Chen?" A man on the other side asked politely.

After Li Chen was stunned for a moment, he asked, "Are you..."

The man on the other side laughed awkwardly: "I'm sorry, Captain Li! Maybe it's a bit presumptuous!"

Then, the man on the other side changed the subject: "But, let me introduce myself first. My surname is Mo, Mo Qiming. Qin Xiaowan's ex-husband."

Hearing this suddenly, Captain Li couldn't help but startled suddenly, what did he want to do with me?

After thinking about it again, there was no way, so he could only ask: "Excuse me... what can you do for me?"

On the other end of the phone, Mr. Mo said: "It's nothing. Just... I think... If Captain Li is free sometime, I would like to ask Captain Li to sit down with him, have a cup of coffee or something, and talk."

Hearing this suddenly, Captain Li was stunned again, and then said bluntly, "I'm free right now."


After a while, Su Qian'er, who was waiting in the co-pilot's seat, watched the captain hang up the phone, so she couldn't help but ask, "Who is it?"

Li Chen frowned inexplicably: "Sister Wan'er's ex-husband."

Hearing this suddenly, Su Qian'er couldn't help being stunned for a moment...

Immediately, she asked, "Why is he looking for you?"

"I don't know either?" Captain Li was also confused.

"Then you promised to meet him?"

"En." Li Chen could only nod his head.

Afterwards, he said, "It's okay, let's talk about it when we meet."


Since Mr. Mo's Jinglan Group is also in the CBD, the two met in a cafe in the CBD after a while.

When we met, Mr. Mo didn't forget to bring his secretary Xiaoyan...

"Captain Li, let me introduce you, secretary, Xiaoyan, Zhuo Xiaoyan."

Hearing this suddenly, Li Chen couldn't help but take a rough look...

I just feel that Secretary Xiaoyan is quite a white-collar beauty.

Especially against the backdrop of that OL outfit, she is quite an elite working woman.

At this moment, Zhuo Xiaoyan smiled shyly at Li Chen: "Hello, Captain Li!"

Li Chen was stunned for a moment, then he hurriedly smiled humbly: "Don't. Just call me Li Chen."

Just looking at Mr. Mo again, Li Chenzhen was a little confused for a moment, wondering what rhythm this is?
Afterwards, Mr. Mo suddenly said to Zhuo Xiaoyan: "That...Xiaoyan, you avoid it for a while, I will have a chat with Captain Li alone. After that, you come over again, and you will accompany Captain Li in the CBD for a while Walk around the park."

It's just that Li Chen is listening, but he still doesn't understand the rhythm of this?
After a while, after Zhuo Xiaoyan left for the time being, Mr. Mo looked at Li Chen again, and said with a half-smile: "Captain Li, you should know everything about me and Xiaowan?"

Hearing this suddenly, Captain Li was stunned in panic: "???"

Hold the grass... what do I know?

After thinking about it, he didn't know what to do, so he had no choice but to say: "Then what... I'm sorry, Mr. Mo, and I... I don't know much about Sister Wan'er. Of course, I heard that She is divorced. I also know that she is living with her son Xiaojing now."

Mr. Mo said with an embarrassed smile: "Yes. That's right. She divorced me as soon as she came back last year. Actually... I can understand it too. But... like me... and Xiaowan... After all, there is a Xiaojing, so... I have been thinking, if it is still possible, I still want to give Xiaojing a complete family, I think Captain Li should also understand my feelings?"

After hearing what was going on, Captain Li also had a headache, and didn't know what to say for a while?
After thinking about it again and again, he had no choice but to ask tentatively: "Boss Mo means... want me to persuade Sister Wan'er?"

"That's right! That's right! That's what it means! Because I know that Wan'er... only listens to you now!"

Immediately, this President Mo hurriedly said again: "Captain Li, I have no other intentions! Because I completely understand, if it were mine, I would only listen to Captain Li now! After all... In the ocean, we I have been there, and I wanted to look for Wan'er last year, but... I almost didn't come back, so... I can understand that, in that environment, Captain Li can still protect them and come back alive, it is really worth it Respect!"

After hearing this again, Captain Li said that he looked at Mr. Mo thoughtfully...

But, on the whole, Mr. Mo gave him the still very good.

At the same time, I can understand the current mood of Mr. Mo...

(End of this chapter)

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