Chapter 1140 Zhuo Xiaoyan!
It's just... Next, look at Mr. Mo sitting across from him, Captain Li has some inexplicable mixed feelings in his heart...

At least he was thinking, what's the matter?

The matter of his couple... how can I get involved?

Besides, he is not too clear about the real reason why Qin Xiaowan divorced this President Mo?

But deep down in his heart, he was still secretly thinking, could it have something to do with him?
After all, when he was on the island, he and Qin Xiaowan did... had that kind of relationship between men and women.

Captain Li thought to himself about such a fucking thing, but in fact, he still felt a little ashamed of Mr. Mo.

However, at that time, under that environment, I did not expect so much in the future.

After taking a look at Mr. Mo, in desperation, Captain Li had no choice but to say, "Well, Mr. Mo, I'll try. But... the result... I don't dare to say."

Hearing Captain Li's words suddenly, Mr. Mo said happily, "That's fine! Thank you, Captain Li!"


In fact, the more we talked, the more Captain Li felt uncomfortable.

Because before, he was still thinking that if possible, he really wanted to marry Qin Xiaowan.

But in this situation, he didn't dare to think about it any more.

Of course, he couldn't say what happened to him and Qin Xiaowan.

Maybe those things on the island can only be kept as a secret forever?

Maybe only he and Qin Xiaowan will know forever?


After a while, the conversation was almost over, and after that secretary Xiaoyan came again, Li Chen felt a little unspeakable again...

In fact, he's not stupid, Mr. Mo's intentions are so obvious, if he still doesn't know what's going on...wouldn't he be ashamed of the title of Captain Li?

But this, in front of Mr. Mo and secretary Xiaoyan, he is not very good at what to say.

After all, you have to consider your own face.

But... No matter how bad he is, Captain Li, he can't marry a secretary next to the boss, right?
Besides, between this Secretary Xiaoyan and this President Mo... Who knows what's going on?

It's as if some things between him and Qin Xiaowan, Mr. Mo didn't know it was the same.


Afterwards, seeing that Secretary Xiaoyan insisted on accompanying him to the CBD park, Captain Li was a little bit at a loss.

In fact, it wasn't Mr. Mo's idea that Zhuo Xiaoyan fell in love with Captain Hua.

This is really Zhuo Xiaoyan's own idea.

Because after reading those related reports, this Miss Zhuo has long admired this Huaguo captain for some inexplicable reason.

Suddenly, she realized that such a man was Zhuo Xiaoyan's lifelong pursuit.

So this is not a chance... She wants Mr. Mo to introduce her.

Anyway, Mo Qiming always treats her as his younger sister.

So if she and Captain Li can really succeed, he also expressed his blessing.

It's just that after a symbolic walk around, Captain Li also said: "Then what... Secretary Xiaoyan, how about... let's stop here today? Because I have something to do in the afternoon."

Suddenly hearing this, Zhuo Xiaoyan couldn't help being stunned...

Immediately, she hurriedly said: "Then are you free at night? If you are free at night, shall we have dinner together?"

Then, she hurriedly said: "Oh, by the way, there is a new restaurant near the CBD, and the taste is not bad!"

Just hearing this suddenly, Captain Li couldn't help frowning in embarrassment...

"I'm sorry, Secretary Xiaoyan, what..."

However, before he finished speaking, Zhuo Xiaoyan hurriedly said: "You don't have to keep calling me Secretary Xiaoyan! You can just call me Xiaoyan! can just call me Zhuo Xiaoyan!"

No way, Captain Li had no choice but to smile awkwardly and said, "That's all. Then that's what... Go back and get in touch."


Afterwards, when Captain Li returned to his second child's group, he couldn't help but think, what the hell is going on?

So Mr. Mo is too good at fixing things, right?
What the hell... Introduced his secretary to me, and then asked me to persuade his wife to get back together with him... Where is this shit?
The second child, Su Qian'er, who had just finished some business in the group, suddenly saw that the captain had come to her office, so she hurriedly asked, "How is it? Sister Wan'er, her ex-husband...seeking you...what is it?"

It's okay if you don't ask, but when you ask, Captain Li frowned again...

"Don't mention it. I don't know what this President Mo is thinking? He actually wants to introduce his secretary to me, and then I'm going to persuade Sister Wan'er to get back with him. Do you think a tacit agreement? ?”

Hearing this suddenly, Su Qian'er couldn't help but burst out laughing...

Suddenly seeing her still laughing, Captain Li was even more puzzled: "Are you still laughing?"

However, Su Qianer said: "I think this is a good thing!"

Captain Li was even more puzzled: "That's it? Do you still's a good thing?"

Su Qian'er smiled inexplicably again, then looked at him inexplicably annoyed, and said: "Anyway, you don't want to marry one of the six of us, so this...isn't it just right?"

The more I listened, the more puzzled Captain Li became: "It's so good! Don't mention it! Let's talk about something else!"

Hearing what he said, Su Qian'er stared thoughtfully for a moment, and finally, unable to hold back, she suddenly opened the drawer of her desk...

Then I saw that she took out a key to the door, and then threw it on the table in front of the captain...

Suddenly seeing a bunch of keys from 'Dangling' thrown over, Li Chen was stunned again: "What... do you mean?"

Su Qian'er looked at him inexplicably, and then said: "You get married...don't you have to have a wedding room?"

"Then you... give me a house?" Captain Li was stunned again.

Su Qian'er said: "Look carefully, this is the house you bought. Pecking Island, green water and deep blue."

Li Chen: "???"

Now, Captain Li was really stunned.

Immediately, when he hurriedly picked up the key to take a look, he saw the words 'Building 35 9-2' on it...

Hold the grass... This... is really the house I bought in Lushui Shenlan! ?

But after that, after looking at the second child, he immediately thought, isn't it?

I asked the real estate agent, and the real estate agent said that the house was auctioned by the bank...

Immediately, looking at the second child again, he hurriedly asked: "You went to Peckzhou to buy this house!?"

Su Qian'er said, "Nonsense, why did our house fall into other people's hands?"

Captain Li was stunned again: "Let's..."

Before he finished speaking, Su Qian'er said: "Nonsense, of course it's us! You are our captain, isn't our desert island survival team a big family? I said it's us... can there be any problems?"

(End of this chapter)

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