Chapter 1141 Is this about money?

After hearing the second child give a perfect explanation to "us", Captain Li was startled thoughtfully, and then he couldn't help laughing happily: "Hey..."

Afterwards, he looked at the second child with a happy smile, and said, "That's right. Let's."

To be honest, Captain Li at this moment is full of emotion...

It's even an indescribable emotion...

After all, this second child really has a heart!

He actually went to Peck Island and bought his house that had been auctioned off by the bank!
The more I think about it, the more moved I am...

He could even imagine that the second child had indeed silently done a lot for him since he came back last year...

At this moment, Captain Li felt that...all his efforts on the island were worth it!

People live, there is nothing more worthwhile than this!

But, later, let’s take a look at the second child again, and he said: "By the way, when you went to shoot and bought it later, how much was it? Turn around, when my salary arrives, I will transfer it to you! At the same time, thank you !grateful!"

Suddenly hearing what he said, Su Qian'er was a little unhappy...

She suddenly looked at him sullenly, she still curled her lips and said, "Hmph! Is this about money?"

Suddenly hearing what she said, and then looking at her like that, Captain Li was taken aback for a moment, and then said with an embarrassed smile: "I know it's not about money. It's just about us. But, one size fits one No, this house... I'm sure I can't take it for nothing. How much money you paid for the photo, I must pay you back the money! Otherwise... I..."

However, before he finished speaking, Su Qian'er said: "You want to force us to break up our relationship again, don't you?"

"" Captain Li frowned in distress, "What does this have to do with breaking up friendship?"

Immediately, he said again: "Even if it's a breakup, if you say you don't want the money for this house, I can't take the key! If you twist it, I will twist it too!"

As he said that, he directly threw the key of the house back to the second child...

"Let's leave the key with you first!"

Suddenly there was a sound of 'clang', he really threw the key back, Su Qian'er was a little stunned for a moment...

This dead elm lump...he...has he screwed it on?

But thinking about it, she subconsciously understood that it was the captain's twist that shaped his character.

It is precisely because of his quality that she is willing to do all this for him.

At the same time, she also realized that although she was kind, the money for the house... If she said no, the captain probably wouldn't want the house.

After thinking about it and thinking about it, there was no way out, so the second child had no choice but to calm down and said: "Well, you take the key first. Didn't you just say that, wait for your salary to arrive later, and then transfer it to me? "

However, unexpectedly, this time, Captain Li said: "It's better not to leave the key with you first. I'm... still living in no place for the time being, and I lost the key later, but it's not good." gone."

Suddenly hearing this, Su Qian'er couldn't help but startled: "Are you still living in a small hotel?"

Captain Li frowned first, then nodded: "Yes!"

But then, he said: "However... I also thought about it, maybe I still have to rent a house in Yanjing temporarily? After all, it's not a problem to live in a small hotel all the time."

As he said that, he suddenly changed the topic: "Uh, yes, can you smoke in this office?"

Unexpectedly, this time, the second child gave him an angry look: "No!"

Then, she said again: "Why do you always smoke?"

This made Captain Li couldn't help but let out an embarrassed laugh: "You...why do you still care about me?"

The second child said: "I like it, can you control it?"

Captain Li gave another awkward smile: "Pay attention to your image, isn't Su the beautiful president? Don't be like a stingy little girl."

"You don't care about me!"

Captain Li could only smile again, and then said: "Okay, that's enough. It's time for lunch. After dinner, take a rest, and I should go to the airport."

Suddenly hearing this, Su Qian'er couldn't help saying: "Aren't you going to invite me?"

Captain Li smiled hurriedly: "Please. Of course you have to! People want to invite you, a beautiful CEO, to dinner. Why don't I invite you?"

Taking the opportunity, Su Qian'er said again: "It's good that you know!"

However, Captain Li pretended to be stupid and stunned: "What do you mean?"

"Hmph! Just forget it if you don't understand!"

Saying that, Su Qian'er stopped talking to him, and just hurriedly picked up the landline phone on the table and made an internal call...

Then, just listen to her say: "Hello, is it the head chef?"

On the other end of the phone, the head chef hurriedly replied: "Yes, yes, it's me. Then what... Mr. Su, please tell me!"

So, the President Su said, "I want the lunch you arranged, is it ready?"

The head chef on the other end of the phone hurriedly said: "Get ready! Just come down!"


As soon as the phone was hung up, Su Damei's CEO stood up and said, "Let's go, Captain Li! Let me take you to our cafeteria!"

Hearing this suddenly, Li Chen was really startled: "Go to the cafeteria? What do you mean?"

"Nonsense. It's the staff restaurant of our group."

After understanding this, Captain Li hurriedly said: "You guys...are you still in charge of food?"

Su Qian'er looked at him inexplicably, and said, "There are one or two thousand employees in the group headquarters. Regardless of lunch, it must be messed up?"

Captain Li was stunned again: "Are there so many people?"

Su Qian'er said: "Why... aroused your desire for management?"

Hearing this suddenly, Captain Li gave a very unconfident smile: "Don't. I don't have such desires. I don't care."

However, Su Qian'er said, "But I think... you can do it."


Then, in the staff restaurant on the third floor of the group, there was a familiar sound of high-heeled shoes thumping and thumping, and thousands of employees in the dining area couldn't help but turn their heads to look...

Suddenly seeing a man following Mr. Su, all of them couldn't help being startled: "???"

Because this was the first time they saw Mr. Su blatantly bringing a man into the staff restaurant together...

When they saw that the man was actually the captain of Hua Guo, they were startled again: "???"

Then, someone started whispering in surprise...

"Captain Hua Guo? President Su is... in love?"

"I look like it? You see, President Su is in a good mood!"

"However...Captain Hua Guo is really handsome! He really matches Mr. Su! Do you think it's a bit like an idol drama?"


(End of this chapter)

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