The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 1145 Wu Qianqian's Self-Made Skills

Chapter 1145 Wu Qianqian's Self-Made Skills

Next, the atmosphere of the whole meal, even Sun Jiaying and Katerina felt a little weird...

Especially...the Hengmei Film Industry had to bring Wu Qianqian in. Sun Jiaying and Katerina always felt that there was something wrong?

Although she is a professional actress, well...she was never a member of the Desert Island Survival Team after all.

Regarding this matter, to be honest, Li Chen also felt very uncomfortable, but he couldn't say anything.

After all... Hengmei Films is the initiator of this film.

They are big bosses.

Besides, the thing about movies...he doesn't really understand how to make them.

So if Wu Qianqian had to be added, he didn't seem to have any opinion?
It just feels weird...

Of course, to be honest, Captain Li didn't deny that this Wu Qianqian was really, really pretty.

But in Captain Li's opinion... maybe it's just a beautiful skin. As for whether the soul or the body is beautiful, I don't know?

Anyway, throughout the dinner, Wu Qianqian was befriending him intentionally or unintentionally.

Captain Li had to admire this kind of girl's self-study skills.


After the meal, Li Chen and Assistant Director Xu greeted each other, and together with Sun Jiaying and Katerina, they were ready for their second half.

However, what I didn't expect was that the three of them had just come out of the private room. Unexpectedly, Wu Qianqian would chase them out...

"Brother Li Chen, where are you going?"

Suddenly hearing such a sound from behind, there was no way, Li Chen and the three of them had no choice but to pause, then turned around and looked at Wu Qianqian...

Just looking at it, Sun Jiaying and Katerina couldn't say anything?
But the two of them thought...why is this girl like this?Why is it so sticky?

Li Chen didn't know what to do, after thinking about it, he had no choice but to say: "Do you want to go together?"

It was originally a polite remark, but unexpectedly, Wu Qianqian couldn't help being happy: "Okay, okay!"

As she was talking, she rushed over happily...

Then, she immediately took Li Chen's arm: "Then... let's go, brother Li Chen."

"...???" Sun Jiaying and Katerina were both stunned.

But they really can't say anything?
Wait a while, after entering the elevator, in order to disgust that Wu Qianqian, Katerina couldn't help but also hold Li Chen's buddy...

"Brother Li Chen, I haven't seen you for so long, don't you know that I miss you very much?"

Li Chen was stunned again, as if he didn't understand what Katerina was talking about for a while?
However, when Wu Qianqian was finally a little embarrassed, Li Chen finally had ulterior motives for Katerina...

As a result, he couldn't help but snigger to himself, heh!
Next, Sun Jiaying also imitated Katerina and launched a whine...

"Hmph, Brother Li Chen, he's in Shanghai, so you don't want to visit him anymore! You really hate him for making him miss you so much!"

When he suddenly saw the embarrassment on Wu Qianqian's face, Li Chen couldn't help but secretly laughed again...

It seems that he just realized that... it makes sense to fight poison with fire.

In order to cooperate, Li Chen also said to Sun Jiaying and Katerina: "You two... don't do this? I... am here right now?"


Afterwards, when the elevator dinged and reached the 12th floor, when the elevator doors opened, Li Chen also said: "That's it, I'm here."

Seeing that Li Chen got off the elevator, Sun Jiaying and Katerina chased after him pretending to be sticky...

"Oh, Brother Li Chen, wait for the two of us!"

This time, Wu Qianqian, who was still in the elevator, was finally a little embarrassed. Did she follow or not?
After thinking about it, she had no choice but to say: "Then...Brother Li Chen, I'll go upstairs first!"

Suddenly hearing Wu Qianqian finally say this, Li Chen and the three of them couldn't help but burst out laughing...

Afterwards, when the elevator door closed, Wu Qianqian stared gloomily and pursed her lips, hum, isn't she the captain of Survival Island?
What's the big deal?

It's not a mentor from behind, really!

This time...Director Ning is really blind. It's no wonder that they can act in this movie well if they are invited to act in their true colors!


And at this moment, Sun Jiaying couldn't help but say: "Uh, captain, what's...what's going on? Director Ning said...we're from the original cast? Are we going to act in our true colors? But here... suddenly there is Wu Qianqian , how is her plot arranged?"

Suddenly hearing this, Li Chen thought for a while, and then said: "Wait a minute, I'll call Director Ning and ask about the situation."

Next, he couldn't help but give Director Ning a call...

Sun Jiaying and Katerina had no choice but to watch from the sidelines without saying a word.

After the call was connected and Li Chen asked about the situation, Director Ning on the other end of the phone explained with a smile: "Isn't there an important female number two in this story of survival on a deserted island? That is... that H Jeon Hye-kyo, the actress in China, so... we plan to arrange for Wu Qianqian to play the role of Jeon Hye-kyo in the play, do you understand, Captain Li?"

Hearing this suddenly, Captain Li's face turned green...

This is really Nima, which pot does not open and which pot to lift.

After thinking about it, Captain Li didn't get angry, but said calmly: "I'm sorry, Director Ning, what...then I'd better quit. Anyway, our agreement hasn't been finalized yet, has it?"

Director Ning on the other end of the phone couldn't help being startled when he heard it: "What's wrong, Captain Li?"

Li Chen said: "I may not be able to act, I'm sorry!"

Now, Director Ning was really anxious, and hurriedly said: "Stop, Captain Li! Didn't I already tell you, whether you can act or not, that's my director's business!"

Li Chen said: "But... it's just a movie now, can't some plots be deleted? But I have to add Quan Hye Kyo's play, maybe I can't act it?"

After hearing this, Director Ning on the other end of the phone was secretly startled again...

After that, Director Ning had no choice but to say in a hurry: "Let's do this, Captain Li, this matter... we can discuss it again. In terms of plot... we can restructure it. Don't rush to say quitting now. This matter ... You also know that without you ... how can it be done? Can't we do this?"

This is true.

After all, Captain Hua is the real protagonist!
Moreover, Director Ning has also seen about the image conditions, etc., and there is no professional actor who can replace the prototype of the Hua Guo captain.

Even if a professional actor came to act as a substitute, he couldn't perform the feeling he wanted this time.

Although it is still a commercial thing, Director Ning still has inner persistence when it comes to artistic creation, so this matter, no matter what, he has to appease Captain Hua...

(End of this chapter)

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