Chapter 1146 Pain
Afterwards, after hanging up the phone, Sun Jiaying and Katerina suddenly saw that the captain's expression was a little ugly, as if it was even heavy, and Katerina couldn't help but said worriedly: "Brother Li Chen... what's the matter with you?"

Hearing this sentence suddenly, Li Chen continued to be depressed for a while, and then smiled reluctantly to hide: "It's okay. I'm fine."

It's just that after he finished speaking, he turned around immediately, and after turning his back on the two of them, a tear silently fell from the corner of his eye...

In fact, it's really nothing, it's just that there is a sudden pain in my heart, and I think of Hye Kyo again...

In order to cover up all this, he suddenly couldn't help lighting a cigarette.

After taking a deep breath of the cigarette, exhaling a mouthful of turbid air with the sound of the smoke, it seems to feel a little better.

Obviously, even though so much time has passed, Hye Kyo is still a pain in his heart...

Owe her a wedding after all!
However, suddenly, he also wanted to understand that it wasn't that he rejected Hye Kyo to live again in the film, but that Wu Qianqian... didn't match Hye Kyo's temperament too much.

Because Hye Kyo is not so frivolous, so that Wu Qianqian played the role of Hye Kyo in the play, he seemed to be disrespectful to Hye Kyo.

At this moment, Sun Jiaying and Katerina standing behind him couldn't help but look at each other...

In fact, the two of them still knew in their hearts that the captain was probably thinking about Sister Hye Kyo again.

Regarding this, Sun Jiaying felt an inexplicable pain in her heart...

Because she was thinking, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't replace Sister Hye Kyo's position in the captain's heart?
If she could, she really wanted to be the Hye Kyo in the captain's mind, so that he wouldn't be so sad.

Later, in order to comfort the captain, Sun Jiaying couldn't help stretching out a hand and put it on the captain's shoulder...

After Li Chen felt it, he said, "I'm really fine."

In fact, after just one cigarette, he has indeed relieved a lot.

The pain now is obviously not as strong as it was when Hye Kyo was lost in the first place.

Time is always a good medicine.

However, that pain will always be buried in his heart.

After a while, Katerina said: "That's right, how about we go to a bar?"

Suddenly hearing this, Sun Jiaying said, "Okay."


Next, the three of them originally wanted to find a bar nearby, but the bars in China were too noisy, and the inside was smoky, especially the sound of disco dancing inside, Li Chen really couldn't stand it.

So, later on, the three of them found a quieter restaurant nearby.

In order to be quiet, the three of them asked for a single room.

Then, I ordered some food and ordered a dozen beers.

In fact, Li Chen knew that Sun Jiaying didn't drink very well.

Last time in Country T, she was so drunk that she almost scared him.

Therefore, seeing that Sun Jiaying also boldly picked up a beer, ready to blow on the bottle, Li Chen still did not forget to remind: "If you don't drink well, drink less."

Just hearing this sentence suddenly, Sun Jiaying's face suddenly turned red...

At the same time, looking at the captain again, she felt some inexplicable pain in her heart.

Because last time in T country, she took the initiative to act like that, and the captain still didn't have any relationship with her.

Of course, she was too embarrassed to mention this matter in front of Katerina.

After all... that may only belong to the secret between her and the captain.

Fortunately, Katerina didn't ask any detailed questions.

Next, after blowing beer on the bottle for a while, Katerina said: "How is it, Brother Li Chen? Are you feeling much more comfortable now?"

Li Chen frowned, and smiled inexplicably distressed: "Actually, I can still drink with you now, and I feel quite at ease."

This is also from the heart.

After all, sitting here and watching the two of them now is really a kind of comfort.

Sun Jiaying seems to fully understand the mood of the captain...

Therefore, looking at this man now, she is still deeply in love.

It's just that she knows that the captain may really have no feelings for her?
This actually hurts a woman's self-esteem.

Later, when the captain asked about the current situation, Sun Jiaying was inexplicably depressed...

Because if it wasn't for Hengmei Films' invitation, she would have been ready to go abroad.

She still wants to return to Country Y.

Because she knew that if she persisted, there would be no result with the captain.

It just made her secretly sad.

After a while, Sun Jiaying took a deep breath, and then pretended to smile brightly: "Okay, captain, let's talk about you? It's been so long since you've been back, have you made any progress in your relationship?"

Hearing this suddenly, Li Chen could only smile bitterly...

Afterwards, he said, "I really want to make progress. It's just... I'm still floating."

Katerina hurriedly said: "Brother Li Chen, aren't you very good now? Will you be the lead actor in this movie?"

Immediately, Sun Jiaying said: "That's right, there are probably a lot of girls who want to marry you now, right?"


This topic was just a little more cheerful, but unexpectedly, Director Ning suddenly called...

As soon as the call was connected, Director Ning asked, "Captain Li, where are you? Why did I knock on your door... There was no movement?"

Hearing this suddenly, for Li Chen, he was really flattered...

"No... then... Director Ning, why are you here so late?"

Director Ning hurriedly said, "That's necessary! Since you, Captain Li, have objections to the cast, can I not come here?"

This really made Li Chen feel a little embarrassed...

After all, for the sake of his own momentary emotions, this troubled Ning Dao.

Thinking about it, he hurriedly said, "We're at a nearby restaurant now."

So, Director Ning said: "That's all right, you send me the location, and I'll go there right away."


In fact, director Ning is [-]% committed to this desert island movie.

After all, if other directors want to make this desert island-themed movie, they have no chance.

Because whether it's themes, gimmicks, etc., it's all there.

Done well, it will be a shocking movie.

Although the desert island survival team is not a professional actor team, if the story this time leaves this team, it will be a mess.

So... Captain Li must be appeased this time.

When he has emotions, he can solve his emotional problems.

When he has needs, solve his needs.

Moreover, Director Ning came here in person, sincerity, face, etc., can be said to be all there.

After a while, when Director Ning arrived at the dining bar, he looked at the situation and hurriedly asked, "Would you like some more wine?"

This is evident, Captain Li hurriedly got up and said: "For the wine, let's do it. Director Ning, sit down first!"

Director Ning hurriedly said: "It's okay, you should sit first. If you don't sit, how dare I sit?"


(End of this chapter)

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