Chapter 1148 Press Conference

Two days later, the signing ceremony and press conference for the film "Self-Salvation on a Deserted Island" was officially held at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Yanjing...

Originally an ordinary desert island survival team, this time, it shined brilliantly at this press conference...

Suddenly active in the spotlight, they also became well-known stars.

This fact, Captain Li Chen never dreamed of it. other words...surviving a catastrophe must have a future blessing, maybe this is the future blessing?

At the press conference, Hengmei Films also announced in a high profile that it will invite Captain Hua Guo himself to star in this film with a salary of 5000 million.

Under the lens of various media, Captain Hua this time can be regarded as showing off...

Penguin Entertainment Reporter: Hello, Captain Li, are you confident in acting in this film?
Li Chen: I think...with Director Ning's guidance and my personal experience, I should be able to act out the original story well, right?
Xinlang New Media reporter: Captain Li, I heard...your favorite is...the second child in your team. Is this the case?

Before Li Chen could answer this question, Su Qian'er beside her was already blushing...

However, Captain Li took a look at them, and then replied to the reporter: They... I like them all.Because they were all my players.

It's just such an official answer all of a sudden, and the cute girl can't help curling her lips secretly, hmph, this dead surnamed Li...does he really regard himself as a public figure?Is it so hypocritical to answer the reporter's question?

Hmph, if you like dick, you like dick, let’s just say it!
In the heart of the second child, there is also some secret displeasure...

Because she was thinking, the captain didn't dare to admit it in public, so official, obviously he doesn't like her that much.

Qin Xiaowan happily whispered in Tan Jixia's ear: "Uh, Xia'er, do you feel... the captain is becoming more and more like a leading figure in the entertainment industry?"

Later, the reporter from Wang Yi Entertainment asked again: Captain Li, I heard that... will participate in "Survival on a Deserted Island" on Chuanjiang Satellite TV. Is it true?

Li Chen: Chuanjiang Satellite TV has indeed been negotiating this matter with me.But nothing has been decided yet.And because of the start of filming, I don't have a schedule for the next period of time.

Fanyu Reporter: Captain Li, may I ask... will you officially enter the entertainment circle in the future?
Li Chen: Do you think I can do it?

At this moment, Hengmei Films is also paying attention to Captain Hua Guo's every move when answering reporters' questions...

They also felt that... this Hua Guo captain really has the momentum to lead the entertainment circle in the future.

I just don't know, after this film, what will Captain Hua's real thoughts be?

It's just that the press release was in full swing. Suddenly, Li Chen received an international call.

Thinking that it might be a call from Robert from country T, the captain of Hua country ignored everything, apologized to the reporters present, turned around and ran backstage...

The reporters and others present suddenly saw his appearance, and they were wondering what happened to Captain Hua?

After arriving backstage, when Li Chen hurriedly connected the phone, sure enough, it was the voice of Robert from Country T...

Robert told him that the Delia case will be heard in the International Court of Justice on the 5th of next month.

At the same time, Robert told him that an audience seat had been secured for him in the International Court of Justice.

After this phone call, the international captain felt a little inexplicably heavy...

Because he was thinking, he is in a good mood now, the press conference is in full swing, but Delia...

Thinking of this, I still have some inexplicable torment in my heart!

But all of this, he is also very helpless!

After all, he had to live.

Since you have to live, you have to toss something.

Besides, I still have my parents.

In other words, filial piety cannot wait.

So now... he just wants to make some money, so that his parents can live a better life.


In the press conference that followed, because Captain Hua did not return to the scene for a long time, he could only focus on those women.

Reporter Wang Yi Entertainment: Hello, Deputy Captain Tan, may I ask... have you had any ambiguous stories with Captain Li in the desert island for so long?
Unexpectedly, Tan Jixia also replied in a very official way: Regarding these, I will reflect them one by one in this film.

Xinlang New Media reporter: Hello, Mr. Su, may I ask... why do they call you the second child?
Su Qianer: Is there anything wrong with this?

Penguin Entertainment Reporter: Hello, Ms. Miao Keke, it was revealed claim to be the wife of Captain Li. Are you really registered for marriage?
Miao Keke: Are you bored?I said it was his daughter-in-law, is that his daughter-in-law?Then we often joked with the captain, asking him to marry them all.

Fanyu Reporter: I want to know... How did you solve your personal problems when you were on the desert island?

Tan Jixia: Of course it comes from nature and returns to nature.


Finally, when the press conference was finally over, the women couldn't help complaining...

"Hey... so it's so tiring to be a star?" Meng Zi was the first to complain.

Qiong'er said: "Then what do you think?"

Qin Xiaowan said: "It's miserable, it's miserable, and we will all be miserable in the future. From now on, we have to be fully armed when we go to the street. Otherwise, it will be very annoying if people recognize it."

And the foreign girl Lina said: "Oh... I think... Maybe we really entered the showbiz?"

Tan Jixia said: "Huh, what's so good about the entertainment industry? Answering the reporter's question, I'm really tired!"

The second child, Su Qian'er, looked at Keke Miao inexplicably, and said, "Uh, Keke, didn't you just want to be a star?"

Only Sun Jiaying couldn't help being startled: "Uh? Where's the captain? Why hasn't he come back yet?"

Katerina hurriedly said: "Come on, let's go to the backstage to have a look."


Just looking at Sun Jiaying and Katerina, Tan Jixia and the other six women were stunned...

Afterwards, Miao Keke couldn't help but ask, "Huh? These are... the two later team members, right?"

Qin Xiaowan couldn't help but joked: "It seems that you girls are under pressure. I think these two... look pretty good."

Suddenly hearing this, Tan Jixia couldn't help but said: "I see that Russian girl... puts Lina under a lot of pressure!"

Qiong'er said: "It's okay. Anyway, the captain won't marry me. It's not my turn. Sigh... it seems... I can only be single like this?"

Immediately, Lina couldn't help but said: "Oh... I also feel... It's not my turn. So... I don't think I need to have this kind of pressure."

Miao Keke said: "Huh! Look at what you said! It seems that the captain will really marry us! It's just that dead surnamed just want to go!"


(End of this chapter)

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