Chapter 1149 is hot

A little later, all major print media, online media, self-media, radio stations, and TV entertainment news, etc., all kinds of front-page headlines were overwhelmingly publicized...

"Survival on a deserted island that shocked the world will officially start filming, starring Captain Hua himself"

"Li Chen, a survival expert who shocked the world, will appear in this desert island-themed film in person"

"Captain Li Chen will star in this desert island-themed film"

"The original international survival team starred in this desert island film"


Netizen from Liaoshen: Yeah!Looking forward to it!Captain Hua is mighty!
Guangzhu netizen: Wow!At the press conference, Captain Li Chen is so cool!
Zhuhai Netizen: Oh yeah!Ready to shoot in our Dazhuhai!
Netizen from Qingchuan: When will the movie be released?

Netizen from Yanjing: I really look forward to this movie!

Shanghai netizen: Captain Li Chen, come on!I like you!


All of a sudden, Captain Hua Guo really exploded...

This was even more shocking than the initial news came out.

Of course, the main reason is that Hengmei Films has created a lot of momentum...

This completely whetted the appetite of the people across the country.


At this moment, in a taxi in a certain city...

"Wow! Captain Hua Guo will play the role in person. I'm really looking forward to this one!"

Unknowingly, this has become a topic of conversation between taxi drivers and passengers.

A female passenger in the car laughed a little nympho and said, "Actually...Captain Hua Guo is really handsome! I think he is even more handsome than Hu Ge! Hehe!"


The waiting room of a high-speed rail station...

"Wow—this can't be true, right!? Captain Hua Guo will appear in this movie in person, so I'm looking forward to it..."

"Nympho girls, did you come out without watching the press conference? Of course it's true!"


An airport waiting room...

"Am I not mistaken? Captain Hua is going to appear in this desert island-themed movie in person?"

"Aren't you looking forward to it?"

"Of course! Of course I look forward to this! Ha!"


Right now, Yanjing.

On a minibus back to Jingming Hotel...

"Hey, Captain, you're so hot!" The cute girl was the first to burst out in shock.

Immediately, Qiong'er swiped her phone and exploded in shock: "Yes, yes! This time... the captain is really hot!"

After Lina swiped her phone again, she couldn't help turning her head to look at the captain, and said, "Oh...captain...will we all be unable to climb high in the future?"

"Ha!" Katerina was shocked, "Brother Li, you are so cool!"


However, at this moment, Li Chen, who was sitting in the last row of the car near the window, was not very shocked.

At this moment, these women looked at him like that, and then suddenly felt a little cold...

As far as this moment is concerned, they don't know what the captain is thinking at this moment?
Immediately, the second child, Su Qian'er, couldn't help but whispered in the ear of the eldest Tan Jixia: "Uh, sister Jixia, the captain... what's wrong?"

After Tan Jixia glanced at the captain again, she could only express her gloomy stare...

Right now, she couldn't say anything.

It's just that she was thinking in her heart, wouldn't it mean that the more lively it was, the more he missed that H country actress?

Afterwards, Qin Xiaowan turned her head and said in Tan Jixia and Su Qian'er's ears, "I think...the captain may be thinking about that H country actress again?"


Katerina, who was sitting next to Li Chen, turned her head to look at him again, and then whispered in his ear: "Brother Li Chen, don't think so much. Didn't you tell us that the living Do you want to continue?"

It's just that at this moment, Captain Li Chen doesn't know what to say?
Although the living will continue, Delia is still alive, but she...

The more he thought about it, the more tormented Captain Hua felt.

He doesn't know how to express this kind of emotion?

It's just that he was thinking, should he discuss with Director Ning again, and whether the sacrifice spirit of the female police officer Delia of T country can also be reflected in this film...

After all, they are able to be so free and easy now, all thanks to the sacrifice spirit of the female police officer Delia in T country...

Now he is all of a sudden popular, but who knows everything behind this scene?

Behind the scenery, there will always be some people who are still moving forward with heavy burdens.


After waiting for a long time, he couldn't help turning his head and whispering in Katerina's ear: "Officer Delia will be in court at the International Court of Justice on the 5th of next month."

Suddenly hearing such a sentence, Katerina was also startled for a moment...

Next, Katerina's heart was also a little heavy, and she didn't know what to say?
Originally thought that brother Li Chen was thinking about sister Hye Kyo again, but it turned out that it was because of the police officer Delia in T country.


After a while, after returning to Jingming Hotel, Captain Hua Guo immediately went back to his room.

After shutting himself in the room, he couldn't help smoking several cigarettes in a row...

However, after much deliberation, he also has no solution to the current matter about Delia.

I can only feel uncomfortable, but there is no solution.

Now, he can only adjust his mentality.

After a while, Tan Jixia knocked on his door...

Now when Tan Jixia entered his room, she smelled the smell of cigarettes, and she couldn't help but said: "I'll go! Damn you! How much... have you smoked?"

Li Chen, who had almost adjusted his mentality by himself, smiled inexplicably: "The men's room is like this, there is nothing else, only the smell of cigarettes."

Tan Jixia looked at him inexplicably, and then said: "Okay. Tell my sister, what's wrong with you all of a sudden? Are you in any mood?"

Suddenly hearing this, Captain Li said a little embarrassedly: "It's nothing. It's just a sudden bad mood. Just like you women, there are always a few days every month, right?"

Looking at him like that, Tan Jixia said: "Don't be ridiculous! Be serious! Are you... Missing that H country actress again?"

"No." Li Chen shook his head, "No."

"That is……"

In desperation, there was nothing to do, and Captain Li had no choice but to confide: "You should know Officer Delia from Country T, right?"

Hearing this suddenly, Tan Jixia couldn't help but secretly startled——

Immediately, she also became a little depressed...

After thinking about it, she looked at the captain again, and asked, "Is it...she has already been sentenced?"

"Not yet. But soon. The trial will be held in the International Court of Justice on the 5th of next month."

Listening to this, Tan Jixia was also silent for a while, and didn't know what to say?

After thinking about it, she had no choice but to ask, "Then can we...can we do something for her?"

Li Chen smiled distressedly: "I can't do anything. The pain is here."


(End of this chapter)

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