Chapter 1150 Can't Hold Court
A few days later, Li Chen suddenly received another call from Robert from country T...

"Chen!" Robert on the other end of the phone called out in a very heavy voice.

Hearing his voice, Li Chen couldn't help but secretly startled, always feeling that something was wrong?
After thinking about it, he could only hurriedly say, "Say it!"

"There is no court!"

Hearing this sentence again, Li Chen was startled again: "???"

Afterwards, Robert on the other end of the phone said seriously: "Delia, she... is gone!"

"What, what!?" Suddenly, Captain Li Chen's entire emotions collapsed.

Next, Robert could only tell him that at the pledge office, Delia clashed with several other major suspects, and was finally stabbed to death by a toothbrush.

After hearing the news, Li Chen completely collapsed...

For a while, he didn't know what to say?

There can only be silence, endless silence...

What the hell is going on, he doesn't know?

I just want to curse, hold the grass, damn it!

Right now, in a meeting room of Jingming Hotel.

Tan Jixia, Su Qian'er and others are all in place, but their captain, Li Chen, has not been in place for a long time...

Hengmei Films temporarily rented this meeting room as a performance and teaching venue.

And as a special case, an acting instructor was invited from Beijing Film Academy.

This shows that Captain Li has not been in place, and the acting instructor is a little annoyed for no reason...

He even kept muttering, talking about playing big names and the like.

However, Tan Jixia, Su Qian'er and the others knew that the captain was not that kind of person, and he was definitely not playing big names.

Hearing that the acting instructor's words were becoming more and more unpleasant, suddenly, Tan Jixia became annoyed...

The northern girl suddenly stood up and said, "That's it! It's not over, is it?"

The performance instructor couldn't help but was stunned suddenly: "You...what do you mean? Why don't you all want to take this temporary acting class?"

Unexpectedly, Tan Jixia said: "If you don't make it, you won't make it! What can we do? Anyway, we don't rely on acting for a living! What are we playing big names? Don't blame the phenomena in your industry on our captain! Our captain is not that kind of person at all!"

Suddenly, the performance instructor was even more embarrassed: "???"

Immediately, the second child, Su Qian'er, couldn't help standing up and said, "Sisters, let's dodge!"

This time, the performance instructor suddenly became anxious: "Hey, hey, Mr. Su, why are you booing?"

Su Qian'er said: "We know who our captain is! Before the matter is clarified, as a teacher, you are just spraying indiscriminately. I don't think you can teach anything!"


Afterwards, seeing all these women leave the stage one after another, the performance instructor was completely dumbfounded...

Hold the grass, what do they... mean?

Why don't I say a few words?

Thinking about it, then, no way, the performance instructor had no choice but to rush out...

Because Hengmei Pictures paid him to come here, if he messed up the matter, it would be difficult to explain.


After that, the performance instructor had no choice but to chase a group of women to the door of room 1207 of the hotel.

Both Tan Jixia and Katerina were very anxious, and they were banging on the door of the captain's room...

At this moment, in the room, Li Chen was even more upset when he heard the 'bang bang bang' knocking on the door. He didn't know what to do?

After thinking about it, and after taking a few more puffs of cigarettes, he had no choice but to turn around and go to the door, and opened the door with a 'click' sound...

When the door opened, he suddenly smelled a strong smell of smoke, and the performance instructor suddenly felt apologetically stunned——

Because he felt it, there might be something really going on here?

Especially when he took another look at the smoky atmosphere in Captain Li's room, he became more aware of something...

And now, looking at the group of people standing at the door, Li Chen was also a little dazed...

"Brother Li Chen, what's the matter with you?" Katerina asked in a worried cry.

After realizing that his emotions made everyone worry, this captain Li Chen said gloomily, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I made you worry!"

Tan Jixia was that anxious: "You just said what's wrong?"

Only then did Li Chen confided: "On the 5th of next month, Delia... can't hold a court session, because... country T just called me suddenly, saying that Delia...has been... Gone!"

The performance instructor suddenly heard this, and his heart sank...

Although he didn't know what was going on, he knew it was a big deal!
Especially after hearing that people are gone!
At the same time, the performance instructor also realized that he was indeed a bit past, and he shouldn't have been so nagging before...

As a mentor, he finally realized... Maybe some things are really not what he thought!

Hearing that Police Officer Delia was gone, Katerina hurriedly asked, "Then what should I do, Brother Li Chen?"

Li Chen thought for a while, and then said: "What can I do? I can only... go to country T!"

Suddenly hearing that she was going to country T, Katerina hurriedly said, "Then I will go too!"

Immediately, Sun Jiaying also hurriedly said: "I want to go too!"

The second child, Su Qian'er, said suddenly: "Okay, then let's prepare to book the air tickets!"


But, after all, the contract with Hengmei Films has been signed, and the first payment has been made, and the account has been credited, so, no problem, Captain Li Chen had no choice but to call Director Ning and explain the situation.

It means to go to country T.

In fact, Director Ning still has a general understanding of the situation here.

Director Ning also thought about it, what unexpected incident might have happened again?
Therefore, Director Ning roughly asked how long he would go to country T?
After all, the shooting of the film cannot be delayed.

After negotiation and communication between the two parties, in the end, Director Ning could only express his understanding and agreed to their going to country T.


In fact, for now, the only thing that can be done is to go to Delia's grave to pay homage.

As for the funeral... Due to the visa and other procedures, it may not be possible to catch up with Delia's funeral?

Of course, at this time, no matter what, I have to go to country T.

Otherwise, there will be no peace of mind!
However, this incident was definitely a huge blow to Li Chen's mind!
Especially thinking that I can't do anything for Delia now, it's even more uncomfortable...

In fact, in life, there will always be some things that you can't do anything about!
That kind of helplessness, you can only know the feeling if you have experienced it for yourself... It's very uncomfortable!

(End of this chapter)

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