Chapter 1151 All Gathered
A week later, when the visas are issued, a group of people headed by Captain Hua will go to country T again...

From the 6 incident at sea in country T that shocked the international community, to the HT11 man-made plane crash that shocked the international community, and finally to the arrest of the female police officer Delia in country T, the entire series of events , In the end, I don’t know if the painting is a sentence?Or an exclamation point?Or is it a question mark?Or more... an ellipsis...

However, there is one thing that Captain Hua knew, Katerina knew too, and Sun Jiaying knew too, that is... in the end it was the female police officer from Country T who saved them!
Of course, now, Tan Jixia, Su Qian'er and other six women also know this in their hearts, so this is also the reason why they went to T country together this time.

As survivors of the previous air crash, they can well understand the great sacrifice made by the female police officer in country T...

Although it may be just personal feelings, in their view, the female police officer from country T is still great and worthy of respect!

This time, on the plane, seeing the unprecedented staffing, the cute girl couldn't help whispering in Qiong'er's ear: "Uh, Qiong'er, tell me...this time...if there is another crash If there is a machine, do we have all the personnel?"

Suddenly hearing this, Qiong'er immediately whispered in the cute girl's ear: "You are such a crow's mouth! I don't want to have another crash! I still have to wait to go back and make a movie! Hmph!"


And Qin Xiaowan couldn't help but whisper in Tan Jixia's ear: "Uh, Xia'er, you said... that Russian girl is really just the captain's sister?"

In fact, on this point, Tan Jixia has been doubting...

Because the Russian girl and the captain are really sticky.

Because no matter where she is, the one who stays with the captain is always the Russian girl.

Moreover, the captain doesn't bother her.

The two of them looked like brothers and sisters when they got along together, but there was always a hint of ambiguity...

But at this moment, Katerina said in Li Chen's ear: "Uh, brother Li Chen, I'm very puzzled, this time...Hengmei Films...why didn't Ryder be invited? Nor did Alice be invited. Sister? And Jessie, right?"

As far as it is concerned, the three of them are really absent.

However, Li Chen had contacted Ryder in private. Due to his special status, it was inconvenient for Ryder to participate in this film.

In fact, Hengmei Pictures had invited Mr. Ryder, but Mr. Ryder declined.

But for the effect of the film, director Ning has invited a professional black big man actor to play the role of Ryder...

He will be a happy partner with Captain Li Chen in the film.

But as for what happened to Alice and Jessie, this... Li Chen doesn't know yet?
However, what he can be sure of is that Jessie has since returned to Country Y.


On the plane, only the second child, Su Qian'er, was a little confused.

That is... She kept thinking, why didn't she dare to take the initiative?
Maybe if you take the initiative yourself, then the relationship with the captain...should be warmed up soon?
In fact, the second child still knew in his heart that the captain still had feelings for her.

I just don't know why the captain has kept restraint?

Moreover, through her observation, the relationship between the captain and the Russian girl is really just brother and sister.

Maybe it's because the Russian girl has a good personality, so the relationship between her and the handled very well and harmoniously.

All the while, she was really like a caring little padded jacket beside the captain.


Due to the time difference, the plane landed safely at T Country International Airport around 11:[-] p.m.

After landing safely, the foreign girl Lina was busy muttering for a while...

For example, thank the Lord or something.

It seems that this foreign girl... this belief has not changed.

It seems to have been there all along, and she also likes this kind of prayer.

However, now, every safe landing is really worth praying for.

Perhaps it was influenced by the foreign girl Lina, this time, the captain Li Chen also expressed a deep breath...

To be honest, about the air crash, I was really scared!

If this is another time to survive on a deserted island, I will really go crazy.


After getting off the plane for a while, and coming out of the exit passage, unexpectedly, I saw three familiar figures at a glance, standing by the road, ready to wave for a taxi...

Katerina was the first to say in surprise: "Hey—the big black guy—Sister Alice—Jessie—"

Suddenly hearing the voice behind him, Ryder waited for the three to turn around in surprise...

"Captain. Li...!?" Ryder was the first to smile in surprise.

Immediately, Alice suddenly said in surprise: "Hey... Captain. Li..."

Only Jessie's expression was a bit complicated...

Because she had gone to Huaguo to express her love to Captain Li, but she was declined, so she felt a little uncomfortable.

Immediately, the cute girl panicked and said inexplicably pleasantly: "It seems that we really got it together this time, ha!"

Sun Jiaying stepped forward and smiled at Alice: "Sister Alice!"

"Oh...Sun Jiaying...we meet again!"

The foreign girl Lina stepped forward: "Oh...Ou can also speak Chinese?"

Alice smiled: "Of course. I am a Chinese teacher myself. I am now teaching more people to learn Chinese. Because Chinese is really cool! And... Captain Huaguo is even cooler!"

That bastard Ryder, with a pair of wretched thief eyes, looked at Tan Jixia, Su Qianer and other six women with a smile, and couldn't help but greeted: "Hi! Hello beauties! Oh, about you... My Hua Guo brothers told me that!"

As he said that, the guy suddenly smiled and said to Li Chen: "Hey, brother Li Chen, are you really considering getting a nationality from our country now? have no way to marry them all Yes, ha!"

Suddenly hearing this, the cute girl was startled: "Can this be done?"

Ryder said: "Oh, of course! As long as you are all willing, of course!"

However, Li Chen said to this guy: "Okay, don't talk about it. Let me tell you, you... why did you come to T country?"

Suddenly hearing this, Ryder said: "Oh... I think our purpose is the same? Because... oh... Sorry, this topic is still a bit sad, I think we are all for Officer Delia Come!"

In fact, Ryder, Alice, and Jessie all came for Officer Delia.

Because they also want to pay homage to the female police officer at the end...

Still the same sentence, although the national borders are different, but the emotions are interlinked...

And, some emotions never fade...

(End of this chapter)

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