The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 1152 Maybe you shouldn't bother?

Chapter 1152 Maybe you shouldn't bother?

The next morning, in Nahaixitu, the capital of country T, there is a cemetery by the sea...

Led by the old police chief Robert, Li Chen and his group came to the grave of Police Officer Delia with flowers in their hands...

In the end, Police Officer Delia was buried here, perhaps confirming that sentence... Ashes to ashes, ashes to ashes! the end of life!

But there is also a saying, that is... some people are dead, but she is still alive; but some people are alive, but she is dead.

Obviously, in the minds of Li Chen and the others, Officer Delia belongs to the former!
At this moment, watching Li Chen and the group offering flowers with a solemn expression, the old police chief Robert couldn't help but light a cigarette gloomily...

For Delia's death, the old sheriff can only express his deep regret!

Obviously, from the beginning to the end, he thought that Delia was an excellent police officer!

It's just a's so ruined...


The old sheriff Robert could not help but let out a long sigh along with the smoke.

However, looking at the scenery here is not bad, I can only express my relief.

I hope...there will be no more disputes in heaven, and no more shameless politicians...

Because some bastards who should have died didn't die.

Some shameless politicians who should have gone to hell did not go to hell.


After a while, after all the flowers were sacrificed, Li Chen couldn't help but took a few steps towards Delia's tombstone...

Then, he couldn't help but took out a prepared square towel and wiped the tombstone for Delia...

Obviously, in his heart, this female police officer's heart is clean!
I hope she is no longer dusty!
I hope that she, who is already in heaven, can find her own inner world...

This society is still too helpless.Also too complicated.

Many things are still hard to say.

At this moment, Captain Li Chen was even thinking, maybe he shouldn't have docked at all?
Maybe it should have been on a desert island?
Because no one is bothering there, and they won't bother anyone else!
Perhaps the mistake was that they should not have decided to dock in country T...

Not only disturbing others, but also losing Hye Kyo and Chuanxiang...


After a while, Katerina and Sun Jiaying watched Captain Li Chen wipe the tombstone all the time, and, while wiping, he was already in tears, so they couldn't help rushing forward...

"Brother Li Chen, it's almost time." Katerina whispered in Li Chen's ear.

Sun Jiaying said: "How about...I'll wipe it off."

Immediately, Alice couldn't help coming forward with distress, put her hand on Captain Li Chen's shoulder, and said with a choked voice: "Captain. must are sad...we will be even more sad... "

Seeing this, Jessie, who didn't know what to say to Captain Hua, couldn't help but get closer...

Then, Ryder stepped forward and patted Li Chen's shoulder: "Brother, it's all right."

However, looking at them all of a sudden, Li Chen couldn't help but said, "You say... If we hadn't decided to dock in country T then, what would it be like now?"

Alice seemed to understand the Huaguo captain very well, so she said, "Maybe you never bothered?"

Katerina couldn't help but said, "Maybe... Sister Hui Qiao and Sister Ito are still floating in the ocean with us?"


At this moment, Tan Jixia, Su Qian'er and the six women were watching, feeling quite uncomfortable.

At the same time, the six of them also realized that their later international team seemed to have deeper and more sincere feelings for each other...

It even made the six of them feel...they haven't done enough!

Therefore, after a while, Tan Jixia couldn't help but came forward, reached out and took the square scarf from the captain's hand, and then wiped the tombstone...

Then, the cute girl couldn't help but stepped forward, and whispered in the captain's ear: "We love you too, you know, Li Si, do you know?"


After waiting for a long time, the old police chief Robert couldn't help but stepped forward and said, "Okay. I think... Delia should also rest in peace. There is no pain in heaven, only happiness."

In fact, Robert still realized in his heart that maybe it would be good if Delia left, at least for the Hua country boy surnamed Li... maybe it would be a relief?
Because if Delia really can only be locked up in prison for the rest of her life, for that Hua country boy surnamed Li... Maybe it will be more tormenting in his heart?
He didn't know anything else, but he knew that the feelings of that Hua country boy surnamed Li were sincere and burning.

Blood is hot!
At the same time, he also knew that Delia really loved this Hua country boy!
Maybe this final ending is also what Delia wants?


In the end, when the group left the cemetery together, Robert couldn't help saying with emotion: "It's all right now, everything is over, and the International Court of Justice will never hear the Delia case."

Having said that, country T will still make huge compensation for the artificial crash of HT3304.

It's just that the final conviction cannot be determined.

After all, the person involved is no longer there.


In the end, when they returned to the urban area of ​​Nahaixitu, the group went directly to a bar under the guidance of Robert.

Next, at the bar, this group of people went crazy and opened their mouths to drink.

In short, in the end, everyone was drunk.

Robert, who was drunk, couldn't help but said to Li Chen: "You are very lucky. But, of course, you are also worthy of Delia's love with her life. But in this world... maybe there will be no second one. Delia?"

It's just that as soon as these words came out, unexpectedly, the second child Su Qian'er was the first to object: "I disagree with Mr. Robert's point of view. Because in this world... there will definitely be a second Delia. Maybe... ...Then the second Delia is me?"

Seeing it suddenly, Tan Jixia hurriedly said: "Second brother, have you drunk too much?"

Immediately, Jessie couldn't help but said, "I really want to be the second Delia, but...Huaguo Captain...rejected me! Tell me...what's wrong with me, a girl from Country Y? Isn't it good? Or am I not fluent in Chinese?"

This is obvious, and Alice couldn't help but hurriedly said: "Hey, Jessie, did you drink too much?"

And suddenly, Sun Jiaying was so drunk that she cried: "I also want to be the second Delia, but...the captain doesn't feel for me! Last time, in country T, I took the initiative to act like that, and the captain didn't even think about it." He didn't sleep with me! Did you hear that, the captain didn't sleep with me! He didn't sleep with me, heh... woo woo woo..."

Suddenly, Qin Xiaowan was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but ask: "What's the matter? Are you all drunk? Can't you?"

"Oh, I haven't." Ryder said hurriedly.


(End of this chapter)

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