Chapter 1153 Only a slight injury
The next day, after waking up from the wine, even Captain Hua Guo was very confused. He couldn't remember how he got back to the hotel yesterday?
After rushing to the bathroom, taking a shower, washing up, and regaining consciousness a little bit, I still feel a little groggy...

Still can't remember how I got back to the hotel yesterday?
And, there is still a touch of sadness...

Therefore, next, I had no choice but to stand in front of the window and couldn't help but light a cigarette...

While swallowing the clouds, the figure of Delia still kept appearing in my mind...

In fact, even he himself couldn't tell whether it was a beautiful encounter between himself and Delia?
But its ending must be sad!

Naturally, this was not the ending he wanted.

After much deliberation, that faint wound is still lingering...

Now, I can only hope that there is no sorrow in heaven!


After a while, Tan Jixia suddenly came and rang his doorbell.

When he opened the door, Tan Jixia looked at him inexplicably, and then asked, "Are you awake?"

Suddenly seeing this girl from the north like that, Captain Li Chen couldn't help being stunned...

Then he asked, "What's wrong?"

Tan Jixia glanced at him with inexplicable annoyance: "Look at how drunk you were yesterday, hum!"

Hearing this suddenly, Captain Li Chen couldn't help being a little embarrassed: "Is it... embarrassing?"

However, after that, Tan Jixia didn't say anything.

Still looking at him inexplicably...

In fact, she didn't dare to tell him that after he was drunk yesterday, he kept calling Nina, Hye Kyo, Delia...

Obviously, needless to say, she also understood that these three women were the most important people in the captain's mind.

After thinking about it, Tan Jixia just said: "When you were drunk yesterday, you kept calling Heizi."

When it comes to Heizi, the wild dog, Captain Li Chen couldn't help being stunned again...

Another burst of inexplicable sadness.

After a while, he couldn't help but wryly smiled and said, "Actually... I can't remember now... Which island is Heizi buried on?"

Suddenly hearing what he said, Tan Jixia was also taken aback, and then she said: "If you still remember, do you still want to visit Heizi's tomb?"

However, Captain Li Chen gave another inexplicable wry smile: "What's the use of thinking? I can't reach that island now. Besides, I don't have any preparations now, and I can't land on the island. The still too dangerous." .”

Then, he said: "Besides, it's too far away, and the helicopter can't reach it. Other types of planes are inconvenient to take off and land."

Ever since, Tan Jixia also said: "Then we are going to go back?"

Captain Li Chen was stunned for a moment, and then he could only nod his head: "Yes. Go back. I can only go back."


At this moment, the top executives of Hengmei Films in China are in a hurry.

I was worried that Captain Hua would wait for the group to come back for a while.

Because if this is the case, it will delay the filming progress of the film.


But in fact, Hengmei Films' worries are a bit superfluous.

After all, there is nothing to do in country T now.

Moreover, staying in T country is only sad.

Although Nahaixitu is a beautiful seaside city, to Captain Hua, it always feels... shrouded in a faint sadness...


In the afternoon, Director Ning made an international call to Captain Hua.

Knowing that Captain Hua and his group will return to China tomorrow, I feel relieved.

Taking the opportunity, Captain Hua also asked, why didn't Alice and Jessie from Country Y be invited?

Director Ning told him that they both had invitations, but they both declined for their own reasons.

Hearing what Director Ning said, Li Chen didn't ask any more questions.


Under the guidance of Mengmeizi and other women, in the afternoon, a group of people went to the beach of Nahaixitu for a walk...

By the way, a big group photo came at the beach.

This time, the front and rear teams of Desert Island Survival finally gathered their personnel.

Although there are two teams before and after, the captain is always Li Chen.

Together in the afternoon, blowing the sea breeze at the beach, looking at the sea view, the mood is somewhat more comfortable.

Taking advantage of the opportunity, Li Chen took a chance and asked Alice alone, why she didn't accept the invitation from Hua Guoheng Beauty Films?
Alice just said with a half-smile: "For the rest of my life, I just want to teach more people how to speak Chinese, and the rest will have nothing to do with me."

In fact, she dared not say the real reason.

That is... She is afraid that she will be unable to extricate herself from love.

So she can only decide that it is best not to see Captain Hua again for the rest of her life.

However, to be honest, Captain Hua still has feelings for this beautiful foreign young woman.

Maybe because she is a teacher, there are always some inexplicable feelings.

But after hearing what she said, he couldn't talk more about it.

Of course, in Captain Hua's heart, he only wanted them to be safe for the rest of their lives.

After that, Captain Hua Guo found another opportunity alone, and asked Jessie why she didn't accept the invitation from Hua Guohengmei Films?
Jessie pouted bluntly and said angrily, "Because I'm afraid of seeing you again."

Suddenly seeing her like this, in desperation, Captain Hua had no choice but to express an awkward smile: "As for?"

Jessie said, "Why not? For you, I have practiced Chinese so well, but you...huh..."

Seeing this girl like this, Captain Hua could only smile helplessly...

Then, Jessie glanced here and there, and couldn't help but whisper in his ear: "Uh, to be honest, tell me the truth, do you want to marry that dick?"

Li Chen was taken aback in panic, and then hurriedly said: "Where are you going? The second child is a big entrepreneur!"

Hearing this, Jessie was puzzled: "Hmph! Then who do you want to marry?"

Li Chen had no choice but to say: "I won't marry anyone."

Then, he said with a smile that was not a smile: "They were all my team members, and I am embarrassed to marry them. So... I hope... if there is a chance in the future, we can get together like this again."

However, Jessie suddenly said in a jump of thought: "Wait for the premiere of "Self-Saving Desert Island", I will go!"

Hearing this suddenly, Li Chen couldn't help being stunned: "What do you mean?"

"Why... are you not welcome?" Jessie said.

Captain Hua Guo hurriedly said: "No, no, no, no, welcome. Very welcome."


At this moment, Ryder suddenly felt a little depressed, thinking, there are so many beautiful women, but no one cares about him?
Oh...Ou Maiga...Compared with Hua Guo Brothers, where is the difference?

In desperation, this guy had no choice but to run over and ask: "Hey, Alice, I want to ask you a question, why are you ignoring me?"


(End of this chapter)

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