The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 1155 Ning Dao's Enlightenment

Chapter 1155 Ning Dao's Enlightenment

In the end, during the two days after returning to Huaguo, at the Jingming Hotel in Yanjing, Captain Huaguo kept himself bored in the room...

In the past two days, he didn't see anyone, and was bored in the room alone, thinking about everything.

However, in the end, I didn't want to understand anything.

I just feel...sometimes, there are some things, and life is really helpless.

Like Delia's death...

In fact, he has always secretly made a decision in his heart, that is, he wants to spend his whole life waiting for the day Delia is released from prison...

It's just that I didn't expect that before the international court opened, Delia was gone.

For him, this was indeed another fatal blow in his life.

From Nina, to Hye Kyo, and then to Delia, this kind of blow in life is indeed fatal.


It wasn't until two days later that Director Ning came in person and knocked on Captain Li's door...

The moment the door was opened, Director Ning was suffocated by the choking smoke...

At this moment, Director Ning looked into the room in a dazed but worried manner. The smoky smoke made him frown...

Taking another look at Captain Li who seemed to have lost a lot of weight, Director Ning couldn't help but startled again: "???"

Afterwards, looking at Captain Li worriedly, Director Ning asked cautiously and tentatively, "Are you all right?"

Suddenly hearing this sentence, Li Chen, who had almost adjusted himself, continued to be depressed for a while, then forced a smile at Director Ning: "It's okay. I'm fine."

"Are you all right?" Director Ning was still a little worried.

"It's okay." Captain Li shook his head again.

Seeing him like this, Director Ning still looked at him uneasy, then said: "If you're really okay...then I'll just say it straight?"

Hearing this suddenly, Captain Li was stunned for a moment, then looked at Director Ning inexplicably, and then said: "Yes. Then tell me."

So, Director Ning said: "I fought for it, and the role of the female police officer in country T... I can't get involved. Because... it's hard to pass the trial. I also asked about the national review, and they said... It’s so simple. It means... let’s just shoot the story of survival on a deserted island. Others... it’s best not to touch.”

Then, Director Ning said: "Also, the time of the film is limited, and we need to tell a lot of stories. Therefore, if the scene of the female police officer in country T is included, the story will be incomplete, and it will affect the narrative quality of the entire film. .how can I say..."

Before Director Ning could finish speaking, Captain Li nodded suddenly: "I understand."

Seeing him like this, Director Ning said again: "Then you... are you really okay?"

"It's okay." Captain Li shook his head again.

Seeing that Captain Li's mental state is not bad, so Director Ning said: "Well, if you really want to show the role of the female police officer in country T, let's watch the reaction of this film first. If the response is strong, we will make a sequel. That is, the second part of "Self-Salvation on a Deserted Island". At that time... I will think about it, ponder over it, and see how to incorporate the role of the female police officer in Country T? We will try to restore it The original story, but it does not touch the bottom line of the review."

Hearing this suddenly, Captain Li seemed to have finally seen a ray of hope: "Can there be another sequel?"

Director Ning said: "It depends on the effect of the first film. If the market responds strongly and the audience expects it, even if Hengmei Films does not invest in the second film, other film companies will invest in the second film. You want You know, if there is money to be made, who doesn’t make money? Moreover, the story is good, and the audience also looks forward to it. You must also know that there have not been any decent movies with good stories and good stories in China in recent years, so this desert island-themed movie is very good. possible."

Captain Li listened, and after looking at Director Ning thoughtfully, he couldn't help but ask, "During the entire creative process... I can also participate or make some suggestions. Is it?"

Hearing this suddenly, Director Ning was of course happy: "Of course it is possible!"

As he said that, Director Ning looked at him with some inexplicable worry, and then said: "Okay, that's fine, let's go eat something together. Chat while eating."

The reason why I said this is because Director Ning felt a little distressed seeing him suddenly so thin.


Now, with regard to the crew of "Self-Rescue on a Deserted Island", it is basically ready.

It is estimated that in a few days... the whole crew will officially go to Zhuhai?
Because the shooting location has been confirmed in Zhuhai.

The scene selection work in the early stage is basically in place.

On the side of Zhuhai Sanzhao Island, there are many small islands, green plants and so on... It roughly matches the scene described by the desert island survival team.

Of course, for other specific scenes, there will be a set crew to build the scene on the spot.

Regarding these specific details, we will not go into details one by one.


After a while, in a small restaurant in the hotel, Director Ning saw that Captain Li finally started to eat something after blowing a small beer on the bottle, so he was relieved.

Director Ning feels... this Captain Li should have adjusted himself almost.

Of course, Director Ning is also really interested in the whole story.

Because all of this is so real.

Reappearing on the screen, it must be able to get a strong response...

Next, looking at Captain Li, Director Ning still couldn't help asking curiously: "Then what...Captain Li, can you tell me some stories about you and the female police officer from Country T?"

Hearing this suddenly, I saw Captain Li frowning a little...

Because of a part, he still can't say it.

For example, Delia used to belong to those of special arms.

After thinking about it, he could only express: "Actually, I had a relationship with that female police officer from Country T a long time ago."

Hearing this suddenly, Director Ning finally came to his senses, and then said: "No wonder! No wonder the female police officer in country T is willing to make such a big sacrifice! So there is a real story here!"

Then, looking at Captain Li again, Director Ning couldn't help asking curiously: "Then... let me ask more privately, that is... what kind of experience did you have with that female police officer from country T?" Is there a sexual relationship?"

Hearing this again suddenly, Captain Li is also a little ashamed to speak...

After thinking about it again and again, he just said: "There was a one-night affair, does that count?"

Director Ning hurriedly said: "Of course it counts. From an emotional point of view, there has never been an emotion without a reason. Just like an old saying in our country, it is... a couple a day, a hundred days of kindness. So the emotions between people , if you have had close contact, there will naturally be some subconscious sublimation. So I think... From all aspects of human nature... If I can really make a second part, I will find a way to incorporate the role of the female police officer in T country into it. !"


(End of this chapter)

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