The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 1156 Tan Jixia's Sudden Proposal

Chapter 1156 Tan Jixia's Sudden Proposal
Obviously, from the perspective of an art creator, Director Ning's interpretation and analysis of emotion is quite insightful.

It's just... This is still just an outsider's interpretation and analysis of this relationship.

But for the authorities, they still couldn't get out of that emotion...

Just like Li Chen at this moment, he still has a deep memory of Delia.

Of course, after chatting with Director Ning, Captain Li felt much better...


At this moment, Tan Jixia, Su Qian'er and other women were a little relieved when they learned that the captain finally no longer kept himself in the room.

In fact, for them, it is still difficult to understand that the captain has such deep affection for the female police officer in country T...

As for Hye Kyo, or Nina, they are easy to understand.

But... that female police officer from country T... They are still a little hard to understand.

Of course, that's not the point anymore.

The point is... as long as the captain is fine now.

After all, no matter how much love is used, everything is over.

The female police officer from country T is no longer there.


After a while, when Captain Li Chen returned to his room, for no reason, he saw that girl from the north was already standing at his door...

It seems to be waiting for him here.

It's just that suddenly, looking at this northern girl, Captain Li didn't know what to say for a while?
And this girl from the north, Tan Jixia... said she looked at him inexplicably...

Seeing that his complexion seemed to have improved a little, and finally he was no longer so depressed, she felt a little relieved.

In order to avoid some sad topics, so... Tan Jixia just asked: "Director Ning told you... When will you go to Zhuhai?"

Suddenly hearing this sentence, Li Chen was taken aback for a moment, and then asked: " you have a problem with your schedule?"

However, Tan Jixia glanced at him inexplicably, and said, "Is there any problem with my schedule? I'm just asking casually, that's all."

Seeing that she seemed to be looking for something to say, Captain Li said, "It's okay. You can talk about whatever you want. You don't need to deliberately hide something. Besides, I'm fine."

The reason why he said that was because he subconsciously knew that everything should have had already passed.

From now on, for the rest of his life, he doesn't know what he should do?
Suddenly, I felt a little...unprecedentedly confused.

If it wasn't for the filming of "Self-Rescue on a Deserted Island", which was about to start shooting, he would have been really confused for a while.

And, suddenly, he also realized that when he was on the island, when he persuaded others... he was very good at persuading others, but this incident made him catch up, as if he couldn't get through it for a while?

But come to think of it...he also felt, maybe just he thought...Maybe Delia shouldn't just be gone?
Even in life, what can he give back to her, maybe he won't be so sad now?
After a while, Tan Jixia saw that he seemed to really want to open something, so she said: "Are you really okay now?"

Captain Li smiled distressedly: "What else can happen? Anyway... people are not like this sometimes, they can't die when they die, and it's uncomfortable to live."

Hearing what he said, Tan Jixia looked at him thoughtfully again...

Afterwards, she couldn't help but said, "Don't forget, you are still our captain."

Suddenly hearing this sentence, Li Chen understood... what she was reminding him of.

So, he smiled helplessly: "Don't worry, I'll be fine."

Seeing him talking like this again, Tan Jixia looked at him thoughtfully again...

After a while, she finally couldn't help but say: "I should also think about who else really cares about you."

Hearing what this girl said suddenly, Li Chen was secretly startled for a moment...

Obviously, he understood what she meant.

It's just that now, if he really wants to talk about emotional matters, he really hasn't thought about it yet.

So, he said: "Okay. I think... for now, let's play this movie first."

However, Tan Jixia said: "But we are not real and professional actors after all. If we can perform well, it is purely a genuine emotional expression."

Seeing this girl like this, Li Chen thought about it, and then said: "These are just things to say later."

Seeing the captain like this again, Tan Jixia thought about it again, and suddenly said: "Captain, do you feel...we seem to lack a sense of ceremony?"

Hearing this suddenly, Li Chen was really confused, as if he didn't understand what this girl meant...

Seeing that he didn't understand, Tan Jixia said again: "I think... I really want to say goodbye to the past, maybe we should go back to a certain island where we stayed?"

Then, the lady said: "Of course, it is unrealistic to go all of them. So... it would be nice if we could go back to one of the small islands. After all, our memories are all there. It is said that the future and the rest of our lives will be fine, but Actually, it's hard for us to forget that. So..."

Suddenly listening to what this girl said, Captain Li also became dazed...

All of a sudden, he also seemed to feel that maybe this bitch was right?

However, returning to a certain island where he once stayed was easy to say, but in reality, it seemed to be quite difficult, not that easy.

This showed that the captain hadn't said anything for a long time, so Tan Jixia said: "How about... After this movie is over, we will take it as a vacation, relax, and then go back to a certain island where we stayed? "

Hearing what this girl said again, Captain Li was startled thoughtfully, then couldn't help lighting a cigarette, and said: "Let's talk!"


However, after that, as the captain, he was actually seriously considering what the northern girls said.

Of course, he was also thinking, would it be possible to say goodbye once again?
Maybe?Maybe not?

But... this proposal seems to be not bad?

After much deliberation, in the end, Captain Li didn't have any ideas yet.


This evening, during dinner, the crew of "Self-Rescue on a Deserted Island" officially issued a notice, which meant that next Monday they would officially go to Zhuhai, the filming location of the film.

At that time, naturally the entire crew will go to Zhuhai.

Also, the opening ceremony will be held in Zhuhai.

Hearing this news suddenly, the women were extremely excited...

Because after all, this is also equivalent to a trip.

Moreover, Zhuhai is also a very famous tourist city.

Especially... crossing the border is Macau. Thinking about it, I think this is quite beautiful...

(End of this chapter)

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