Chapter 1157 Unforgettable Memories

Monday, morning.

After following the crew and boarding the bullet train from Yanjing to Zhuhai, the women couldn't help cheering and jumping up...

As for their captain, Li Chen, he was still like that, not happy, but not unhappy either.

I was just thinking, next, maybe I can only work with the crew to make this movie well?

Others... still seem to have a feeling of lovelessness.

From Nina to Hye Kyo to Delia, these three women... still seemed to be lingering in his heart.

Thinking of this, he was secretly thinking again, maybe the proposal from the girls in the north... can really be considered and pondered...

After this movie is over, I can really consider going back to a certain island to see it...


In fact, how easy is it to forget everything on the island?

After all, everything on the island...has really happened. Those people and those things cannot be forgotten.

Especially...the scene with Hye Kyo on the island, using the sun and the moon as a matchmaker, is so unforgettable!

Although I thought it was a joke at the time, but now that I think about it, that scene will always be engraved in the depths of my memory...

That seems to be the momentary beauty in the world.

It's hard to have that unforgettable scene again.

Especially at that time... Hye Kyo was so happy, she yelled at Mingyue, we are married...


Suddenly, Qiong'er couldn't help but panicked and whispered in the cute girl's ear: "Uh, Ke Ke, look, the captain smiled. Tell me... why is the captain laughing all of a sudden?"

Suddenly hearing this, the cute girl couldn't help but panicked and turned to look at the captain sitting by the window...

As far as this moment is concerned, their captain indeed suddenly showed a beautiful smile...

It's just that the smile came from some kind of good memory in my heart.

The sudden knowing smile made the women a little surprised...

It's like they didn't understand why the captain laughed at all?


After a while, Tan Jixia couldn't help but approached, stretched out her hand and waved in front of the captain's eyes: "Uh, bastard, what are you laughing at all of a sudden?"

Suddenly, Captain Li was taken aback...

After taking a rough look at Tan Jixia, he said, "It's nothing."

However, Tan Jixia was worried: "You won't be... neurotic?"

Suddenly hearing this, Captain Li didn't like to hear it.

As a result, he couldn't help but glance at Tan Jixia inexplicably: "There are some things... You bitch won't understand."

Suddenly hearing what he said, Tan Jixia didn't like to hear it anymore, and said, "Why don't I understand? It's as if I have never experienced life and death on the island."

Hearing what this girl said, Captain Li couldn't help being thoughtful for a moment...

Afterwards, he looked at her with a half-smile, and said, "Okay. Let's take a good rest."

Hearing this suddenly, Tan Jixia was a little puzzled: "What do you mean?"

Seeing this girl like this, Captain Li couldn't help but say: "I've thought about it, and I can consider your proposal. Let's go back to a certain island to have a look."

Suddenly hearing what the captain said, Tan Jixia couldn't help being a little happy...

Immediately, the girl turned around and said happily to the sisters: "Uh, good news, the captain just said... you can consider returning to a certain island to have a look."

Hearing this news suddenly, all of them couldn't help being startled with surprise...

Immediately, the cute girl was the first to say: "Really?"

Tan Jixia replied: "Nonsense!"

"Oye!" The foreign girl Lina was suddenly pleasantly surprised.

Qiong'er couldn't help showing a happy smile...

It's not hard to see that these little girls... all still want to go back to a certain island in the past to find their memories.


After a while, Director Ning seemed to notice every move of the desert island self-rescue team...

Therefore, he was also very curious about it.

So... he couldn't help but moved closer to Captain Li Chen, and couldn't help but whisper in Captain Li's ear: "Uh, Captain Li, I see still seem to be obsessed with everything on the island, can say Say... is there anything fascinating about the island?"

Hearing this suddenly, Captain Li couldn't help but frowned again...

Because if you want to talk about the specific charm, it seems that you can't say anything for a while.

Don't even know where to start?
After thinking about it, he whispered in Director Ning's ear: "Then can you tell me...why are you fascinated by this desert island-themed movie?"

Hearing this suddenly, Director Ning was stunned for a moment...

After thinking about it, Director Ning smiled sincerely, and then said: "I think...there is too much room for imagination on the desert island. see...on the desert are a man With those women, the room for reverie here is limitless. Also... I am actually curious about everything on the desert island. For example, how to live? How to overcome various difficulties brought about by nature? etc."

After hearing what Director Ning said, Captain Li said: "It's not just these. Just like the stories we gave you, we have also seen the most beautiful scenery, the most beautiful sunrise and sunset. And... ...Every time we face various difficulties and dangers, we can see the glorious moments of human nature. These...for those of us who are used to living in the city, it is probably difficult to understand. There are many more There are a lot of things that cannot be explained in words. Although I have experienced all kinds of life and death, but in fact... Pain is also happy. That kind of thing... is simple, pure, and does not mix anything else. So... this may be the reason for the fascination Is it right? It is also eternal life and there is no way to erase it from memory."

Then, Captain Li couldn't help but said: "When we were on the island, we were looking forward to landing almost all the time, returning to the city where we used to live, returning to normal work and life, but After landing on the shore and returning to normal, we realized... It seems that we are not interested in doing anything now? I still want to go back to the island. As for what is the obsession... Actually, I can't explain it well? Anyway... Life is sometimes such a contradiction, right? But I just feel... Although everything on the island was hard, and I never even knew what would happen in the next second, but... the simple things, or the purely happy things, It seems that it will never be found in this big city? It's like... a sudden fish can make us happy all day."

After hearing this, Director Ning was startled thoughtfully, and then asked: "So... after the movie is over, do you still want to go back to the island you experienced?"


(End of this chapter)

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